

Tác giả: David_festus
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Đọc tiểu thuyết THE KEEPER OF THE TREE của tác giả David_festus được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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* Sora Ningthouja prompt.* 'Why! Me!' I asked to myself and fallen on the ground unconsciously. The last thing I remembered was the flashlight blindfolded my sight and something hit at me. But when I woke up, I was on a soft and cozy bed. 'Hmm.. what a nice aromatic scent! Is this a heaven?' 'Wait! What?' I was shocked by the image reflected on the silver pot and lift up my fatty hands which wasn't belong to me. "AAAH! What's going on this world?" I shouted out of blue. But everyone near the room rush into the room. YEAH, IT'S EVERYONE IN THAT HOUSE AT THAT MOMENT.. doctor, maids, butlers and the two couples along with a golden retriever. From the features of the two couple shows that they are the master of this house and belong to some high class family. The rich lady took her hand softly, "Hikari!" She pulled up the fatty hand and swift on her cheek as she relieved from a burden. "Hikari, you're awake at last." The rich man also sat next to her and followed her "Yes, it's our fault for the accident." He swept of his teary eyes with his hands and continued "You're our only daughter. We didn't noticed that you have been struggling with your friend circle all this year. We thought that money can happened anything but, we are wrong. We won't make that mistake again." He hugged the lady and me. 'But, I AM SORA, Sora Ningthouja and why am I HIKARI now! *Some days later as she carry-on with the Hikari body* "Hikari! I know your classmate had been mistreating you in the passed but you have to entered the school again as the Final exam of the session will be happened soon. You may have to face for a month only. After that, we will transferred you to the new school." Mr. Kishan talked was straight and simple but his eyes were pushing me to go back to somewhere were this fatty girl refused to go. Mrs. Natalia grabbed my shoulder softly with encouragement "I know my baby is strong enough and ambitious. So, she will go." She kissed on my forehead and brought out a pretty pink school bag. "Do you like this? I bought this for you and Mr. Rick will scout you at school. Don't worry about anything." I looked at all both the bag and the couple. My mind mumbled to myself 'They're the parents of this girl and I am inside their girl. But I couldn't found any clues why I end up in this body. And if I go around, I may got the clue.' "Thanks Maa, Paa! I think I shouldn't skipped the class and I won't made you worried anymore...

SHINHEIBI · Khoa huyễn
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Hero of Greed

The Vecora Continent is home to three countries of great power, each with its own grudges, desires, and internal machinations. Athios. An alliance of belligerent city-states that make up the southern region, whose borders are being encroached on by hungry neighbors. Theurgard. A clannish collective located in the freezing northern steppes of Vecora. With the passing of time, it has evolved into a hawkish empire, whose frostbitten populace hungrily stares toward the more temperate south. Finally, Rochan. A kingdom made up of traders, merchants, seafarers, and ambitious adventurers. They call the Delane Peninsula their home, sandwiched between Athios and Theugard. Rochan has found itself benefiting off the other two's skirmishes, though such gold has created dangerously ambitious nobles. And living on this continent, is Gary. Neither his name nor personality would suggest Gary would ever have an impact on the world. Generally unpleasant and of average talent, he would have been lucky to be put down as a footnote in history. He is a greedy, lying, sorry excuse of a team leader who is more than willing to risk it all for some gold. But stuck in a dire situation, Gary experiences a freak accident, one that leads him either to the end of the world, or a chance at greatness. Living in a world with scheming nobles and existential doom, Gary must change his actions, and become something he was never meant to be: a hero. Or... at least pretend to be one. ................ AN: I do not own the cover

Dontlookdown · Kỳ huyễn
53 Chs

Omega Without A Name (BL)

This book is mature and I will not post warnings on chapters. There is talk of abuse in many forms. Please understand that there will be dark before the light. I do not expect this book to be a long one, but hope it will be enjoyed either way. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Alpha. Omega. Beta. The three sub genders after the standard Male and Female. The world I live in there was also a hierarchy between each sub gender except for Betas. Betas would be the normal, everyday, average human. The majority of the gender society. They are not affected by pheromones, and their own are not strong enough to affect others. Betas, like the other two sub genders, can be male or female. When you get to Alphas, you have dominant Alphas and Alphas that are closer to Beta in behavior, called submissive Alphas. Dominant Alphas are more possessive, stronger, and a tad faster than a submissive one. That does not mean that the submissive Alphas are a push over. They just tend to be more on the quieter side. However, no matter the hierarchy, get two Alphas together that are fighting over dominance and the submissive can be just as dangerous as the dominate. Alphas in general are the ruling class now. They are the CEOs, lawyers, world leaders, even the most of the sport professionals and actors. This brings us to Omegas. The lowest class. Though times have changed, the old ways of looking down at Omegas, is still very much everywhere you look. Omegas who were once only caged and leashed by their respective Alpha as an item and nothing more; are now allowed to work and go to school. The schools still tend to keep Omegas separate from the Alphas to prevent accidents from happening. However, most places of employment would rather hire an Alpha or Beta. Omegas tend to not usually have a dominant gene in their body, making them easy targets for the illegal trade. The world slangs them as Breeders. Oh, did I mention that the males, who are very, very rare, can also get pregnant? *This is a story about me. Where we begin the story, I have no name. There is nothing in my memories of love. There has only ever been fear. * This is a work in progress while I work on my other novel Eclipsed Luna. It was an idea that arrised while writing EL and I could not help but put it to 'paper'.

Zurgyness · Kỳ huyễn
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