Jaakobah was living an ordinary life before the day he started playing that game. There are secrets that are beyond our existence and Jaakobah has chosen to walk down a road where he must unravel these mysteries and discover things he should not be discovering.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! SLAM! The beeping of the alarm clock was abruptly interrupted by the sudden slam of a young adult. Rays of light peered into the darkroom from the curtains, barely illuminating the dim room. Inside the room laid a man named Jaakobah. It was the first day of summer vacation and the average schoolboy would want to sleep in the next day, however, that is on the basis that you remember to turn off your alarm clock. The young adult slowly crawled out of bed and the light peeking into his room managed to outline the figure of him. The man stood exactly at 6 ft tall and he had slightly curly hair that was colored brown. He lived alone in a small flat. The flat composed of a guest room, a bedroom, a living room, and a toilet. Not a lot but enough for a single person to live in. It was currently 8 in the morning, as every minute passed, the sun would grow taller and taller and slowly started invading into the room. The curtains were powerless against the rays of the burning sun. The room which sat Jaakobah was now lit by the sun. That was also the cue for Jaakobah to start the day.
Jaakobah was currently attending a prestigious university, did he enjoy it, not at all. In class, every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an hour. It was akin to torture, not physically but mentally. Repeatedly testing your patience pushing you to the extreme, waiting for the day where you snap. The only good thing about university Jaakobah believed was being able to be alone without anyone bothering you. Because of the large classrooms, people had no to be next to each other, no need to participate in clubs, no family to constantly pester you to go to social events. Jaakobah was not someone who you would call an introvert, nor autistic. It was more pride than anything, the belief that no one here was worth his time that pushed away everyone around himself. However, he had results to back up his pride. He scored the top of his class in high school and excelled in physical activities, even now he was the top student in his class. The only reason he has not been titled as the best student of the year in high school was because of the shitty attitude of his. All it took was some generosity or kindness and Jaakobah would be the perfect student, the role model. However, one law of the universe that will remain constant is that no one is perfect. If you are born good at something, something must be taken from you in exchange. It was a very simple but powerful law of nature. You must have 1 to balance out -1. If you have 4 points worth of natural advantages, you must have 4 points worth of disadvantages to balance out the equation. The prideful attitude of Jaakobah was worth a lot of negative points.
The shower hose was turned on. Lukewarm water came running out splashing on the cold hard surface of the floor. Jaakobah stepped into the shower just standing there, thinking. What was he going to do for the summer vacation? He did not have any plans of going anywhere, his family wasn't going to visit him, nor did he have any friends or spouse to hang out with. Jaakobah had no idea what to do in his 2 months of summer vacation. Jaakobah could be considered to be born in a very fortunate family. They were well off, though not even remotely close to being called rich yet. However, the family had just enough fortune that Jaakobah did not have to worry about college debt. He also received a monthly allowance enough for him to pay rent and to saturate his hunger and thirst. With no answer to his original question, Jaakobah left the shower and dried himself. After combing his curly hair to face the right side of his face. With the hair curling downwards at the end. He put on some clothes and started scrolling through his feed on his phone.
"Come play 'God's World' today with almost a billion players and growing!" announced a popup ad on Jaakobah's phone. The same ad had been going on for several years now. A few years ago a new video game called "God's World" was released to video game industry and completely blew the charts. The game utilized new technology which enables uploaded people's consciousness into the video game's servers and enjoy gaming at an entirely different level. Instead of using a mouse and keyboard or a controller, the player is utilizing their brain to do everything. Because of this technology, programmers and artists were not limited to the player's GPU, CPU, or the players' screen. Therefore, they can create realism to a never before seen level before. However, the game has always been under some sort of controversy, because no one knows who made the game. No other game since its release has even been able to come close to replicating the realism of the game. However, this controversy had little to no impact to citizens around the globe being attracted by the game given by an enormous player base and it's still growing at an exponential rate. You know, when you have 2 months with nothing to do, you're probably going to be more open to trying stuff. Plus, the cost of the equipment has been dropping ever since the game came out.
With his newfound plans, Jaakobah headed to the closest technology store to buy the gaming equipment. The process of buying the equipment was very smooth, after all, it was just a pair of high-tech glasses that was required to play the game. When Jaakobah got home he unpacked the glasses and laid on his bed. Upon putting on the glasses a message appeared on the screen of the glasses. "INITIALING AUTHORIZATION" Jaakobah was suddenly presented with beams of white light and suddenly lost consciousness.
It was blue, Jaakobah was floating in a space with no ends. Only the color blue could be seen no matter the direction he was looking in. He couldn't move, he just stayed there floating in the air. All of a sudden, a mechanical voice asked Jaakobah, "What are you going to name your character?"
Jaakobah replied, "Jaakobah." Because of Jaakobah's prideful personality, under no circumstance was he going to hide his name.
The mechanical voice replied again, "Character classes are a very important aspect to the game. There are a core 4 character classes you can choose from. Warrior, Archer, Magician, and lastly, Rogue. Each class has sub-branches that the player could discover, for example, paladin or barbarian for the warrior, dead eye or long shot for archer, Elementalist or combative mage for the magician, and assassin or treasure hunter for the rogue. There are plenty of hidden sub-branches to character classes you can discover around the world in God's World. Choose your character class." Following that, five icons appeared with the following, Warrior, Archer, Magician, Rogue, and an icon with no image or name. However, the weirdest thing was, the 4 character classes the mechanical voice had mentioned were grayed out, he couldn't choose any of them. The only choice he had was the strange 5th unmentioned class. Since it was the only choice, Jaakobah had no choice but to choose it. Upon clicking the mysterious 5th icon, the mechanical voice suddenly roared, "LEGACY PLAYER DETECTED, DETECTING LEGACY ...LEGACY DETECTED, LEGACY CATEGORY… ???. LEGACY PROGRESSION STYLE… EVOLVING LEGACY. LEGACY NAME…THE KILLING JOKE. LEGACY TITLE… THE JOKER." Suddenly, black smoke started to appear everywhere. Jaakobah was terrified, the smoke had an ominous feeling, it was not pleasant. In the distance, he could hear the laughter of mysterious an unknown entity. The ominous black smoke came together to form the shape of a skull laughing at him while wearing a jester's hat. Like something you would read out of a Stephen King novel. As the image of the skull solidified that laughter in the distance only grew louder and louder and was coming from more and more different directions now. The skull comprised of the smoke grinned and approached Jaakobah ever so slightly. Jaakobah couldn't do anything, the game menu was not available to him and he couldn't move at all, not even blink. He could only watch in terror as the skull opened its mouth and swallowed him whole.
Jaakobah immediately tore off the headset while covered in cold sweat. The events unfolded to him just now were too fast for him to comprehend. The image of the ominous smoke, the creepy laughter, and being swallowed by the skull remained dormant in Jaakobah's head. Jaakobah remembered the mechanical voice calling him a legacy player. Jaakobah with the determination to unravel the situation sought the internet to answer his question. Upon searching up Legacy Player Jaakobah had gotten a lot of responses. The top post said, "Legacy players are players who start of the game, God's World, with a big advantage compared to other players. Where players who start with one of the four base classes will have to use common skills to advance, legacy players will already have abilities that will benefit them in the late game. Legacy players' skill could be considered as one of a kind because no two players have shared the same legacy yet. Currently, there are two known categories to legacy players, Base and Evolving. Base legacies will start at their strongest point and the only way for the legacy to get better is the mastery of the host player, and the more rare kind of legacy, Evolving. These legacies vary in starting strength but can grow, in many cases these categories of legacy eventually get stronger than Base legacies but not many people are known to possess this kind of legacy. No one knows why certain players are granted legacies and other not, people have complained but to no avail. All we know is that player's with legacies dominate the top tier."
"Ahhhhh," Jaakobah exclaimed. Now having a better understanding of the situation, he logged back into God's World.
"Selling boots to protect your feet, will also repair any damaged equipment of yours!" Yelled an NPC. Jaakobah was greeted by streams of NPC's trying to sell him goods and other players crowded next to stands buying things. Jaakobah had finally begun the game. First thing first, Jaakobah was dying to know what his title is. Jaakobah opened up his game menu.
New Skill Alert! Through the legacy The Killing Joke, you have received the following skills:
Joker Skill: Lying (beginner 5)
Joker Skill: Magical Cards (beginner 5)
Joker Skill: Stealth (beginner 5)
Jaakobah (Real identity)
The Killing Joke (?)
Legacy Title:
The Joker (?)
Joker Skill: Lying (beginner 5), born with the natural affinity to lying, able to get out of tricky situations by lying.
Joker Skill: Magical Cards (beginner 5), an uncommon affinity with card magic, able to use them to a lethal degree.
Joker Skill: Stealth (beginner 5), some understanding of how to conceal oneself in their environment.
STR(Strength) ~ Efficacy = 10
Traditionally, STR measures physical power important for dealing with melee damage. In the Game, STR is a measure of your power to get results. It is a way to predict the success of any endeavor you take. A character with an STR of zero will be completely helpless, without the capacity to do anything even for the self.
CON(Constitution) ~ Endurance = 10
CON determines your character's health. More than that, The Game treats CON as a measure of your character's long term capabilities or endurance. This attribute adds to your ability to focus on a task for extended periods. It also allows you to follow through on a quest that goes beyond the expected timeline. It is also said that this is one of the more important attributes because it determines your level of patience and your capacity to wait. To be able to forge on when times are tough you will need extra amounts of energy. CON can be developed by practicing energizing strategies like active rest, meditation and exercise.
INT(Intelligence) ~ Openness = 10
INT is described how much your character allows or prevents knowledge into your system. Every Terran has the same capacity for accepting and retaining information. The main difference is determined by how much tolerance you have for new things, different perspectives and the humility to accept the possibility that you might not know. The higher your INT the fewer barriers you place to create change. Seers, Bards, and Champions will have a natural affinity to this attribute as they are continuously exposed to the chaos of reality.
WIS(Wisdom) ~ Awareness = 10
WIS measures how much a character knows about the self, strengths, and weaknesses, patterns of thought and emotion, frameworks of judgment and perception, belief systems and decision processes. If you are aware of how and why your character thinks, feels and behaves in the way she or he does, then you have a high level of WIS.
CHA(Charisma) ~ Synthesis = 20
CHA represents your character's ability to connect with concepts, ideas, and other Terrans. Through connections, your character generates goodwill and trust within your spheres of influence. A person's likability is determined by CHA. This attribute also affects the way people react to your words, actions and your overall presence. The extent of your character's auric power is determined by this attribute's score.