

Hi, I'm God. I made a wonderful world filled with different species, creatures, and living things. One of my favorite kindoms on this cute little earth is the kindom of Doware.

Now this kingdom is quite diverse. Starting with the thick, dense and rughid forest that holds many mystical beings. From the elegant and dainty forest elves, to the towering, bulky giants. The communities in these parts tend to lean twords the adventurous side, willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown. It's quite whimsical once you get a glimpse into the different parts of the these southern areas.

Moving to East a bit you will find a different vibe within these parts. Here lies our Oceanic settlements. You'll find massive, unyielding cliffs thats look down at the untamed ocean. Golden sands that shimmer in the light, like a a freshly polished stone. The kin around here are busy, and engaged. We have our fellow water nymphs, charming everyone they encounter to our Half-breeds which range from half fish to half bird. If you're looking for a pleasant conversation and diverse people these areas are made for you.

Are you introverted? Do you tend to hide from general civilization? Well I got the place for you! Heading up twords our Northern territories we have our cavern region. Deep, unruly, and winding paths that lead into a rooted, and underground society. The communities that live here tend to stay to themselves. In their words "out of sight, out of mind". From the large, eerie stone people our intimidating hybrid kin. People who live down here tend to do lots of metal work, from our classic heroic sword to your out of the ordinary knick knacks.

Finally moving East we have our colossal mountain region. In the mountain region, lies the capital of Doware. The thick mist, howling winds, and the rigid paths lead into different little towns amongst the range of rocks. The societies that live here tend to be older and wiser than most. You know that one kid who follows the rules to much? thats the people who live here. Everyone tends to be uptight and stick to the plan type of people. Races that move into these parts are your normal humans, you have your Fae folk who tend to be very michevous, and your Teifling kin who are surprisingly very uptight.

Now as we zoom back into our little forest we have a new story arising. As you will see we have a cute little 19 year old forest elf named Carmen. Her long red hair compliments her lightly sun-kissed skin, making her bright green eyes pop. At a grand height of 4'11, this ditzy elf is ready to explore the undiscovered terrain you call the world. Little does she know her world is about to change thanks to the help of God. Now, I'm a hopeless romantic myself and every now and then I tend to spice things up.

Now introducing our specimen Corey. This 20 year old white wolf hybrid is looking to learn a little about living. His long hair covers his tall toned body revealing his pale skin. His cold blue eyes could entice anybody who gets the slightest of glimpses. Standing at a height of 6'5 he practically towers over his peers. How will these two act together and what adventurous will they get tangled up in? only the future will be able to tell that.