
The Keepers I: Terra

Lily of the Pei Family died three times and lived four times. Unable to take being reborn multiple times, she finally decided to stop being lazy and started to move. She broke off her engagement with the useless crown prince, took a strong disciple, and made her disciple the strongest among the strongest in the Secular World. She then entered the Earth Realm, took another disciple, and had her disciples do the job for her. Oh, and she took a handsome man for her yet another disposal! Ah! Nothing makes a sloth happier than having someone else do the work for her!

Bloody_Iron · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

The Eleventh Prince, The Pei Family's Disciple

THE EMPEROR'S EXPRESSION darkened, and Elder Leo scowled uncomfortably. Something wasn't right. The elder didn't know what it was, but he was suddenly restless.

"Since there's fire, shouldn't you put it out?! What are you shouting and disturbing the crown prince's banquet?" Emperor Jun yelled, slapping the armrest.

The eunuch shivered, fearful of losing his life, he quickly explained, "Your Majesty, the fire at the northern part of the palace is odd. It cannot be extinguished by any other means." Then, as if recalling something, he looked over at the elder beside the emperor and kowtowed, "Imperial Preceptor! We beg you, imperial preceptor! Please help us extinguish the fire!"

The people at the banquet eventually reacted when they heard those words. They were stunned, and fear crept into their hearts. The eunuch implored the elder for assistance. Didn't this imply that the fire was connected to magic?

"Why don't we look into the situation first? If you keep dawdling and chatting, the fire will eventually reach this location, and all of you will be eternally burned."

The emperor was startled awake by Terra's admonition. He instantly sent people to the northern wing of the palace. He also sought assistance from the elder. Elder Leo gave Terra, who was following them from behind, a quick glance before heading there. The girl's reminder planted a seed of uncertainty in his heart. At the same time, he began to worry and consider his plan.

The eternal fire was something only magic users knew about. People in the secular world should be oblivious to it, especially since it included a higher level of magic. Even he couldn't create something so dangerous.

However, before jumping to conclusions, he needed to see what kind of fire it truly was.

When they arrived at the northern palace, Elder Leo almost collapsed. Olivia, who was standing next to him, noticed his response and rushed over to help him. "Master, are you okay?" she asked, looking at the fire that had already consumed the palaces and the people who were panicked and attempting to put it out. "The fire is blue," she mumbled in astonishment, "it's my first time seeing this kind of fire."

The fire was captivating to look at, but the onlookers' expressions suggested they were about to enter hell. They were powerless to put out the fire. If this continues, the entire palace will be reduced to ashes.

"What is this thing, Elder Leo?" Emperor Jun pointed out. "Can you extinguish it?"

The elder in question became pallid. His fists were tightened. "This is higher-level magic! Evacuate the palace immediately!"

Everyone was taken aback. The crowd then devolved into disorder. Some yelled, 'Protect the emperor!' and 'Protect the crown prince!' while others yelled, 'Protect the elder and the ministers!'

Terra sneered. At the same time, she was filled with shame. She perished at the hands of this wimp! It was only a few flames, yet this arrogant elder couldn't even put them out.

How humiliating!

She felt compelled to rewrite her three lives. At the very least, make her dying worthwhile!


Anyway, she couldn't let these people, especially the emperor, leave the palace. The show had not yet begun!

"Imperial Preceptor," Terra said, preventing Elder Leo from departing.

The elder stood vigilantly. Olivia was already on the crown prince's side, so only he and the other eunuchs were blocked by Terra.

Terra didn't waste any words and simply showed the elder what she intended to convey. She raised her hand, and the flames were quenched the second she closed her palm.

The northern half of the palace darkened instantaneously. People who were rushing came to a halt and those who were shouting became mute.

Terra approached the Medicine Sect's elder slowly. Once she was three feet away from him, she playfully bowed down and whispered, "Imperial Preceptor, I thought you're some good-for-something being. Even if it's the eternal flame, you should've extinguished it if your level of cultivation is higher than the one who conjured it," she mockingly said, looking at the elder's fearful eyes, "What a shame. And here I thought you'd be able to entertain me."

Elder Leo exploded. He fiercely pointed his finger towards Terra. He was going to retort when someone interrupted him.

"Someone! Someone is getting out of the burned-out palace!"

Everyone's attention was immediately pulled to the direction the eunuch was pointing.

The black smoke eventually dissipated, revealing Shadow Guard Loid. Prince Zak was on his back, seemingly on the verge of death.

"Isn't that the Imperial Uncle's shadow guard?"

"What exactly is he doing here?"

"Who's hiding in his back?"

When Emperor Jun heard the commotion, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes. The man was, in fact, his brother's imperial guard. But why was he still here? Was he the perpetrator? Was it he who set fire to half of his palace? His entire being shook in wrath as he thought this.

He wanted to lash out at the shadow guard and punish him. Just when his imagination was running wild, the shadow guard bent down emotionlessly.

"Your Majesty, this servant was ordered by His Highness, the imperial uncle, to visit the eleventh prince," Shadow Guard Loid said flatly.

Everyone was stunned once more. The eleventh prince? There were only ten imperial princes and three imperial daughters. Where did the eleventh one come from?

Prince Zak cast a weak glance at his imperial father. This was his father, yet it was also not. He had never seen him before, but he was confident it was his father. Who, after all, would dare to wear a dragon robe?

When Emperor Jun scowled at Prince Zak, he immediately averted his gaze. Then he peered around the crowd looking for a specific wi--- sister.

"Fifth brother shouldn't have bothered," Emperor Jun politely stated. He was concerned, though, as to why his brother was suddenly interested in his unknown son. He looked at the timid child and saw nothing exceptional about him.

"Your Majesty jests," Shadow Guard Loid said, "if this servant hadn't come, the prince wouldn't have survived this night, and this servant's master would undoubtedly be filled with guilt towards the late empress."

Emperor Jun was astounded. "The late empress?" That was Empress Hannah. Without her, the Immortal Dragon Empire would still be in the dark and would know nothing about the Earth Realm. "What is my son's connection to Empress Hannah?"

As the empress, the emperor's children would have naturally addressed Empress Hannah as their Imperial Mother. They weren't, however, her own children. So why should they refer to her as 'mother'? As a result, no imperial son dared to address her as 'mother'. Only her son, Hugo, had the right to do so.

For a little while, Shadow Guard Loid remained silent. Young Miss Pei had offered him an explanation. But he refused to believe it. Who, after all, would believe it? The empress's nanny was anything but ordinary. Despite her title as a nanny, she held a high position in the empress family. It was difficult to comprehend that she would give birth to someone incompetent and become a maid who would end up in the emperor's bed.

Regardless of his reservations, the deed had already been accomplished. And the task of taking the prince from the palace had to be completed. Furthermore, he couldn't think of any plausible justification right now, so he had to resort to Young Miss Pei's gibberish.

Shadow Guard Loid described the eleventh prince's relationship with Empress Hannah, neither slowly nor quickly. Nobody in the area spoke after he finished. They were astonished to hear this, but they were waiting to see how His Majesty would react.

'The maid you're so disgusted with was the late empress' nanny's daughter. What now? Are you regretful, or are you regretful?' Many eyes stared at the emperor with the same intensity and curiosity. They were all waiting to see how the emperor would react.

Unfortunately for them, Emperor Jun only sighed. That sigh was devoid of meaning.

"So, my eleventh son is actually Lady Harriet's grandson," he remarked. He appeared to be reliving the past, but he was merely acting.

What did Empress Hannah and those associated with her have to do with him? He is only interested in torturing them! He looked at his son with compassionate eyes, but deep down he was plotting methods to destroy the bastard. His mother devised every strategy to elevate him to the throne when he was still a prince. But his imperial father refused to budge. He was only servile to Empress Hannah.

Emperor Jun couldn't forget when his mother begged his emperor father for affection and when Empress Hannah chastised his mother with the help of Lady Harriet.

Sure, his mother plotted against the empress on numerous occasions. But the empress had already gained the favour of his imperial father. Why should she fight and torture his mother?!

Emperor Jun's eyes almost turned red, but he managed to keep his cool.

Shadow Guard Loid sensed the emperor's mood shift and instantly voiced his intention, "Your Majesty, His Highness, the imperial uncle, would like to request that the eleventh prince be under Duke Pei's Estate as their disciple."


"Please let the eleventh prince learn martial arts in the Duke's Estate," Shadow Guard Loid implored again.

Emperor Jun's brow furrowed. "He is a prince who has not yet reached the age of 12. He should not be leaving the palace yet; what if something happens to him?"

"Is the Emperor despising our Duke Estate?" Lily interjected. She was still standing in front of Elder Leo, and Ji Mei was standing behind her. "May I remind you, Emperor Jun? In this empire, only our estate is the safest."

Emperor Jun's frown became much more pronounced. He was reluctant to agree. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was a plot afoot.

"And," Lily continued, not waiting for the emperor to speak, "the eleventh prince has no presence in this empire. Neither your ministers nor the citizens are aware that you have another son hidden in the deepest part of the palace. If this was known to the common people, what kind of emperor would you be? Whether you're guilty or not, the reality that the eleventh prince was mistreated right under your nose would not change. You'll have to bear the consequences and lashes from the people you should satisfy. So, why not simply wash your hands by punishing those who abused the prince and issuing a decree announcing that the prince will become a disciple of our Pei Family? We can also assist you with your public reputation."

If the common people were dissatisfied with him, the empire would fall apart.

Emperor Jun's eyes grew gloomy. He took a look around. This time, he invited ministers in higher positions. This heinous girl had already revealed her plan in front of them. One word from these ministers, his reputation would still continue to deteriorate.

Of course, with such an obvious gaze, Lily could tell what he was thinking. So she gave those ministers an eerie smile and said, "This is your emperor; as ministers, you're obligated to help him, aren't you?"

The ministers began to shiver. They could only nod their heads while sweating.

Lily nodded, pleased. She then turned to face the emperor. "What are you going to do now, Emperor Jun?"

Emperor Jun felt compelled to stomp his feet and roar. Who the hell is the emperor in this place?! They only knew how to listen to the Pei Family! So, what about him? Was he still alive in these rebels' eyes?!

Taking in a mouthful of air and exhaling heavily, Emperor Jun agreed solemnly. Only Elder Leo, who suddenly couldn't speak, wanted to oppose.