1 Chapter One: GET UP, YOU LAZY KITTEN!!

Hello. Yes I'm a cat writing. What did you expect? If you wonder why the title is yelling at me, I'm a lazy kitten. So, what?

Anyway, my name's Kung Pao. My owner's favorite food. Her name is Jing Jing unknown last name. When she adopted me, all she said that her name was Jing Jing or whatever. Also she named me Kung Pao because she also likes Kung Fu and signed me up for karate. Which I hate.

Lazy Kitten train, CHOO CHOO!!

My owner already knows I'm writing in this stupid journal that I'm ready to rip into pieces, so there will be no glass plate drops when Jing Jing sees me WITH A PEN IN MY PAW. Still weird how I can write with no fingers. OH WELL. HEY JING JING, I'M FINISHED WRITING!! HOW YOU LIKE ME MEOW?! HAHAHA

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