
The Kings Lost Fiance

A hard working woman who was used to spending her days in the office drifts off into a deep sleep after reading a popular novel she then wakes up in a different world.

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14 Chs

Knights Await

Days passed by Lilian continued to focus on what Goddess Aria said. She knew she had to focus on her training and unlocking her mana as well as getting familiar with swords. Finally, it was the day she was to meet Christopher Youriel. Esther was also waiting with excitement to see her dear brother again.

" Let's get you ready my Lady. " Roxanne announced.

" Yes, but not a dress today. I need active wear like hunting gear something that won't weigh me down. " Lilian told Roxanne.

" O-of course my lady. But why if I may ask? " Roxanne questioned as the other maids looked at Lilian also puzzled.

Lilian understood a woman to bare arms and fight was rare an unheard of. In this novel maybe one female character came close to becoming a knight although she wasn't of much importance other than helping the real Lizbeth escape from a situation that supposed to happen in the near future. However Lilian knew she had to quickly unlock her powers and train for the events to come in the novel because she would not wait for a hero it's not her style.

" Once I choose my personal knight he will be the one to train me. " Lilian answered.

The maids stood around her shocked but the aura Lilian was emitting they knew she was serious. Amazed one maid left to go get the clothing she asked for and returned quickly with the garments in hand. Quickly they assisted their lady to dress her. Lilian wore a black bouse with a red and black pin stripe vest, black pants and a red tail coat with short heeled boots. She looked beautiful but at the same time she almost seemed terrifying. Her strength was emitting clearly.

The maids continued they put four braids in her hair stopping at the mid to tie the rest in a tight bun. To make sure no hair would get in her way. As soon as they finished Lilian stood up and motioned towards the door the maids followed and they exited quickly towards where they are supposed to meet the knights. They walked to the courtyard where Rivar and multiple knights stood waiting.

It was a beautiful breezy day had Lilian's hair been out and it be flowing in the wind. The men looked at her just as stunned as her maids did. Esther saw her brother and ran towards him smiling. Lilian smirked enjoying the confusion on the men's faces. In a world not used to a woman's freedom of power she would change that if she was stuck here for good. She was going to change this world in so many ways she thought to herself. Lilian walked over to Rivar's side giving him a quick glance and smiled at him.

Rivar was mesmorized by Lilian her beauty shined. She was stunning even in hunting clothing she looked fierce which made his heart beat quickly. He blushed when Lilian looked up and smiled at him luckily his helmet was on so he was sure she didn't catch his expression. He looked back over to his men who were still gawking at Lilian and quickly asserted himself and made a coughing noise to regain their attention.

The men quickly took few steps forward and knelt to their commanding officer Rivar and their new Lady Lilian. They didn't dare raise their heads before ordered too. They stood knelt looking at the ground that their feet touched even Christopher did as Esther stood there watching.

" Good morning knights. I see I caught you off guard, but my outfit will be more understood if you are picked. We will have a discussion after this. " Lilian said.

" Stand at attention. " Rivar ordered.

" I need a strong knight who will be loyal to me. I want someone who won't question an order. If you have a problem taking an order from a woman see yourself out now! " Lilian ordered sternly as then men stared watching her brazen expression.

None of the men moved their feet still latched to the courtyard. Lilian didn't know if it was simply because they were afraid of any consequences with Rivar watching them or if they didn't mind. It did not matter to her though she thought to herself. In the end she knew quickly who she had to pick as her personal knight. She walked over to the man that Esther had talked to before.

" You! Are you Christopher Youriel of house Youriel? " Lilian asked.

" Yes, my Lady. " He aswered calmly.

" You look like a good candidate. Prove to me you are. " She retorted.

" How shall I prove myself my lady? " Christopher questioned.

" Duel these men here either all at once or one at a time does not matter to me. Then win! " She exclaimed looking serious as Esther gasped.

Esther looked concerned but her brother Christopher smiled almost laughing. He seemed amused and excited. Rivar looked a bit annoyed by his behavior and shook his head. Rivar sighed deeply as he looked over to Christopher.

" My lady as you wish. " He answered.

" Good we will commence in 5 minutes so everyone can gather gear and weapons they need. " Lilian ordered.

Lilian took a seat on a bench in the courtyard preparing herself to carefully watch movements of all the men fighting. She had to evaluate each of their strengths and weaknesses. The maids gathered around her Esther looked shaken up. Lilian grabbed Esther's hand intwining it with hers as she looked up at her smiling.

" It'll be alright he will win. He will have some difficulty with a few here but most I can sense are way weaker than him. He seems to have strong mana. " Lilian whispered to Esther.

The men finally enter back in the courtyard ready, but a lot of the men seemed to be disapproving of the method Lilian chose. They're eyes seemed to be furrowed. One of the men were waiting on the outskirts where the battle was to take place, he began to walk up to Rivar.

Once reaching Rivar he began to speak " sir are you sure this is a good idea this seems like some idea to entertain the lady rather than anything else? " He questioned his commanding officer.

Rivar sternly looked down at the man his brows furrowed his body stiffened " you dare question the lady to be your queen! If the King heard, how do you think he would take your slanderous words? " He yelled roaring out for all the men to hear.

The men stopped in their tracks looking at Rivar who stood there his aura seemed to have darkened and the pwer im his voice weakened some of the men. Some of the knights felt a distinct killing aura as if they should plead for their life. Christopher just ran to the middle of courtyard smiling readying himself.

Lilian could tell the only two men she could trust with her life here was Rivar and Christopher. Christopher however was young a bit inexperienced, but he had potential to unlock his powers to be as strong as Rivar.

" Uhhumm. Now those of you who are ready enter the circle and you who questioned me you may leave! " Lilian ordered not looking back at the man still standing next to Rivar.

Rivar nudged the knight and walked past him " you heard your lady, you may leave. Go run 100 laps around the castle grounds before nightfall and come find me when you're done. " Rivar ordered his subordinate.

" Now let's begin! " Lilian screamed.

Sorry guys came down with a cold this past week an unfortunately one of my pets passed away. Im back now hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

LADY_LA_WOULFFLINGcreators' thoughts