
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 25: The Diamond King

Arc: The Tragedy 

Who would have thought, that I would waste 10 days of my second year of high school in a different world,  it was worth it though , seeing those beautiful scenery was  enough  reason to make me come back again.

April 20 , after Jason and his comrades across the portal, they located at the top of the stairs  . The four bowed down  their heads wondering while they were looking directly at another door which was  on the bottom of the stairs  . 

Nichole :"These passages !...Are we in school ?"

Tom surprised:"The school is the borderline ?"

Christine marched ahead with no words heading straight home .

Jason:"We are back."

Nichole:"You must understand her feelings ,Jason."

Jason:"I know that, luckily for us , we  arrived after school time ."

At the Diamond king's castle , where he receives his guests in a large , bright hall with a huge chandelier  that swings in the middle of the hall , the amazing flower motifs with an exquisite detailing  in  Victorian style on the walls , the king sits on his throne when the major general Eyan  enters. 

The Diamond king:"So , Redeyes from the royal dynasty .....the Redeyes king has started his move ."

Eyan:"I'm afraid so, your majesty , but we are searching for them at this moment."

Diamond king:"Find them quickly , if they were actually still here ..what is it , you are not here to tell me just that?"

Eyan:"It is already passed 7 months since the last update for the insulator, it turns out to be the reason why they were in our lands ."

Diamond king:"You're saying it is because of the debility of the insulator, officer?"

Eyan:"No , I mean it's not like that , it's because of the negligence of us soldiers ."

Diamond King :" My father , the previous king , died before  5 months  on account of using his magic to create the last insulator in order to remain for seven months , thinking that he will protect the kingdom , leaving me , a 15 year old boy to rule what he have left behind ....All over , we will start the ceremonies on  July , you can secure the  areas that are closed to the ditch during that time , right officer?"

Eyan:"A..A, sure your majesty."

Eyan walks out of the king's hall, then stooped , leans on the door and said:"Is he really 15 years old ?!...He seems older with his thoughts and wariness , the king left us , but he bought us a intelligent little  king ."

The king stands , talking to himself:"I'm sorry dad , I've always had hatred your weakness and your frightness  , putting faith on the legendary guards, we can't keep depending on them , I'll change this world to better and I won't let those creatures enter my kingdom."

(The king Zeno Crystalline , a boy with dark blue hair and a beamy diamond eye . He is witty in using diamond magic by his magic wand like his big sister  Violet Crystalline .) 


The next morning in Tokyo , April 21 , at school . Tom and Jason enter their class as usual, sat in their chairs as the whole the classmates were staring at Jason with mercy eyes. 

Jason whispers to Tom :"Oy, why they are all staring at me like that?"

Tom:"I have no idea...Yeah, did you see your copy?"

Jason:" I got goose bumps as soon as I saw him , he was fantastic and strange at the same time ."

Tom:"I know right , mine looks exactly like me , Hey Nichole, how was your copy?"

Nichole :"Strange , but cool ."

Luther, approaches to Jason:"Hi you, I was waiting for so long...where were you?"

Jason, ill-at-ease :"W..What do you mean , I was here all along."

Luther:"What's got into your tone , yesterday you were like" Please stop making fun of me , If I had to I'll pick up your bag." that's what you've been saying."

Jason in shock:"Ha...Haaaa!, even if the ground is going to swallow me , I'm not doing such a thing ."

Luther:"Oh really , look around you and tell me , if you have done it or not."

Jason looks around , and his classmates moved their heads away :"Your kidding , I won't do this to him."

Nichole says as she shows him a photo of him caring Luther's bag :"It's the truth."

Christine looked at him and smiled.

Lucy, sitting in front of her:"Finally ,you smiled ."

Christine with sign language :"Hello Lucy ."

Lucy:"You came early today, you are finally able to wake up in time?"

Christine:"But I always wake up in time."

Lucy with sign language:"No you don't , you always enter the class when the ball rings ."

Christine surprised:"Me?!"

Lucy:"Yes , and the teacher asked you to write an apology letter."

Christine:"Apology letter?!"

In my whole school life , a never asked before to write an apology letter and for what for coming late to school . And because of that I had to return my reputation to the teachers , when I get back to Alanazia , I'll teach that old man a lesson . In fact , we took our time in the real world , we stayed until the end of May with lots of exams  . 

School is over and the three were out with gloomy faces .

Jason:"The test."


Tom screams:" HARD!"

Christine, using sign language:"No, it wasn't."

Tom:"Are you a human being ?"

Christine , using sign language:"You should've been  studying than playing video games  ."

Jason, replies with sign language:"How did you organize your time? ."

Christine:"I didn't organize anything , a woman can do two things at the same time  ."

Jason:"Never mind with that , I thought you said you don't want us to walk or talk to you ?" 

Christine:"I'm just heading to the same way ."

Nichole :"I'm not getting the conversation here , but I can tell that they are arguing about something."

"Oy, Christine...you're late." Her sister Lura calls.

Christine:"Sorry, this is my sister Lura."

Lura:"Hi , you must be my big sister's friends ."

Lura stares towards Jason with an abasement eye, then moved her face from him , Jason was heartbroken and shocked. 

Lura:"Let's go back sis ."

Christine waives :"Buy Nichole."

Jason :"A..A, her sister hates me even more."

Tom:"their grudge towards you will be inherited through generations."

Jason:"Well, unless I change that."

Nichole:"Where are you going ?"

Jason:"To visit someone."

Nichole hits Tom's shoulders , then he shouts:"Wait, I'm coming ."

To Be Continued.....