
The kids got a dark side

Izuku’s mind snapped when All Might tells him he can’t be a hero. But once he meets some UA students, will he snap back to reality, or could he create the most feared group in all of Japan?

TheFlipside · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

A rise in power

Over the past week or so, Todoroki saw a pattern. In training Iida had run into a building, causing it to fall and Aizawa to get cut by a falling piece if stone. Iida rushed in with a towel and bandages, but Shoto couldn't remember the towel getting washed or thrown away. And where the hell did the towel come from? Similar things kept happening. Kirishima punched Allmight with his quirk and caused a cut during a practice drill, Sero threw rocks at Midnight and cut her leg and Shoto saw him pick it up. Almost every teacher had been cut by students Shoto either knew, or suspected were in Midoriya's group.

'Oh Izuku...why do you taunt me?' Shoto though during a lesson. He closed his eyes and felt Midoriya's arm around his waist, causing is face to turn pink.

"Todoroki, are you paying attention?" The tiered voice of his teacher brought his thoughts back to school, and to a room of chuckling students.

"TODOROKI! IT IS VERY IRRESPONSIBLE OF YOU TO NOT PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!" Iida rose to his feet and his hand chopped the air as he spoke.

"Yes, thank you Iida. Anyway, just pay attention Shoto." Aizawa turned back to the bored and picked the lesson back up.

*After school*

When the final bell went off and everyone was leaving, all the girls ran up to Todoroki's desk.

"Um, can I help you guys?" Todoroki just stared at the smiling girls in confusion.

"So~ we could tell you were obviously thinking about someone. Who was it?" Mina smiled as she spoke, all the girls leaning closer. He looked at Momo. She returned his stare with an evil and knowing smirk.

"Sorry but I have no idea what you mean." Shoto grabbed his stuff and walked out with mina yelling behind him.

"You can't hide it forever!"

*At Izuku's house*

Izuku took his time with each cloth. Toga watched as Midoriya licked every single blood stained towel. His files popped up and the cabinet started looking more professional.

"Izukucun~?" Toga smiled.

"What is it Toga?" Izuku felt a little irritated. it was difficult for him to use his quirk and talk at the same time.

"I had a pretty cool idea~! we'd be able to get much more blood~" Izuku smiled as he listened to her plan. In the end, Toga started getting all her knives into place.

*Next day in class*

"Alright everyone. Today you'll be taking you-" Aizawa got interrupted by the red flashing light and the alarm.

"A villain! Everyone stay in here!" Aizawa ran out the classroom, leaving the students alone.

"LIKE HELL I'M GONNA STAND BY!" Bakugou let off mini explosions as he stood up.

"Sit down Bakugou!" Iida rose to his feet. "We should follow sensei's orders!"

"NO!" Bakugou yelled back. "Hero's act when there are villains! And I'M going to be the number one hero!" Bakugou raced to the door and flew out into the hall.

"We might as well." Kirishima said, standing up with a sigh. The whole class got up and ran to the hall. Shoto looked over to Iida, for a split second he saw Iida smile and he ran out with the others.

"Well hello there~" Everyone looked down the hall to see Midoriya dragging Mic's body by his hair, the smell of blood slowly filling the hall.

"W-what the hell Deku?!" Bakugou yelled, his hands filling with mini explosions.

"Oh quiet you over grown pomeranian!" Midoriya smiled as some of the class started to snicker.

"WHAT ARE YOU EXTRAS LAUGHING ABOUT?!" Bakugou was so pissed at this point, causing Mina and Denki to burst out laughing.

"Hahah! h-he called you a pomeranian!" Mina laughed.

"Yea! Hahaha! you look like one too!" Denki pointed and laughed.

"See Bakugou? I'm not useless after all~" Bakugou flinched at his words.

"Your not Deku." Shoto mumbled under his breath. Bakugou seemed to hear it and clenched his fists.

"OF COURSE THATS NOT DEKU FUCKIN ICY HOT!" More explosions went off as Midoriya laughed.

"What do you mean?" Midoriya smiled as he gripped Mic's hair harder, earning a hiss from the hero, and a pissed growl from Aizawa.

"Midoriya has only ever called Katsuki 'Kacchan'." Shoto said, slowly approaching the villian. "YOU called him Bakugou. So your an impostor." Everyone looked at Shoto surprised. Izuku melted away to revel a laughing Toga.

"You are so intelligent~ I'm a little sad I messed up, but I got what I wanted~" Toga giggled as she revealed the diffrent tubes of blood on her belt. The whole class was in shock as they stared. Aizawa jumped to the floor as Toga threw Mic toward them. Mic clang to Aizawa as he stared at Toga.

"What a cute couple~ I wish I could take pictures, but I gotta get home to the boss~ Bye Bye~!" Toga waved as she put away her knife. Aizawa went to grab his scarf but a cloud of dust covered the hall, allowing the villain to escape.

"Fuck...H-Hizashi? Hey, look at me." Aizawa started to shake as fear creeps into his heart. Hizashi looked up slowly at Aizawa. A big cut along is forehead caused blood to spill down his face and in his left eye.

"Your gonna be ok, we'll get you to recovery girl ok? Your gonna be fine." Aizawa quickly got up and started to run.

"I've never seen Mr.Aizawa so worried before.." Mina commented.

'How on earth would Mic be defeated so easily? He-' Todoroki's eyes widened as he thought about it. 'We would have heard him if he even tried to fight back! Iida DID say they have a hero on their side! Could Mic be the teacher traitor?!' Todoroki's head spun with everything that started to happen. 'Just how many people in U.A were villians?'