
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


After half an hour the same anbu who wore cat mask appeared before Hokage and verbally reported him the findings.

Yoshio sat on a small table with his back touching the wall. He pretended to sleep while in fact he was concentrating a little to hear their conversation with his passive sensing ability.

After a minute Yoshio was satisfied because Hokage issued more orders to find the preparatory who leaked S rank secret to public which is that Naruto is the jinchuriki. The whole little Naruto was chatting happily with Anko Mitarashi while eating dango at the secretary desk. Yoshio felt glad that Naruto had a talking partner so he did not call him back inside.

Hokage - You can go now Yoshio chan or is there something else which you want to tell me ?

Yoshio - Of course old man otherwise why I will I wait here for thirty whole minutes?

Yoshio laughed a little making Hokage feel a little embarrassed.

Hokage - Ahem.. tell me then.

Yoshio - I think you should move Naruto out from the orphanage.

Hokage - Sorry Yoshio chan. I cannot let your family adopt him.

Yoshio - ( damn council ) I know old man. You told us before when we came here that council did not agree or whatever. I remember that 4th Hokage visiting our house once with Kakashi oni san. So why dont you let him take care of Naruto?

Hokage pondered a bit but started shaking his head..

Hokage - Its not possible. Kakashi kun ..well. He..

Yoshio - I know that he is depressed because he lost his team members and sensei. When he came that day, Fouth Hokage talked with my dad about his situation.

Hokage - You must be only 2 or 3 years old at that time Yoshio chan..

Yoshio ignored Hokage's puzzled look.

Yoshio - My memory is not that bad old man. How can I forget something related to 4th Hokage? My mom always told me stories about him so I respect him very much..

Hokage - Is that so..

Hokage smiled and nodded. He started reminiscing about the time when he decided to groom Minato as Hokage candidate when he was still just a 9 year old kid..

Yoshio - I think that taking care of Naruto will help Kakashi oni san overcome his depression too. Mom told me once that we become very strong when we have something to protect with our life on the line. Is my idea not good ?

Yoshio asked with an innocent face. Hokage was too surprised with the intellect of this 5 year old kid before him now..

Hokage - Hmm.. your mom is correct. I will talk to Kakashi kun.

Yoshio - Okay. You can tell him to leave Naruto with my mom when he has to go for missions. Naruto can play with my little brother Shika , Ino and Choji. I'm sure that they will be happy with a new friend.

Hokage - You are very intelligent for your small age Yoshio chan. I can see why your mother is worried that you cannot make friends with older children of your age.

Yoshio - Who told you I dont have a friend? I made a new friend just today. Her name is Uchiha Miki and she is very intelligent and fun to talk to. ( Well its half truth at least )

Hokage - Very good. Yoshio chan, remember to cherish your friends well because you can count on them if you face any trouble in future.

Yoshio - I know. Old man, I want to learn something. Can you teach me?

Hokage - What do you want to learn from me? You can learn from your capable parents directly..

Yoshio - Nah.. I want to learn fuinjutsu but I dont think that mom and dad can teach me this subject. Mom has told me to not learn any techniques from our clan library yet but I have at least learnt names of the techniques. There are not any basic fuinjutsu technique scrolls there..

Hokage - Dont feel sad. You came to the right person Yoshio chan. Not to brag but I'm rank 3 fuinjutsu expert.

Yoshio had a confused expression because he had no idea that there were such ranks.

Hokage - Oh.. there are ranks in fuinjutsu experts. The higher the rank the more difficult seals can one create. There are total four ranks:

Rank 1 ( beginner )

Rank 2 ( advance )

Rank 3 ( master )

Rank 4 ( grandmaster )

Yoshio blinked his eyes and felt a little sad that Kushina was dead because he cant learn fuinjutsu from her directly. She was pure blood Uzumaki and they were known for their expertise in fuinjutsu after all.

Hokage - The road to master fuinjutsu is very long and not many have talent to create even low level seals. Here take this scroll with you and read it at home. Then you can ask me again whether you want to learn fuinjutsu or not.

Yoshio took the small scroll and left the office feeling excited because he did not expect old man to agree so easily. Of course Yoshio knew that fuinjutsu was difficult subject as first of all he will have to master the art of calligraphy to perfection and only then he can start learning from lowest level selling formulas. But he did not worry much as he planned to use shadow clones to boost his learning speed tremendously. With his absurb chakra pool this was easy task for him..