
The king of evolution

A boy named Jack live a pretty bad live with his mom and never New his Dad. He was a sixteen year old boy. He always had to be somewhere at some time. One day as he was walking home a thug that his Mom had debt to come and stabbed him in the back and has died What will he do in this new world and his new power of evolution read to find out

Mrax_the_undead55 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

1. So it begins

Jack was born a poor boy with little to his family name. His mom was only seventeen when he was born and his grandfather did not like him or his mother and because of this they were kick out of the house.

They live on the streets for a while. He was hated by his mother and blamed him for all her problems he was abused most of his child hood.

Year later Jack is around sixteen and is coming back form work and school when he was stabbed from the back. He could not talk and right before he was about to fall to the ground the man said. Your mom should have paid her debt.

There was light after he falling unconscious a sense of warmth he awoke to a strange light it looked as if he was in a new place all a sudden he was in a room he look around and was in a room of light and five people. We're could he be and we're is he all of a sudden.

Next chapter will be Jack's point of view