In a world where magic hides just out of sight, ten-year-old Jake Fernandes’s life is turned upside down by a tragedy he never saw coming. One night, after overhearing a bitter argument between his adoptive parents, Jake witnesses something that no kid should ever have to see—an act of violence that tears apart everything he thought he knew about home and safety. And in that terrifying moment, something inside Jake snaps loose. He discovers a power he never knew he had, one that erupts out of him when the chaos takes over. Meanwhile, all the way across the ocean, Albus Dumbledore catches wind of what’s happened to Jake. Dumbledore knows that this isn’t just any kid—Jake is the last living descendant of Merlin himself. And that means he’s got some serious potential. Dumbledore steps in, determined to get Jake out of danger and show him the magical world he’s been kept from. As Jake steps into Diagon Alley for the first time, the world of magic feels like something out of a dream. But even with all the wonders of this new life, the shadows of his past still follow him. He’s got to figure out who he really is now and what these strange powers mean. And with Dumbledore’s help, he starts to realize that his magic is more than just something cool—it’s a big responsibility, and it’s up to him to decide how he’ll use it. If you want to see where Jake’s story goes next, you can get early access to new chapters on my Patreon. Come along for the ride, and join me at to get a sneak peek at Jake’s journey as he heads to Hogwarts and faces a whole new world.
"GO UP TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!" A man, seething with anger, yelled at someone.
"Now Tristian, he is your son," a woman said as calmly as she could, standing in front of the boy.
"Not biologically he isn't! You had him when we got together, Diana!" Tristian said, not as loudly, but still booming throughout the house.
Diana turned around and knelt down, "Can you go up to your room, sweetie?" She asked and he nodded. The boy did go up the stairs, but he didn't go to his room. He instead sat down and the top step to listen to his parents yell at each other. Diana turned back to her husband, "He was left at my doorstep one morning almost Eleven years ago, Tristian, what was I supposed to do?"
"As of the current situation, I'd say you should've left it there!" He yelled back at his slowly-losing-her-patience wife.
"He. Not it, he. And he is our son. Just because he's different doesn't mean we can't love him," Diana said.
The Boy known as Jake Fernandes sat at the top of the stairs, crying as he listened to the people he had called his parents arguing. Right then he decided he could accept them not being his real parents because they looked after him for so long.
He suddenly heard a loud bang come from down the stairs. He stood up and hurried down to see his mother laying on the ground, red liquid slowly pooling around her still form. He gasped, tears flowing from his widened eyes, then looked up to his father and saw him holding a gun. His father aimed his gun at him, but before he could pull the trigger, he started gasping for air.
Tristian saw his son's eyes and they were glowing red. In his final moments, he knew that thing had to be born of the devil. There wasn't any way he could explain otherwise.
Jake watched as his fathers life was slowly drained from his eyes, clutching his throat the entire time. His body spasms ceded and his father lay still, just like his mother. The entire situation was gravely taxing on his psyche. His red eyes changed back to their Blue color and before he knew it, he fell forward, passing out from recent events.
An old Wizard by the name of Albus Dumbledore was sitting at his desk in Hogwarts. The school year was in full swing in the month of March, and Harry Potter would be going to Hogwarts next year. A tremendous event for sure, but that currently took a back seat in the Wizard's mind. His current focus was on the events that had transpired mere moments ago outside of the Castle Grounds.
His door opened and an older Witch by the name of Minerva McGonagall strode in, "You wanted to see me, Albus?"
"Yes, please have a seat," his voice was unusually gruff.
Minerva was worried, which she didn't show often, "Albus, what happened?" She asked, sitting down across from him.
"Something tragic has happened... and I will be away from the castle for a few days because of it. At the same time... a small miracle has just happened as well," he lifted his eyes from his desk to look at her.
"What tragic event just happened? And what kind of miracle could possibly come out of it?" She still wasn't grasping what he was getting at.
"The tragic news is that a young boy has just been orphaned. His father killed his mother, and then his father was killed by him," Albus explained.
"How old is this young boy to be able to kill his own father?" Minerva asked in a worried tone.
"He is, to my understanding, Ten years old and will be turning Eleven in five days on the 25th... his father died by strangulation," Albus informed her.
"Is the boy that strong?"
"This is where the small miracle comes in... the young boy is a Wizard and having lost control of his magic, killed his father. The boy's eyes were red when he killed his father. Think for a moment, how rare is it that a Wizard's eyes physically change to glow red?" Albus asked.
"I've certainly never heard of any Witch or Wizard that had glowing red eyes when performing magic," she explained.
Albus opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a book. He pushed the book over to Minerva, "Open it to page 139."
She opened it to the page he said to and read a passage about one of the oldest Noble Wizarding Families in existence, "Merlin?" She looked up at him, confused.
"It's not widely known, but when Merlin performed wandless magic, his eyes glowed red. He very rarely used wandless magic because of this. A Wizard Historian had the honor of getting permission from Merlin himself to detail it in a Biography of the Greatest Wizard the world has ever known.
"Merlin's descendants amassed large sums of wealth over the centuries. Young Jake is quite well off as far as money goes. I dare say he's the richest Wizard in the world right now."
"So was his mother that just died, was she a Witch?" Minerva asked.
"No. He was left on her doorstep a few weeks after his birth. What did happen to his real parents, I have no idea," Albus said, before explaining some more about Merlin's Legacy, "Around 1678, Merlin's still living descendants all moved to America and prospered over there, mingling with the Muggles and pioneering the first types of some modern inventions. After 1867, their power and influence went on the decline in the Muggle World, but in the Wizarding World, they remained prominent figures and were in constant contact with the Wizarding Population of Great Britain."
"So where does the boy come in?" Minerva was getting a bit impatient as Dinner would be starting soonish and she was right famished.
"His biological parents were both magically attuned, so he is Pure Blooded, and his mother is, or was the only other remaining member of Merlin's Dynasty. That boy is now the only blood left of Merlin himself."
Minerva was in awe, her hunger forgotten for a moment, "And you're going to go to the United States Ministry with the boy to bring him to Hogwarts?"
"MACUSA, yes. Normally he'd enroll in the Magical School over there, but I believe his time learning magic could be better spent over here in Hogwarts," Albus explained to her.
Minerva gave him an odd look, 'I'm not sure what game he's playing, but I'm not sure I wholly approve.'
Albus continued on as though he were unaware of the look she gave him, "I will need you to watch over the school until I'm back as you are Deputy Headmistress."
"Of course. The castle will still be standing when you get back," she said in a rare instance of humor in her voice.
"Well, if it's not, at least I can finally start on that painting project I always wanted to do," he gave a light chuckle as they both stood up to proceed to the Great Hall for dinner, "Sorry to hold you over for so long, Minerva, but on the bright side, I heard there is going to be a delectable Lemon Pudding for dessert that I would really like to sample before I take my leave to America."
Minerva walked beside Albus all the way to the Great Hall, kind of wanting to try the Lemon Pudding as well when dessert got served.
Jake awoke some time later to siren lights flashing around him. He realized he was in the backseat of an ambulance. He was being checked on by some people, they were asking him all sorts of questions about his health. A police officer showed up a little later and asked him about what happened. Jake realized he couldn't tell them the truth, they'd throw him in a crazy house. He didn't know what he was supposed to do when everyone suddenly just fell over. He looked around in a panic when an old man with a long white beard appeared before him out of thin air it seemed, "Jake, please, do not be alarmed. There isn't much time before they wake up, so I must ask you to take my hand. What I am going to do is Apparate us to a safe location. I will explain Apparition later, but for now we must get to safety, don't worry, they won't remember anything after arriving at your house."
Jake looked around and hesitantly took the old man's hand. He found himself suddenly being squeezed through a tiny tube, or at least that was the feeling he got right then. He felt like he made his way through the tube and was back to full size when they appeared at their destination. He almost fell over on his feet, wobbling for a moment before steadying himself. He looked around but didn't recognize the area, "Where are we?" He spoke for the first time since the old wizard showed up.
"MACUSA. It stands for Magical Congress of the United States of America," he explained.
"Magical?" He looked back to the old Wizard, "Who are you?" Jake demanded from the old wizard.
He chuckled at the young boy, "My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the Headmaster of a Magical School in Great Britain called Hogwarts."
"And why did you come to America?" Jake asked.
"Because... I feel that you would do well in Hogwarts should you attend. We are here at MACUSA to discuss your transferal to Great Britain," Dumbledore explained.
"Do I get a choice in the matter?" He asked Dumbledore.
"My dear boy, of course you get a choice. I know you are different from a lot of people, being able to do magic."
"Magic... that's how I-" he gasped suddenly as he remembered that he used Magic to kill his adoptive father.
"Yes... unfortunately it is," Dumbledore made sure to avoid being blunt about it.
Jake went quiet again as Dumbledore walked him into the building. Jake pretty much zoned out the entire time he was there, still in shock from knowing that he killed his father. He hadn't remembered until Dumbledore showed up and revealed this bombshell. The next thing Jake was aware of, he was being led to a Fireplace. He was half-paying attention when Dumbledore grabbed some sort of powder. His attention was fully on Dumbledore when he heard something about stepping into the Fireplace, "What?"
"It's easy, Jake, just step into the Fireplace with some Floo Powder, clearly and precisely say the name of the place you want to go, and if it's connected to the Network, once you throw the Floo Powder down to your feet, you will appear in that places Fireplace. Give it a try," Dumbledore held out a pot of powder that Jake assumed was the Floo Powder. Jake grabbed a handful and stepped cautiously into the Fireplace, "Now, say the name Diagon Alley, exactly as I said it."
Jake felt nervous and could practically feel the sweat beading down his skin. He spoke the words, "Diagon Alley," threw the powder down, and was teleported or something to a Fireplace inside of what looked to be like a restaurant, or maybe a bar, he wasn't sure.
"Well, hello there, and who might you be?" A man behind the counter asked.
Before Jake could say anything, Dumbledore came from behind the Fireplace behind him, "This is Jake, he turns Eleven in Five, almost Four days now, and will be starting at Hogwarts the following School Year."
"Nice to meet ya, I'm Tom the Barman, I'm the owner of the Leaky Cauldron," he smiled down at Jake.
"Nice to meet you," Jake said, surprising Tom.
"You're not local, are ya?" Tom asked and Jake shook his head, "You an American?" Jake nodded, "Splendid, I don't recall a time when an American Student went to Hogwarts before. Well, you need anything while you're in my bar, just ask," Tom said in the same tone of someone who was done talking in a polite manner.
"Jake it is getting incredibly late, how about you stay here in a room in the Leaky Cauldron for the night and I'll return at 8 o'clock tomorrow and we can get your shopping done then?" Dumbledore asked the young boy.
"Okay, that works..." Jake said, feeling incredibly tired all of a sudden. Tom said that for this special occasion, the room was on the house. He led Jake up to his room and told him if he needed anything, he'd be right downstairs. Before Jake walked in, a boy with a pudgy face walked out of a room down the hall with an older looking lady. Jake stopped staring and went inside his room. He closed the door, walked straight to the bed and flopped down, falling asleep immediately.
The following morning, Jake was awoken by a knock on his door. He groggily got up and walked over to open it and saw Dumbledore when he did, "Sleep well?" He asked and Jake nodded. Dumbledore then led Jake into Diagon Alley. Once inside, Jake was in utter awe of the place. All of the shops and people greeted Dumbledore, it was lively. Jake got his first proper taste of what the Magical World was like outside of a Government building. Dumbledore smiled down at him, "Now, normally we have future students come here once they've been given their Acceptance Letter, but your case is most unique. Let's go ahead and stop by the wand shop, Ollivander's. A wand," Dumbledore pulled his own wand out, "is what a Witch or Wizard uses to expel the Magic Source within them in a controlled manner, most of the time. There was an incident once where a woman's wand tip was ever so slightly off center, and when she went to use a cutting spell to shape her curtains properly, she ended up giving her cat an unexpected haircut."
Jake couldn't help but laugh before shifting the subject, "So, are wands free?"
Dumbledore halted his pace immediately, "Oh how silly of me. My age must be catching up with me. We have to go to Gringotts Bank first. Your vault and money are in the bank, which happens to be run by Goblins."
"Goblins?" Jake tried to picture it, but was unable to figure out how they could look.
"Yes, they are not very fond of Wizards, but you'll learn why that is in your History of Magic class," Dumbledore led him to Gringotts bank and when they walked inside, Jake saw a number of people and short creatures that he assumed were the Goblins. They looked mean, but he figured that was just how their faces naturally looked, "Ah, Griphook, I have a young man here, Jake Fernandes, he needs to access his vault to withdraw some money."
"I assume you have the key?" Griphook asked and Dumbledore handed over the key. Griphook's eyes looked like they widened for a moment before he returned to his usual look, "follow me." Griphook got down and walked over to a minecart.
Jake was hesitant to step on, "Do not worry, it's really the return trip you have to worry about," Dumbledore informed him. That didn't really ease his nerves, but he stepped on anyway. He was suddenly thrown around as the Minecart sped forward, made impossible turns, and then came to a literal sudden stop way down below ground.
"Here we are, Vault #1, the oldest and most highly guarded vault in the entire bank," Griphook explained.
"Dumbledore, sir? Why are we down here?" Jake asked.
"Isn't it obvious? This is your vault, Jake," Dumbledore explained.
Griphook inserted the key and turned it. Behind the vault door was another vault, this one required a handprint from the Goblin. Behind that door was another one. Jake was starting to get annoyed. What exactly was in his vault that demanded so much security? This door was guarded by two stone statues that slowly stepped aside when Griphook said something in a foreign tongue, probably Goblish, or whatever they called it. Behind them was one more door that required the key again. Griphook inserted the key and behind that door was a massive room, "Whoa..." Jake said in awe.
"This is your family's wealth, amassed over centuries. Your family, which now includes only you, is the wealthiest wizarding family in the world. In physical currency, you have well over Six-Hundred Million Galleons. In intangible currency that is currently in assets, your family amassed over Two-Billion Galleons in material items. There are three types of coin, Knuts, Sickles, and Galleons. 29 Knut's to a Sickle, and 17 Sickle's to a Galleon. On these shelves up in the front half is where all of your physical currency should be, with your assets far in the back. This vault was empty until only two hours ago," Dumbledore explained to him. Jake was about to ask how they moved everything in so quickly, but his mind went to Magic in a heartbeat.
"Dumbledore, sir... who was my family?" Jake asked.
"Ah, that is a tale that will take too long to tell right now, so I'm afraid I will have to explain it another time. For now, grab as much money as you wish, and we can be off," Dumbledore said.
Jake wasn't happy about that answer, but didn't say anything. Instead, he was handed a pouch by Dumbledore, who explained that the pouch was enchanted to be weightless, no matter how much money was thrown into it. Jake wasn't sure how much to withdraw, so he withdrew a mere Three-Hundred Galleons. He reluctantly stepped back into the Minecart, and actually found the return trip to be no big deal. At least until he stepped off and his legs felt like jello. After a moment of waiting, his legs returned to normal and he walked outside with Dumbledore. They finally went to Ollivander's Wand Shop, where Dumbledore waited outside while Jake went in alone. The shop seemed empty, maybe the owner wasn't in? He was about to leave when he heard a voice, "Now where did I put that Quill, I know it's around here somewhere..." The voice came from within the shop. Jake turned and walked slowly up to the counter. Eventually a man came around the door leading to the back and smiled, "Hello there, and who might you be?"
"Jake Fernandes, are you Mister Ollivander?" He asked.
"Indeed I am my boy. I take it you are here for a wand?" He asked, not caring that Jake wasn't from Britain, and the boy nodded. Ollivander gave a quick glance to his left and grabbed the first wand case he saw, "Oak Wood with Dragon Heartstring Core, 10¼ inches, Quite Flexible," he said as he opened it and handed it to Jake, "Go ahead, give it a wave." When Jake did, several books around them more or less exploded their pages right off the spines. Ollivander immediately snatched the wand, "No not that one. Here, try this one," he grabbed another one off to his right and handed it to him, "Alder Wood with Unicorn Hair Core, 12¾ inches, Brittle." Jake took the wand from him and gave it a flick as well. This time some wand boxes flew off the shelves and one of them hit Ollivander in the side of his head. Jake quickly placed that one down on the desk.
"Not that one either, I suppose..." Jake said, disheartened.
Ollivander recovered quickly. He looked at Jake, then glanced at the door to the back room, "I wonder..." he disappeared into the back room. It was five minutes before he came back out, "Try this one, it's Acacia Wood with Dragon Heartstring Core, 10 inches in length, Solid Flexibility," he said in a grave sounding tone.
Jake grabbed the wand and felt a surge of power through him. Ollivander noted, for a split second, Jake's eyes glowed red. Jake's Light Brown hair, which came down to the middle of his neck, felt like it was standing up on his head. His chest felt warm, warmer than it had in days. "I think this is the wand for me, Mister Ollivander."
"Well, the wand chooses the owner, after all," he smiled at the boy for a moment, "but it's curious that THAT happens to be your wand."
"Why is that?" Jake asked, looking up from his wand.
"Because that wand, my boy, had been made in 300 A.D. It has, or more accurately had an identical twin," Ollivander trailed off.
"Who owned the twin?"
Ollivander seemed to space out for a moment, "Well, do you have the Galleons to pay for the wand?" He completely seemed to disregard Jake's question.
Jake decided to ask Dumbledore, "Yes, I do indeed," he pulled out his pouch, withdrew the correct number of Galleons, and walked outside with his new wand.
"Ah, I was getting worried that Ollivander might be going on a tangent about how dangerous it can be to get the wood for wands," Dumbledore joked.
"Dangerous? Never mind, Dumbledore, sir... Mister Ollivander said that my wand had an identical twin, but when I asked who, he didn't tell me..."
"When was your wand made?" Dumbledore sounded almost hopeful.
"He said around 300 A.D. Why?" Jake was totally lost.
Dumbledore smiled, his suspicions were correct, "I will explain it at the same time I explain who your family is, it will only make sense then," he gave a regretful smile.
Jake scowled at the old wizard and was handed a paper which turned out to be a list of school supplies. For the next two hours, Jake and Dumbledore walked around and got his necessary books, supplies. Jake spent the better part of the two hours in Flourish and Blotts, admiring all of the books in there. He wanted an animal, but until he knew where he was staying in Britain, he held off for now, "So can I only get a cat, owl or toad?"
"No, you can get anything that doesn't get larger than a cat. I've been trying for years to get that changed, but my efforts have proven fruitless. I suppose once you find out where you will be staying, you'll get one then if they let you?"
"Yes sir," he looked up at Dumbledore, "speaking of... where will I be staying?"
"I'm glad you asked that. Actually, I was going to have you stay at the Leaky Cauldron. Being exposed to Magic on a daily basis until term starts September 1st should be good for you, and do not worry about your Muggle Schooling, I will have that taken care of for you. Now, is there anything I can do for you?" Dumbledore asked the young boy.
"No, sir, I think that will be all I need... thank you, thank you so much for your kindness," Jake started to tear up at the kindness he was being shown.
"It is no trouble. I will return tomorrow just to be sure you're settling in well enough, now let me go and talk with Tom," Dumbledore and Jake walked back into the Leaky Cauldron from Diagon Alley, "Tom, I need a room for young Jake here. Until some other arrangement can be made, he will be rooming here indefinitely," Dumbledore informed the barman. He had no qualms with it as there was another boy starting Hogwarts next year that also lived in the Leaky Cauldron as a permanent resident with his Grandmother. "Thank you very much, Tom," he turned to Jake, "Have a good day and a good night," Dumbledore wished him well and left the Leaky Cauldron.
Jake was taken to his room by Tom and he got settled in. He sat at the edge of his bed, getting out a book he picked up from Flourish and Blotts and decided to get some reading done on his school. He opened Hogwarts: A History to page one and began reading.