
The King of The Shadow Dragons System

Black_Ninja_9962 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Dragon System

Ever since what happened in the testing ground Raimi hasn't been outside his room for 4 days only going outside his room to get the food his mother left on his doorsteps but today he decided to go outside his room because he can't cry about things that are out of his reach, he went outside his room and went to the back yard to get some fresh air, "what am I going to do" Raimi said, he dozes off and fell asleep for 30 minutes but that peaceful sleep was interrupted when he heard a sound, flap flap "what that annoying sound" Raimi opens his eyes "what the hell is that" he sees a figure of a beast with wing near the forest "should I go" "if you want to die", Raimi was having a conflict in the head, one side saying to go check it out, and the other says to stay, "dam it what can go wrong" he thought trying to justify his action, and he took a journey to the forest. In the forest, Raimi has been meeting magical beasts and barely getting out of those encounterment. Rusle rusle "welp time to run," Raimi thought but before he could take a step, BOOM a wolf at least 3-meter tall shown itself in front of Raimi "oh shit" "I GOT TO RUN NOW!!!" and run he did he run toward the last place he seen the beast "shit shit shit I knew I should have stayed home" the wolf was chasing him and it howled then a pack of wolf shown the self and chased him too. "Oh no, I have to use my secret technique I HAVE TO RUN FASTER!!!" while running he stumbled upon a lake. "Yes, maybe my luck has changed" "hopefully they can't swim" but luck wasn't on his side his expression turned grim after seeing the wolf's and wolf boss swim and fast. "Why why whyyyy" somehow he was able to get out of the water but he was still being chased, "hm what that" as he got closer and closer to the mystery beast he saw the wolf's and wolf boss had stopped dead in its tracks, they had an expression of fear and that its life had ended, and before the wolf could even think of running it was engulfed in a shadow scaring the shit out of Raimi "what the" but before he could say another word he heard something the that made the noisy forest into a deserted place "come closer boy" "whelp there goes my life," Raimi thought and then his body moved on its own like what the creature said was law, and then that's when he saw the creature he was frozen in shock and Frear "here of a place n n no way it's you a DRAGON the dragon was made up of scaley shadows and was almost as tall as the trees "wait aren't the dragons from fantasy books, there not supposed to be real right? THEN HOW THE HECK DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS". Raimi said to himself". Raimi was suddenly snap back out of his shock and tried to run quickly to his house and tell his mother but before he could take a step the dragon spoke "run and your dead" "what the hell is this "Raimi was struggling to move it was the same feeling that made his body move on it on "boy I have not that much time left" "I choose you as my successor" the mythical dragon spoke and with it, scaly shadow like hand resisted a magic spell that Raimi couldn't understand "dne noissim laer ruoy lliw neht ylno dna neht enod evah yeht tahw rof nogard eht llik lliw uoy eid dna evil uoy yad eht rof" BOOM an unbearable pain entered Raimi mind and body cause him to pass out. And 30 minutes passed "what, where am I what happened what going on?" Raimi mind was in disarray he couldn't think straight System Booting Up, a bunch of words was in front of Raimi's face and he couldn't read them and for a few minutes he tried to rack his brain about what happens and when he had finished putting his head on straight and questioning his life chooses, he read the first message that pops up Hello, Raimi Hunalen I have your first quest to do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run do this every day or there will be a consequence. "What is this" I am a system that is going to help you get powerful, and to motivate you are not able to access the dragon bloodline for yet keep completing the quest I give you and getting stronger you will have access to that and more. hahaha yes, my luck is great ill become so powerful, and ill can let my dad retire and stay home with me and mom happy as a family "you're taking this very easily" a voice in Raimi's head suddenly spoke "what who are you'' Raimi said confused because it's not the system talking

"wait you sound like that dragon," Raimi said now getting scared "yes I am the great shadow dragon but you may call me Shadow" "what a trash name," Raimi thought "you should know that I can read your mind I am the strongest dragon in exist well I use to be but I'm dead now," Shadow said with a sad tone "oh hey sorry about that great dragon king of shadows," Raimi said fearing for his life "hey did you give me this system?" Raimi asks "obviously dumb ass" "well can you tell me why and more things about it?" Raimi asks a little annoyed but tried not to show it to keep his life. "That for you to figure out," Shadow said not caring about Raimi "fine then let's get the quest finished" 30 minutes later. "Huff huff huff what's wrong with this system this is torture", "come wussy giving up already?" Raven said laughing at Raimi pain 30 minutes later you've only done 50 pushups, 20 sit-ups 10 squats and you haven't even started your 10km run" Shadow said "I think you have gotten too comfortable in my mind Raimi thought "that because I've done this before" Raimi froze in shock at the revelation "wait you've done this before? then what happened to the others before me?, and didn't you say you died" they died because they couldn't finish, oh I've said too much carry on with your training, and you better get used to this and more this is only the beginning. 95 96 97 98 99 100 yes finally I've finished all your pushups, sit-ups and squats now all I have to finish is I've 10km run. One hour later... "ok hu hu finished" Raimi fell on the ground out of breath and sleepy