
The Ladder of Women

He was not the man of a great love story or adventure. He was a regular student about to take a trip to Europe. But Eren found himself in a different world than getting on a plane and landing in England. The new world had hellish chaos and dangerous creatures brought by the future. Between the cigarette in his hand and his sexual relations with many women, all he wants is to get through the day without dying. Every adventure in this alien world is like a stepping stone and every woman he meets while climbing the ladder will add something to him. But each one will also take something from it. That's the price to go higher. Even the Gods cannot escape this fate as they climb this ladder. * We will watch the fantastic battle of a person who loses something from himself on every step. As the days pass, it will be further away from its old form. He will become more and more distant from being a human as time passes. * Hope you enjoy this weird saga ;)

Tolunay · Khoa huyễn
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13 Chs

Step 3


°•○● - Step 3 /T

When humanity went to space, the images of the first moon landing were watched with pride and fear on all televisions. This act left a huge impact with scary and enigmatic meanings. But actually, the use of the first car or the invention of the first bicycle was the same. Or the use of the first fire gave the same feelings to humans.

The person who felt the first love also felt awkward and scared with his own love, and the society that started using words for the first time represented the most developed period of humanity. The first use of a language, alphabet, or wheel was the same.

Eren also felt weird and different that day. Despite the technological stuff he was used to on his own planet, Earth, he still felt that enigmatic scare.

As he entered the machine, which looked like the huge cloth-testing booth, he felt both a kind of pride and fear for the unknown. Yet he was excited to try something he had never known before and couldn't predict its effects. He was doing this, hoping his effects would be good, though.

Eren's feelings were chaotic in these seconds.

But the most important thing was he didn't know that he would begin to be alienated from his family and old world. If he knew... if he had even a little doubt, he would think twice before taking this action.

[How will this action affect me after returning home?]

[Can I go back to my home after this?]

He sighed and answered the question he asked himself.

[I don't know!]

There was a paramedic behind Eren, whom he would prefer to wear a white coat. But he was in a leather jacket and his cigarette and smile weren't very reassuring. Eren looked at this man suspiciously and entered the machine fully naked.

Eren started to watch outside from the inside. He watched the doctor behind the computer for the last time with his old body. The doctor was acting as if this was a very normal thing. The middle-aged blond man, somewhat resembling Brad Pitt, got up a minute later and walked to Eren.

He came and quickly closed the glassless door. Eren could no longer see outside. He was waiting excitedly in a pitch-black place.

[I wonder how much it hurts]

Seconds passed first. It started to smell slightly but Eren couldn't catch what this smell was. As the minutes passed, he lost all his strength in his body and lost balance. Just a bit later he sat down by instinct .

[Sitting naked feels a little awkward]

As time passed, Eren began to feel dizzy and drunk. After a while, he suddenly lost consciousness. But he didn't even notice.

For a long time, he was in a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes while waiting for pain, he was already lying on a bed and staring out the window as a hospital blanket. He waited for his consciousness to come fully, but something was strange. He waited for his head to feel the same...

But nothing was the same as before. Eren had changed forever and still believed with innocent feelings that the stereotypes of Hollywood movies would come true.

Unfortunately, Eren would never be the person he used to be.


Eren left the health care building named "Nolan's Gene Research Service" in the evening hours. He stayed there almost one whole day with a pricy bill but it was worth it. He was off from work that day and was still empty until tomorrow morning.

After thinking and couldn't find anything to do, Eren started to walk towards his house. He stumbled for a moment. Something was different in his steps. But he couldn't understand.

"Hey Trave, three packages." Eren stopped where he always took his cigarette. It was good to have a short interaction like this every day. Doing a familiar action, in the same way, was comforting. But he didn't notice the raised-eyebrows and shocked facial expression of the shopkeeper. Trave looked strangely behind him.

He opened the door of his tiny house and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Water was the only abundant source in this world. Clean water was easily available and it was sufficient for everyone since there was no overpopulation.

Eren washed his entire body under hot water. He felt like his body felt stronger for some reason. He scrubbed all over with soap and checked if something had changed from the outside. But the change he felt in his head had not yet affected his body. Or maybe Eren just couldn't notice it yet.

After getting dressed in clean clothes, he put his comm on his wrist and pressed the panel with a tiny DNA picture. It was a weird function of the futuristic technologies this planet produced. Eren saw a tiny needle under the comm slipped into his wrist and took a tiny drop of blood.

While he was getting ready to sleep, which is half an hour after showering, comm worked again and it drew another drop of blood.

The genetic-trait screening didn't finish in a minute like in movies or games. It was an ongoing process and the first time would take at least 8-9 hours. (stats)

Eren closed his eyes to sleep. He didn't want to watch the blood-sucking periods of the comm until morning or as long as he was awake. He slept at the health center during genetic upgrading in the daytime. But he still hoped that the awkwardness in his head would pass with a night of good sleep.

Eren closed his eyes, imagining Tris and leaning against her beautiful breasts while hugging this sexy milf. Young man smiled for a few minutes with adultery dreams when a little thing was moving under his pajamas.

Eren was already asleep after half an hour when the comm took a drop of blood again.


After a whole day Eren was happy while shopping in the grocery store. He bought something more expensive and nutritious for dinner unlike usual cheap garbage.

Now he had a bit more money to spend. The inheritance Nihan left for him wasn't excessive, but it was something Eren would live on for months after the genetic spendings.

He bought a fruit package mix and bought something that looked like bread. Somehow, Eren was 100% sure that it wasn't made of grain.

While walking to the park, his steps were more relaxed and quick. He felt stronger but was unaware. Although he still looked similar from the outside, and eating the stuff he bought, Eren didn't notice something was constantly moving inside his body. When he arrived to park, he greeted Sophie with a simple gesture. After their first meeting of weeks ago, Eren didn't try to get closer to her again.

He sat at the point where Nihan always drank his beers and threw empty bottles to the back. Eren also opened a bottle of beer. While drinking his beer he mostly looked at the dark sky. Sometimes he smoked and rarely sighed between different dreams. When his first beer was finished and threw it behind, he smiled at the sound of the bottle just like Nihan.

"You're more cheerful today." It was the first time Sophie had started a conversation on her own since they talked the first day.

"I think I am happy after I could do what Nihan advised me. Yesterday I made my first basic genetic improvement. It is a little comforting to know that I will now be healthier and live longer."

"You don't need to be as afraid of radiation too." Sophie nodded affirmatively as she spoke about the original purpose of this genetic upgrade. "So what will you do when they ask you to join soldiers for outside missions now that you're one of us? You can die at any moment even if they have too much payoff. If I were you personally, I would never do my genetic upgrade and live calmly for years.

"I don't know yet...."

While Eren was thinking about this topic, Sophie sat next to him and pulled a cigarette out of the pack next to Eren.

He was familiar with these kinds of interactions from college thats why Eren displayed a relaxed attitude. But what he didn't know was the girl next to him wasn't used to such things and was acting brave. Although Sophie had a strong self-assured image, she was actually a bit timid and inexperienced.

Seeing Eren's relaxed demeanor, she also relaxed.

"When I go home, if it is possible, I want to return with as many genetic upgrades as possible. It would be nice to surprise the people where I came from and be useful to my family.

Maybe I would hire someone to research my own body so that my family can get this kind of genetic enhancement too. I know it sounds fantastic. I have a feeling that it wouldn't be enough if I bring back just the written concept of this technology. Sometimes living examples are more needed in making a product."

Sophie searched for a match to light her cigarette but couldn't find it. She looked at Eren with her head tilted to the side and Eren started to look at the girl as if he was hypnotized. Such a perfect sight.. these eyes and lips radiating youthful energy... Eren had never seen someone perfect so close before. He brought out the matchbox from his pocket and lit it for Sophie in one go.

Eren didn't look away after starting to look. His gaze was intense and Sophie said nothing for a short time.

Eren also noticed in the smoke that this curious girl was looking for topics to talk about.

"You were so cold before. Why is this change?"

There were a hesitation and a quieter voice of the young and beautiful girl, slightly unsure of what to say. "I am not like the others. I have a strict family. As I grew up, I wasn't allowed to get close to just everybody. I thought you were unreliable with your teleportation story that everyone talks in town. In short, that was it."

Eren nodded in agreement. [Briefly, you are a pure person who grew up in a closed environment]

"Do you think I'm reliable now?"

Sophie smiled. "You mourned for weeks for someone you just met. This is the first time I've seen this kind of thing."

Eren understood then. Just as blondes find brunettes attractive, hairless people see bearded people as cool, and pure people think those who act like bullies are impressive, this girl saw her differently. She started to see Eren as someone different, then someone cool.

Eren approached slowly and reached for his own cigarette pack that Sophie had put on her legs.

While he was getting the full package, a warm hand took his hand and put it on her legs.

1825 words

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