
The Laughing "sun"

In the world of absolute equality, a boy "Sun" was born as an absolute game changer. Believe me, he is worthy of an award as a "Sake of Uniquity Nominee". Good luck following this tale. And now we shall shhhhhh...

BushyMan · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 1.The laughing born

Sun was born with a shock of blonde hair that shone as bright as the sun itself. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, were overjoyed at the arrival of their first child. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time and now their little bundle of joy was finally in their arms.

As the nurse brought the baby to them, Mrs. Anderson couldn't help but remark that her son's hair looked like rays of sunshine. From that moment on, they knew that their son was going to be special.

They named him Sun, after his unique hair and the hope that he would bring warmth and brightness to their lives. And Sun did just that. He laughed and smiled all the time, earning him the nickname 'The Laughing Sun' among their friends and family.

As Sun grew older, his parents noticed that he had a special ability. He had the power to turn everything into dust with just a touch of his hand. They were worried that this ability would make him evil, as it would be seen as a threat to the world's system of equality.

But Sun never showed any signs of using his power for evil. In fact, he was always kind and compassionate, thanks to the teachings of his parents. They were unlike everyone else in their world, believing that each person was unique and had the potential to achieve anything they desired.

Despite their fears, they were proud of their son and his abilities. They knew that he was the missing piece in their world, the 'human factor' that stood out above all others. But they also knew that they had to keep his power a secret, for his own safety.

Years passed and Sun grew into a young teenager, with his bright hair and kind heart. One day, his parents disappeared, leaving behind a legacy of love and kindness for Sun. Others in their world quickly forgot about them, as if they were just a part of a matrix that didn't fit into their perfect world.

Sun did not know this, but when his mother "disappeared", there was a confilct on the streets during a time which later was called "Great Instability" as some people were wishing for more than just being equal to everyone and protesting all around the world. Against who? There were no government or politicians, no rich or poor because everyone was made equal. They were called "ill" or simply villians. It eventually stopped, as many people came back to their senses. However, some individuals turned evil. Mr Anderson, Sun's dad, dissapeared without any reason some time later. As Sun tried hard to remember more about the day when his mother disappeared, he could only remember a tired smile on Mr Anderson's face, which was hiding pain and agony.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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