
Chapter 10

And then Jupiter said to Ling, "you should go and pick up the boss monster drop," and Ling said, "yes, yes... I don't know why I'm here for." Jupiter replied, "you are here to pick up the item that dropped from the monster that I killed, hahahaha." Jupiter just laughed, and it's so loud.

And Ling said to Jupiter, "next time I will bring someone to pick up the item, and I will be the one who's killing." Jupiter laughed at what Ling said and said, "dream on! You need to train more so that you can do what you said earlier."

Ling stated, "watch me! I will become stronger enough to destroy a dungeon, and I will laugh at you at the same time, because you will be embarrassed by what you said to me today!" Jupiter replied to Ling, "it's impossible because I'm super strong, and you need to get stronger first to achieve what you told me."

LING annoyed to Jupiter and said "just wait!" and then Ling started to pick all the treasure. When Ling finished picking the treasure and the dungeon began to shake and then the ceiling of the dungeon fell one by one, and Jupiter shouted to Ling and said, "fast! Get out of the dungeon before it falls down on us!"

And then both of them ran fast toward the exit of the dungeon, and before they got out, Ling got a his hand injured because a rock hit his hands, so he gets injured. And Jupiter saw it and said to Ling, "get here I will treat it for you."

When Jupiter finished his treatment for Ling, Jupiter said to Ling, hand over all the things that are mine and leave nothing out in your dimensions pocket and bring it out all! Then Star came running toward Jupiter, excited because they finally here and missed Jupiter so much, and she's with Coco while hugging it.

And Ling already brought out the treasures Jupiter got in the dungeon and said "here is it, there All out." Jupiter replied and said, "I Know that you have something hidden in your pocket! Okay okay, it's just a piece of treasure map." And Star suddenly talked and said, "that's my brother's treasure, you fatty!?" while Pouting around."

"What!? Star, I'm giving it okay, here it is, I'm going to give it to your brother, okay, don't be mad at me please?" Jupiter talked and said, "stop talking nonsense and get out of the way; I'm going to take a shower."

And then Jupiter took a shower, suddenly thinking of why Moon suddenly told that word to him and why Moon suddenly went to sleep inside me, and he talk to his self I need to find the reason about it but now it's not the time for that...

Ling shouted to Jupiter, "brother jupiter the food is ready!" then Jupiter gets out of the shower and exited walking and humming that there's food, there a food!. While they're eating, Jupiter suddenly asks, "where can I sell this stuff Ling?" and Ling replies to Jupiter while his mouth full of food, "you can sell it again in the auction house if you want and then make a friend so that they can become your backing or friends, they can support you or they make sure that no one is bothering you like some small-timer out there."

And jupiter got shocked about "you are smart sometimes you know, but you're greedy and fat, nothing in his head but food, meat, money all day" and Ling annoyed by it and replied to Jupiter saying, "maybe I'm fat and dumb, greedy, but I'm the heir of my family! Don't underestimate me!"

And Star shouted "hahaha you are fat and dumb, Star is smart and cute!" and Ling laughed out loud saying "right, you are smart and cute!" and Ling replied, "okay, okay, enough already, are you gonna sell all your treasures that you got in the dungeon?"

Jupiter replied, "no, not all, there are a few that I'm not gonna sell because I like it and it seems like useful to me." Ling replied, "okay." Jupiter talked, "tomorrow we are gonna sell it to the auction house so rest early today.

And Star replied, "okay brother, and I want to buy something too! Look, Coco doesn't have any clothes, so I'm gonna buy tomorrow, and I'm going to buy clothes too because I don't have many clothes, and brother too, you don't have many clothes, so we gonna buy, is that okay brother?" While Star and Coco acted cute in front of Jupiter and Ling.

"Okay! When we finish selling my treasure, we gonna buy clothes and anything you want! And Jupiter suddenly turned around and said, 'we are rich and I'm going to buy anything I want to hehehehehe.'" And Ling saw Jupiter talking like that and whispered to Star, "your brother is creepy."

And Jupiter saw Ling whispering to Star and asked, "what is it?" and Ling suddenly panicked and said nothing haha.... Haha.., okay okay so sleep early today and we have so much thing to do tomorrow so rest well and goodnight while Jupiter saying that he looks so much tired.

And then Jupiter, Star, and Ling immediately go to their room and sleep, and when the morning came, Star ran towards the room of Jupiter, excited, wearing his beautiful dress. Then Star knocked on the door and said, "brother! Brother! It's already morning, get up now, we are going shopping!"

And Jupiter woke up and told Star, "wait a minute, I'm going to wash my face, get dressed, so wait for me in the dinner area, and also can you knock on the door of Ling too so that he will get ready." Star replied, "okay, brother."

When Jupiter finished washing his face and getting dressed, he got down and told Star and Ling, "are you ready?" And Star excitedly replied, "I'm ready!" And Ling replied too, "I'm ready too." And then they boarded into the car and drove to the auction house