
The Journey To The Top (Multiversal fanfic) [Completed]

This is my first fanfic critisism is welcomed Join disc: https://discord.gg/FxBh8eGX Synopsis: A soul drifts away from the cycle of reincarnation and into the void, something that has never happened before. A large amount of time passes with nothing happening, until an entity appears before the soul. Read to find out more. Current world: DxD Finished worlds: Arifureta Cover is not mine Characters and the original story in this fanfic are also not mine all credit goes to their respective creators. I will say this now this novel is pretty cliché, I am not forcing you to read. If you’re dissatisfied about the direction, flow or any other aspect of the novel you are free to leave and if you choose to leave a comment on the way out please make it helpful, and not something you wrote just to be hurtful. Please enjoy. Also mc is strong since chap 4 be warned Also, try to read until the start of Tortus before leaving criticism AU elements

SentToOblivion · Tranh châm biếm
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105 Chs

Life (R-18)

(This chapter contains R-18 content towards the end skip if you are not comfortable)

"Magical girl Levi-tan has arrived- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU BIMBO."

An angry scream rang out in the castle of Arcadio.

Akio who was currently sitting on the couch drinking tea with five guests turned to look at the one who shouted out.

"Good morning to you as well Serafall," Akio spoke but he seemed to be ignored as Serafall had her full attention on one of the guests, Gabriel.

More specifically her gaze was on her chest which was greatly expanding the fabric of her shirt.

Gabriel's reaction was to just tilt her head in confusion, however, that wasn't the case for 2 of the newcomers.

"That level of disrespect cannot be tolerated, especially when it's directed at one of the 'Great Seraphs'." One of the newcomers who held a blue and gold sword spoke.

"Hmph." The other one who stood nodded while also drawing a katana-looking blade.

"And who are you." Serafall raised an eyebrow at the two who were openly showing their hostility.

"Xenovia, Irina. Stand down." A more mature woman with blue eyes and a well-developed body spoke with a voice that didn't allow for back talk.

This woman was Griselda Quarta, the queen of Gabriel's brave saints.

Hearing the words of Griselda, Xenovia, and Irina could only grit their teeth before sitting back down.

The last newcomer who sat next to Griselda looked around just as confused as Gabriel.




This girl was Asia Argento, who had recently arrived in Kuoh. Back when Gabriel and Michael were making their way to Akio's 'house' in Kuoh they stumbled upon Asia who was healing a small boy who had just fallen.

They recognized her as what the church recognized as 'The Holy Priestess'.

They were of course aware of her ex-communication, as the order had passed by Michael himself.

This was of course before Akio had taken charge and the 'Heavens system' had come back into play. Michael was afraid that denying her banishment would only tamper with the faith of the Christian people.

Still, he didn't plan to leave her all alone even more so after Akio had taken over.

Like that Asia was taken in and eventually joined Gabriel's 'Brave Saints' as a nine.

Irina and Xenovia showed excellence with both holy magic and swords and were also recommended by Griselda. Xenovia took the position of a jack directly below Griselda while Irina was put as a 10.




"Well, I think this is enough for today," Akio spoke putting down his cup of tea as he stood up.

"Yes, thank you for even allowing us in your presence Lord." Griselda quickly stood up before bowing deeply.

She was soon followed by the other three as they also bowed deeply.

Like in the original the three had found out about the original God of the Bible dying. However, in this world, they found out when Griselda recommended them to Gabriel.

Their reaction was as expected, however, they somehow were able to keep their faith when they found out that God had a successor who was even stronger than the original.

"Yes, we shall take our leave, Lord," Gabriel spoke while getting a little closer to Akio and bowing.

With this action, she directly expressed her true motive something Akio immediately picked up on.

With a warm smile, Akio put his hand on her head and watched as she melted from his gentle caresses.

"Come visit anytime, Gabriel," Akio spoke in her ear causing her to shudder in pleasure.

Ever since the day she accidentally rubbed herself against his manhood she couldn't help but feel pleasure from his every touch.

It was slowly starting to change her as she looked forward to the next time she would be able to experience it.




As it seemed Serafall came over to hang out with Miledi. The two also took Aimi with them again, and they were all now in Miledi's dimension watching a magical girl anime while also wearing cosplay.

Myu on the other hand was spending time with Meiru who took her to a movie theater in Kuoh.

Now, Akio enjoying not having any work to do was resting on a cushion floating above Kuoh.

He was of course joined by Fate who had latched herself onto him as she tended to do now recently.

The two still hadn't moved on to being a couple and instead, were just enjoying each other's company. It would happen eventually but for now, there was no need to rush it.

Despite the soft feeling on his arm Akio had his attention focused on other places. He had a giant barrier encompassing a large part of Kuoh. He was yet again training his ability to perceive everything inside the barrier as well as process all the information from it.

He could see literally everything from what everyone was thinking to even Myu who was watching a movie in the theater while being periodically fed popcorn by Meiru. He could even see and directly change the fate of multiple of the people simultaneously.

It was a feeling of omniscience as if he wanted to he could even see the past and future of the entire area.




Over time he gradually increased the size of the barrier until eventually, he was able to use his ability on half of Kuoh.

After that, however, he became mentally exhausted from the insane amount of information that was flowing through his head.

When he came back to his own perspective he saw Fate who was swinging her legs while staring down at the scenery.

Deciding he deserved a break Akio bear-hugged the girl earning him a "Kyaa."

"W-w-what?" Fate questioned with a large blush while she was now being hugged and lay directly on top of his chest.

"I always pamper you, shouldn't you return the favor?" Akio asked while closing his eyes.

"O-ok." Fate who heard this could only nod in acceptance although she herself was unfamiliar with how to pamper.

She ended up just replicating what Akio did for her, which included a massage, head pats and even being fed.

She found herself enjoying his comfortable expression.

'Maybe, it's not so bad for the roles to be reversed every once in a while.'

Fate spoke internally before she was once again hugged by Akio.

"W-what now." She spoke frantically.

"You're warm," Akio spoke simply before adjusting himself by putting one hand on her waist and the other on her head. He brought her close and buried her face into his neck.

Feeling comfortable it didn't take him long before he had fallen asleep.

'This is embarrassing.' Fate whose face was now fully red could only allow herself to be used as a body pillow.

Eventually, however, her embarrassment started to lessen as she wrapped her arms around him as well before joining him for a small nap.




Time passed and the two soon returned to Arcadio. Immediately upon entering the living room he was met with the three magical girls who were excitedly gathered around the tv.

Slowly not wanting to get interrupt their viewing he went behind them before kissing Miledi on her forehead. Is what he intended but in the last millisecond, Miledi whipped her head around and met his lips with her own, before with the same speed returning to the show.

Akio could only smile at her weird use of her insane speed.

Aimi on the other hand directly turned her attention away and jumped into his arms.

"Welcome back da-da." She spoke while kissing his forehead.

Akio nearly melted from the cuteness of his daughter as he kissed her cheek and sat down with her on his lap. He joined the three as they watched the flashy magical girl anime.




After around 2 episodes Akio heard the audible grumble of Aimi's stomach.

"*chuckle.* I'll make lunch." Akio with those words got up and moved Aimi onto Miledi's lap before making his way to the kitchen.

His wives and maids were most likely still off training or hanging out in one of the other dimensions but would come within the hour for lunch.

With that knowledge, Akio made a giant quantity of pasta, and just as he thought his wives soon arrived in the kitchen their skin blushing showing that they had just gotten out of the bath.

Soon the food was served by the maids and they all sat down to eat as a family. Serafall also joined but she was still unused to the godly skill that was Akio's cooking.

"Marry me," Serafall spoke her face melting as she looked at the man who could make something so delicious.

Akio just shook his head in exasperation while continuing to eat.

On the other hand, the person sitting beside Serafall perked up after hearing her words.

"THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!" Miledi shouted while turning her shining eyes to Serafall.

Akio could already see the hidden objective of his wife as she tried to marry off Serafall to him.

"W-what are you saying?" Serafall despite being the one to bring up the topic blushed at Miledi's words.

"Hehe, that way we can officially be sisters," Miledi spoke before going into thought, perhaps thinking of ways to get the two closer.

Akio could only sigh as he and his wives watched as the two continued to go back and forth.




(R-18 conent, if you are uncomfortable, please skip)


A low hum of satisfaction rings out through a large room.

The source of this noise was a sky blue-haired rabbit girl who was currently lying on Akio's lap.

The two were currently sitting on a large king-sized bed wearing nothing but a bathrobe.

Shea after lunch had asked Akio to spar, she wanted to see how much her strength had grown since the last time they dueled.

As it seemed the results were to her liking as even if she couldn't touch him she managed to dodge one of his punches.

After the fact, they had gotten in the bath together where she just continued to hum in happiness the entire time. When they got out they made their way to their bedrooms but along the way, Shea in her excitement had pulled him into her room and demanded to be spoiled for her hard work. Akio of course would never pass up a chance to rub those lovable rabbit ears.

This leads to the present where Shea melted in his touch.

Akio seeing the blissful face of his wife couldn't help but want to morph it into something different.

His thoughts turned into action as while he kept his right hand on her head he slowly moved his left to her leg.

Slowly he ran his finger up along her calf before continuing past her knee before arriving at her smooth thigh that was peaking out of the loose bathrobe.

Shea who was laying perpendicular to him turned her head and her eyes now stared directly into Akio's.

Akio seeing her eyes slowly dim continued moving his hand before he arrived at her already glistening cave.

He didn't touch it however and instead traced around her outer labia. His light and stimulating touch made Shea jerk as her face now reflected her desire.

"Ahhh~ Akio... don't tease me," Shea begged trying to move her body in a way that he would instead touch her cave directly.

Akio didn't listen however as he continued rubbing his finger along her pussy without actually touching it.

He then with a quick movement moved her so she was sitting up at an angle while leaning on his stomach.

His hand never stopped teasing her and instead, he only increased it.

With her bathrobe being more accessible he used his right hand to remove her arms from the sleeves of the robe and in doing so revealed her well-developed chest and her pink nipples that stood erect.

He then started to tease her more by running his finger in circles along her pink areola earning another frustrated grunt.

"Akio, please~"

Shea whose face was near tears from the frustration begged.


As soon as she finished her words Akio's middle and ring fingers immediately entered inside her soaked pussy while his thumb went to work with playing with her clit.

His right palm at the same time started groping her breast while kneading her erect nipple.

"Nnnn-AHHHHH~" Shea tried to lessen her moans but Akio didn't allow that and directly rubbed his fingers against her G-spot.

The pleasure caused her to moan extremely loudly but luckily it was only heard by Akio as he already put up a noise cancellation barrier.

Still, she looked for a way to muffle herself leading her to move her head and immediately latch on to Akio's lips.

As soon as their lips met Akio immediately invaded her mouth with his tongue. Shea tried her best to overcome his attack but alas all she could do was surrender control.

After around 10 more seconds of his repeated attacks, Shea couldn't hold on any longer and moaned inside his mouth.

"C-Cumming~ AHHHHHH." Shea's back arched, her toes curling as her feet supported the rest of her body that had lifted 8 inches from the bed.

Soon however her body went limp, her arms and legs spread out in any direction her eyes looking dazedly at the ceiling while her tongue remained outside of her mouth.

Akio's penis which was already making a large dent in the bathrobe twitched when he saw the scene. Immediately he stored the bathrobe in his storage leaving his giant manhood standing tall without obstruction.

Akio did not waste any time and immediately did the same to the still dazed Shea leaving her completely exposed. A wet patch was already visible underneath her soaked cave.

It only took a second before Akio had her legs on top of his shoulders before he plunged his giant cock into her awaiting cave.

"AHHHHHH~" Shea yet again screamed out in pleasure as she felt her pussy being invaded by the all too familiar rod.

Immediately her cave that was already perfectly molded to fit him tightly wrapped around him trying to desperately keep it inside her.

Akio began pistoning grunting at her tightness.





Over and over Akio thrust in and out of the girl leaving her an orgasmic mess.




"Shooo good~" Shea's words began to slur as her back yet again arched and her legs wrapped tightly around Akio's back.

She absentmindedly wrapped her arms tightly around his neck before pulling herself up and yet again engaging in a heated kiss.

Her body was now fully off the bed as she rocked along with Akio after every thrust.

"Cummmmming~" Shea yet again announced her climax as she tightened her hold even further around Akio.

This time however she wasn't alone as Akio felt

pressure building up in his penis.


"Me too, get ready," Akio grunted out temporarily parting his lips from hers.

"AH, inside, DO IT INSIDE~ AHHH," Shea begged while also moving her hips in time with Akio's.




Akio continued his thrusting before finally-



The two both pushed against each other one last time. Akio's dick slammed deep against her cervix.

"Ahhh, it's so warm!" Shea moaned as she felt an endless stream of Akio's seamen flooding her womb.

"Huff huff"

Coming down from his high Akio pulled out of Shea and instantly his seed followed.

Shea fell back onto the bed but this time didn't stay idle.

She flipped herself around so her back was facing the air. She then lifted her ass in the air, letting Akio see her freshly creampied vagina that was still glistening with the two's fluids.

With her head turned and facing Akio she waved her perky ass as she moaned his name.

"Akio... More~."

That was all he needed to hear as he yet again plunged himself into her causing even more of his seamen to come rushing out.


Like that, hours passed as Akio took the girl in every portion he could think of, only stopping when he sensed that she had fallen unconscious.

Around this time Mina had just walked through the door just in time to see Shea passed out while being bent over the bed.

She watched as Akio slowly pulled out of the unconscious girl his penis covered in both of their fluids.

The girl who had originally come to find Shea completely forgot her goal as she immediately closed the door her tongue coming out of her small mouth to lick her lips.

"Mine." She spoke before immediately jumping from the door to the bed.

She kneeled in front of him as she spoke.

"Thanks for the meal, master~"

With that, she took his cock immediately inside her mouth.

Akio only rolled his eyes at the girl before turning to Shea.

With a thought, he immediately cleaned her up before doing the same to himself.

Mostly, at least as he left his penis alone for the horny rabbit girl to enjoy.

Temporarily moving Mina away from his dick he picked up Shea and moved over to lay on the bed with Shea next to him.

Even while unconscious, the girl snuggled up to him with a satisfied expression.

Mina was quick to follow to the bed as she while still in her maid uniform also climbed on the bed and went under the sheets.

Like that Akio wrapped his right arm around Shea and grabbed onto her soft breast while putting his other hand on top of Mina's head as he enjoyed his lovely maid's blowjob.

It wouldn't be long before Shea would wake up to the figure of Mina who was being bent over similar to she was before, with her face having the very definition of fucked silly on it.


(AN: First attempt at R-18 whether or not you guys like it will dictate if I choose to do it again. Let me know your thoughts.)