
Chapter 1: A Surprising Twist

Chapter 1: A Surprising Twist

Zan Dawry was a high school student who endured a daily dose of bullying and ridicule. His classmates took every opportunity to make his life miserable, and he had become accustomed to their hurtful words and actions. The pain was amplified by the loss of his parents, who tragically perished in an airplane crash. Left to face the world alone, Zan lived in a small apartment, seeking solace within its walls.

One morning, as the school bell rang, signaling the start of another day, Zan reluctantly made his way to class. From the moment he stepped through the doors, he became a target for his tormentors. They teased him mercilessly, making cruel remarks about his parents' tragic fate. One particularly malicious bully sneered, "You're so pathetic that even your parents escaped into heaven just to get away from you."

Zan, though wounded by their words, took the abuse in stride. He had grown accustomed to their torment and had learned to hide his pain behind a stoic facade. Enduring their mocking laughter, he held his head high and continued his studies.

After the final bell rang, Zan hurriedly made his way home, seeking solace in the familiar confines of his apartment. As Zan approached the door of his apartment, his heart sank when he heard the voice of his landlord echoing through the hallway. The gruff tone sent a shiver down his spine, and he knew that trouble was brewing.

"Hey kid, it's been a whole month since you paid your rent," the landlord bellowed impatiently. "I'm tired of reminding you, and it seems like you couldn't care less. Maybe it's time you stopped sulking inside there and started looking for a job. Pack your things and be out of here by tomorrow. Consider yourself lucky that I won't even ask for the money you owe. You'll be gone by tomorrow anyway."

The weight of the day's events bore heavily on his shoulders as he closed the door behind him. The silence of his empty home echoed the loneliness he felt deep within.

Lost in his thoughts and overwhelmed by a sense of despair, Zan's footsteps led him up to the rooftop of his apartment building. As he sat on the edge, gazing out at the bustling city below, he felt a profound sense of detachment. The busy streets, filled with arguing voices, haggling vendors, and rushing cars, seemed distant and disconnected from his own existence.

With a heavy sigh, Zan muttered to himself, "This world is done for." A bitter realization took hold, and he couldn't help but believe that his life had been predetermined for misery and isolation. A surge of determination coursed through him as he stood, ready to take control of his fate. In that moment, he made a choice—a choice to leave behind the pain and loneliness, even if it meant leaping into the unknown.

Without hesitation, Zan took a step forward, his heart filled with both fear and resolve. But as he descended towards what he believed would be his final moment, a miraculous twist of fate intervened. His eyes snapped open to a sight he couldn't comprehend. Instead of hurtling towards the ground, he found himself outside a colossal castle, surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

Confusion washed over him as he tried to make sense of his new surroundings. Disoriented and apprehensive, Zan realized he was not alone. Among the crowd, he spotted his classmates and bullies, the very people who had tormented him. Fearful of their presence, he quickly sought refuge, concealing himself within the shadows of the castle.

From his hidden vantage point, Zan eavesdropped on their bewildered conversations. It became clear that they, too, were as perplexed as he was. Something extraordinary had brought them together in this mysterious realm. Determined to unravel the truth and find his place in this enigmatic world, Zan steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Chapter 1 marked the beginning of Zan's unexpected journey, where he would face not only the mysteries of this new world but also his own inner demons. With his past fueling his determination, he embarked on a path of self-discovery, ready to confront the secrets of the castle and forge his own destiny.

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