
Chapter 26: Another Grade 3 Pill Appears!

Du Wu's face was getting very solemn because the arrogant Yu clan was on track to be this year's winner.

Three hours passed and the dimensional gates opened itself in the practice room of each participant. All of them walked out with the pill in the box. To prevent swapping of the pills in the box, the box was immediately passed to three judges of the competition.

After that, all of the participants slowly strolled went back to their lush seats. The host on the stage announced, "First up we have the pill from the Liu clan from Ren Di city". Simultaneously, the judges opened the first box. It was the 2nd med grade greensand pill, used to increase one's defense. It was good and everyone clapped but all the participants knew they had no chance of winning if Yu Lin from the Yu clan successfully conjured the Endless Winter Pill. All their hopes of winning lie in the failure of Yu Lin. After a few rounds of opening the participants' pill, the moment of truth arrived.

There are only two boxes left for opening. One from Yu Lin and another from Wei Di. Slowly, the judge opened the box from Yu Lin. As they open, a gust of cold aura emitted out and chilled the entire room.

"This….it really the endless winter pill.." three judges dished out the verdict. Yu Lin laughed " How can a bunch of these third-rate alchemists compared to me!". This taunt angered the other participants but facts are facts, Yu-Lin was indeed a notch above them.

Wei Di looked at the host and "Ahem!". With that, the host diffused the ruckus and said "Before we confer Yu Lin as the winner, there is still one more box for inspection"

The judge did not show any interest in Wei Di pills, after all, he only chose a random bunch of grade 1 ingredients to conjure the pill. Nonetheless, they had to open the box as a form of respect for the participants.

They nonchalantly opened the box and a shiny grey pill appeared. All three judges were shocked because, from its aura, they could tell it is either a Med or High 3rd-Grade pill. The judges looked at each other in bewilderment and muttered "This is a third-grade pill too..' Everyone in the hall was in disbelief and even the alchemist head went forward to inspect the pill to further confirm their suspicions.

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