
Bye Bye Earth

With his involvement with the destruction of New York, Daryl felt like he didn't belong anywhere now that he was not thinking as a soldier. So, he decided to move base and head down South, at least the sun was shining more brightly there. One thing he noticed about himself that he was growing stronger and stronger everyday! This was not like those times where one day he wouldn't be able to lift one tonne more but the next he would. This was different. The longer he stayed under the sun, the more powerful he would become.

He was growing a little bit too strong and he needed to curb that by knowing why. So, he decided to make a pitstop at where his ship was been kept. The base had been abandoned and his ship had suddenly become too heavy to carry so they had left a few soldiers to guard it. When they saw him, they opened fire but were blown away by his super breath, rendering them unconscious. He then walked into the base, tearing down any wall in his way till he found his ship.

As if excited to finally see him, the ship came alive suddenly and projected the image of a middle aged man.

"My son, the last son of House Dul, how happy I am to see you. Do not bother trying to talk to me, I am but a recording of your father tasked to give you his final words. I have been waiting for you for years! Listen, my son, you come from a planet called Krypton. We were one of the most brilliant races in the universe with the best army and scientists all around. But, as many great civilizations before, we were brought down by the weak minded leaders and now the planet is dying.

"My son, I created you to be a warrior, perhaps the best warrior even if General Zod is thrown to the fray and with that, I actually became greedier and decided to intergrate the DNA of a planet destroyer organism we call Doomsday with yours. I incubated you for twelve years before you were finally complete, the perfect warrior. I then sent you to the nearest blue star but according to the ship, you might have never reached there.

"You will find that you have a good talent at fighting and killing, do not let that distract you from what is your true goal, to revive Krypton and make it great again. I have reasons to believe that Jor-El might steal the codex, I have shared a lab with the man for eighty years, I know when he is hiding something. Jor-El had a son and if I am correct, the son will be the carrier of the Codex. Find his son and you can join together to reform Krypton. Please, revive us, son." Daryl couldn't believe his ears and eyes when he heard that. Basically, he was created with an agenda, a role to play that he didn't even know. He looked around, nodded in finality then turned to the ship.

"Nobody tells me what to do anymore! NOBODY!" he roared and started punching, tearing the ship apart as he melted it with his lasers. By the time he was done, the whole building was gone and there was a huge crater and in the middle was Daryl and a puddle of silverish molten metal. Daryl then used his freeze breath on it, making it a solid, flew to space and threw it to the sun with all he got, escorting it with a few laser blasts. When it was out of his sight, he then looked at the earth below him and a frown crept on his face.

Somehow, he felt reluctant to fly back, the warrior inside him telling him that there was nobody strong enough to hold a candle to him down there. He then looked at the big almost desolate space and began to wonder, was there a race as powerful as him? The person calling himself his father said he had sent him towards a blue star, why? With those questions in mind, Daryl was about to fly away when he heard screams coming from Earth. He looked down and with his microscopic vision, saw what was wrong, a plane was going down while Homelander and Maeve just watched.

"Perhaps one last act of good faith to the humans," Daryl told himself then flew towards the blue planet. His speed was so great that during entry, he was producing enough heat to evaporate a lake in one go. Homelander and Maeve looked up in surprise when they realized the sky had become brighter, only to feel something fly past them, then the heat wave followed, making Homelander fly away.

Daryl reached the plane and looked inside as his clothes smoked. He could see how panicked the people were and he could imagine why, the plane was about to hit the water soon and with the speed it was going with, he was sure it could break apart. So, he flew at its belly and got hold of it. But, his body had not still cooled down so the heat melted through the metal.

He cursed a bit as he sped into the ocean, took a dip before coming back and trying it again. Just to make sure, he used his super breath to cool down his hands for he remembered water was not a good conductor of heat. This time it was a success as his hand now had a good grip on the plane. Now it was time to defy science as he started pushing slowly so that it couldn't break apart if he pushed at once.

Action and reaction force law was thrown out of the window regarding him as the plane started to slowly rise the more pressure applied to it and Daryl hadn't even started struggling. The passengers were overjoyed when they felt the free fall decrease to zero as Daryl stabalized the whole plane and stood on water, a whole 78tonnes worth of load above him. He then sank slowly and the plane came to rest on the waters. That done, he flew inside be wise there might be injured people on board.

"Is everybody okay?" he asked them all. Immediately, cheers and clapping erupted making Daryl look at the strange. He had been congratulated before but none like this. It felt like been on nerves all the time then been given weed for the first time!

"Thank you, sir!" a girl said and hugged him, tears streaming down her face. This promoted the other passengers to swarm him, giving him the world largest group hug.

"Whoever you are, I order you to step away from the people, now!" Daryl heard Homelander say from behind. Immediately, the passengers broke up and they all went behind him, which made Daryl frown.

"Why are you all frightened of him?" Daryl asked them.

"He was going to let us all die!" a middle aged woman answered.

"He also threatened to laser all of us if we went closer to him," a young man added. Daryl then looked at Homelander who was also surprised to see him.

"I thought I have you a clear enough warning the last time!" Homelander grinned, his fists cocked ready to rumble.

"Threatened to kill already dying people? How low the mighty have fallen," Daryl said, clenching his fists too.

"Haha, maybe you should look at the mirror first, buddy. From hero to zero, you have the shortest career a Supe has ever had," Homelander said.

"I am not a Supe!" Daryl said then they both vanished, leaving a huge hole to the side of the plane as it rocked on the water.

Both Daryl and Homelander were locked in an arm lock, each trying to push against the other. Their strength made the air around them start warping. Daryl then smirked as he increased his strength, making Homelander looks t him with horror before trying to free his hands, to no avail. Daryl brought him close to him then head butted him away.

Homelander and him had never fought with beings strong enough to break mountains but Daryl had been taught how to fight so he was a headstart to the naíve hero. Homelander finally stopped spinning after a kilometre but that distance was covered by Daryl in a second as he delivered an upper cut that sent him to the sky. With a smile on his face, Daryl pursued before punching him again, a punch that sent Homelander flying through clouds before he stopped himself about sixty miles away. By then, he felt his body aching with a sensation he had never felt before, PAIN.

He looked at Daryl, who was approaching fast, and gritted his teeth before charging back, fist nocked for striking. Daryl smiled to himself as he stretched his left hand out receive it. Homelander complied and sent a mountain shattering fist and the oncoming palm but what happened next made him dumbfounded. He saw Daryl fizzle out and his hand went through the outstretched arm like it was made of air. Daryl then brought his right palm next to his chest and a ball made of energy exploded, sending him flying once again. He crashed into a mountain, bringing the whole side down in an avalanche. Daryl floated above him with a mocking grin on his face.

"Do you like that? That's the power of a speedster, phasing through matter by vibrating your whole body fast enough. The energy ball is actually created by vibrating a specific part of my body to generate enough heat energy to power the whole of New York for half a day. You should feel the pain as if your insides just shifted by now," Daryl boasted and right on time, Homelander clutched his abdomen in pain as he keeled over. Daryl didn't wait for him to recover as he delivered a punch that sent Homelander into the mountain, leaving a tunnel which Daryl used to pursue him.

Homelander managed to stabalise himself before he hit the lava then looked up only to be speared by Daryl, sending them both into the molten rock. Homelander felt the pain as he wasn't powerful enough to withstand the pain of the burns for Daryl had taken them deeper and deeper and it was getting hotter. Homelander felt Daryl suddenly let go of him and had a sinking feeling creep into his heart. He then felt the lava shift and he knew he was being left inside the most powerful incinerator in the planet but he couldn't even scream at the pain for it was getting hotter and hotter the deeper he went.

With new found strength, Homelander propelled himself out of his prison, flying as fast as he could till he felt the cool air on his bright red skin. Immediately, he screamt in pain, not caring his suit was gone. He then opened his eyes and saw Daryl looking at him with amusement. Heart filled with boiling anger, he flew towards him, plucking a whole tree to be used as a bat.

"You motherfucker!" Homelander roared and swung, only to have three quarters of the tree turned to ashes by his opponent's lasers, making him miss Daryl entirely. Before he could wind up, Daryl picked a boulder near him and threw it at Homelander. The Supe was hit, making the boulder break to pieces and he fell from the sky. Daryl was on him like wild dogs on a lonely zebra. He started by punching him over and over again, his punches producing shockwaves that were transferred to the ground creating earthquakes! Each punch intensified the natural calamity till it reached magnitude 4.7. That was when Homelander's voice became hoarse and tried to use his laser only to have Daryl block them with his left hand that quickly covered his eyes, his right hand turning his head as he took a deep breath in, brought his mouth closer to Homelander's ears then he screamt.

He had realised this a while ago now that his vocal cords are also enhance, like his brain. So, when he screamt, the sound that came out was a super Sonic scream. Put that with Homelander's super hearing and you get what happened next. Homelander felt his head exode with unbearable pain as soon as the scream started and he tried to free himself but Daryl was more stronger as he held on. The Supe started a new round of screaming in pain but Daryl was relentless and soo, Homelander's eardrum blew apart after the first minute and the Supe fell unconscious due to the unbearable pain. Apparently, having resilient organs is very rewarding but very punishing at other times. Daryl looked at the bloody mess beneath him as his clarity returned. He then looked at the approaching Maeve before looking at the sky and took off so first he was blue even to Maeve. When she reached their fight scene, she was astonished to see the destruction they had caused. She then saw the unconscious Homelander and ran up to him. She was sure she hated him but seeing him at this condition broke her heart. She immediately called Vought.

"We need assistance. Homelander is..." She then realised that for the first time, Homelander had been injured and his injuries are quite severe too, not to mention the trauma he would be subjected to. "Homelander is badly injured and at the need of immediate medical attention!"

Daryl looked at Earth with realization. He had just beaten up one of the most beloved Supe on the planet, there was no way he would be forgiven so easily! Alienation would be the best outcome, the worst is that he would have to slaughter Homelander fanatics in droves, making his name be covered in more blood. Basically, he just sealed his fate when he threw the first punch. With that in mind, he looked to space and his ambition to fight stronger beings increased. So, he took off, his speed unhindered by air pressure, making him go to an all new speed of Mach 10000! This made him wonder just how much he was restraining himself with Earth's level of strength.

'A new begining for the guardian!' he told himself, passing planets like he was a comet.

Basically, what I planned for Daryl in this arc is for him to come to know about his reason for existence and that is to be a Guardian. With that, I plan for him to explore the universes and the second one he will go to will be the Invincible Universe. Don't worry, it won't be as short as this one for he will come to fight beings as strong as him and learn more of being a Guardian from Invincible, something the Boys universe cannot. As for how he will jump universes, ever read of how Kryptonians become powerful when under a blue star? Any way, just wanted to say that and apologize if what I wanted to convey with this chapter isn't what you get, that's the reason of this extra long author's note.

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