
Dr. Bright's First Encounter, The Spiders Warning, Ritual...

(P.O.V.: Dr. Bright...)





Finally!!! I am now in that damn underground base!!! I was bravely on my way to SCP-6820 within the underground building that looked more like a resort with Pointerter to manipulate it into finding SCP-00000... Without any backup for when I meet this S.C.P.... Jesus, I have no backup contingencies except for some past crap I've used before for some other anomalies... Welp, I'll make do with what I have in hand... And pray that this anomaly is chill...






(Third POV: Site %%%%%)

Dr. Bright was dragging his way, wobbling from his head injury. I mean, he was valiantly walking to the containment site to find the anomalous object that he was gambling with. I mean, not gambling but assured of his not-so-well-thought-out plan. I mean, it's better than nothing in such a short time for the countdown that ticks by as The Veiler's presence on Earth slowly manifests itself as his illusions will turn into reality. 

 (A/n: That's not ominous at all... spiders in Hindu myths are overpowered as hell if you look at the concept of Brahma.)

He totally didn't struggle as he opened the door through his anomalous laser pointer. Only Dr. Bright would use an anomalous object as a key to open doors for the hell of it—if you ignore Dr. Cleff, that is. He's probably out somewhere on vacation on a hot date with an S.C.P. Is Dr. Cleff a furry or not? That should be a story for another time.

Dr. Bright opened the door with the pointer, transporting it into a different reality, and carried on inside, confused as to where all the operatives were. 'Why is this place empty? I feel like the O5 had just stationed them all somewhere else just because of me. They probably did that in order for me not to cause problems.'

With Dr. Bright's thoughts running many simulations of why there weren't any operatives around, he finally found a vast containment door that led to SCP-6820, which looked like a substantial spherical monument being contained with all of the equipment to keep it from going haywire.

Dr. Bright sighed in relief. Finally, he started his plan. As he got to an arm's length reach, he lifted his Pointer, better known as SCP-2719. As he raised it to SCP-6820, he paused his action momentarily but reassured himself as he shook his head.

"Oh fuck it, if all else fails with this, then I'll just rely on the [S.W.A.N.N. Engine] then." His clothing started to change into a space suit, and the pointer began to glow, causing a chain reaction from SCP-6820 as the spherical object glowed red forcefully, roaring like an engine. Still,

soon, that roar quieted down in desperation, causing the A.I to break down as what it was trying to find was something that was now refusing to calculate toward the destination, as just by the corner of the room, there was an unknown entity just standing there in the room with a smile that made the sentient A.I 's metallic body shook out of an unknown emotion called fear.

Dr. Bright was confused as to why 6820 was shaking, but his confusion didn't last long as the anomalous object in question blasted him away from the A.I sending Bright to where he was aiming for, and finally, when the Doctor was gone, that starved glare from the entity seized, and it disappeared, leaving a quivering A.I alone.

(A/n: I'm feeling bad for that A.I.; sooner or later, he'll be one of those lunch collectibles.)

(P.O.V: Dr. Bright)

Well, holy shit... I wanted to be teleported, not blasted off like a cartoon villain. Well, it is what it is; at least I'm traveling to my destination. I somewhat hope I am; I would be okay if I were transported to the wrong area. Of course, it would have to be someplace relaxing; I'm also going to pray here and now in hopes of a beautiful tropical planet-?!?!?!??!?!?!





(3rd POV: Dr. Bright)

*BAM!!!!!!!!!* Dr. Bright met head-first into an invisible wall, his face sliding across it as his bleeding face was smearing on it like a paintbrush across said wall like a canvas. He was still alive, but the emotional damage from each prayer had weighed on him immensely. Still, he was not really worried about dying in space as the suit was still in one piece, but he could only see blood through his cracked helmet and added with his necklace, he would be ok.

As Dr. Bright was still rethinking his life choices, something began to pull him through the wall as a wormhole opened up, and just like that, he was forced inside as webs hovered around his body, protecting his mind from the process of transportation.






[Realm Of Chaotic Stasis]

In one of the many formed realms that stack over one another infinitely within the Supernal realm, The [Chaotic Stasis] is the one that involves itself in traveling to different worlds or possible universes through the webs it weaves itself through like parasitic leeches, the realm made of a dark purplish substance with many different rules to this reality differing from the others, this realm may be lower than the ones above, but it holds an essential role for scouting and creating energy and deadlights... But who knows when another realm will transcend the Chaotic Stasis's role.

Dr. Bright was free-falling from the purplish sky, but his fall was a soft one. The landing was like a pillow, and the floor was made of a purplish webbing. He should be lucky that the webbing he was laying on wasn't a patterned web; as a webbing that held creation and the Wyrm, he would have immediately alerted powerful spiders that would use those same webs to tie him up indefinitely... 

At this point, Dr. Bright was a dazed mess in his tattered space suit. He looked at the purple sky, and upon realizing where he was, he slowly stood up, almost tired of praying. He further looked around his surroundings and saw something that wasn't there before.

It was like a cocoon, but it held everything in place all at once; he couldn't help but yell out. "What in the ever living fuck is this?" He was surprised, but his voice didn't really convey any surprise at all as he already gave out any fucks he could give. And then a voice popped up near him.

[{Ahhh, that cocoon is where many spiritual manifestations of spiders weave their webs to find foreign places out of curiosity... That cocoon is kind of like the beginning of it all}] Dr. Bright turned around and saw a jester that was purple, giving a shady grin. Dr. Bright carefully placed a hand on his back to keep his engine ready and said to the Jester.

"Umm... So, you're the anomaly that was causing all of that chaos on Earth..." The Jester in purple smiled at the Doctor's immediate question and asked him another.

"I'll ansver your question if sie ansver mine. Dit sie pray today, doktor jakk bright? The Jester spoke in a German accent, confusing the Doctor and said.

"What's with the accent?!?!? And... I did pray today, twice, even if I have to be honest with you. And how did you know my first name?" The Jester clicked his tongue and said.

"Nein, nein, nein, jakk, one question at a time... Ant vov!?!? i vasn't expektink sie to pray at all, either. Ant yes, i tekhnikally am zee anomaly kausink a bit of tomfoolery, dr. Jakk." Dr. Bright, who was slightly unnerved by this anomaly, spoke with a German accent but asked a question.

"I have a lot of questions, but there is one that is a lot more important: What is with the place you've destroyed? I have a feeling that the place you glassed is more important than meets the eye." His question made the Jester smile wide, showing his pointy teeth. He finally changed his accent back to English.

[{Now you're asking the right questions, Doctor!!!! But can I see that engine behind you before I answer and send you off? I do wish that you could stay longer. Still, you'll be hunted by what comes from the web when the moon falls~}] Dr. Bright, who had heard that, immediately tried to use the [S.W.A.N.N. Engine] out of reflex so that it wouldn't get into the entity's hands.

Still, the engine didn't work, making his eyes widen in complete astonishment, and the Jester, with the same smile as if Bright had done nothing, spoke again.

[{Well, Mr. Jack, as long as that machinery in you're hands is a part of science, I can easily nullify its usage~ I only want to see it not use this wonderful creation.}] The Jester waved his hand, and the engine floated away from the stunned scientist.

[{Truly, zis is a vork of art! It's a portable engine zat koult help transkent narratifes! zis pieke of makhinery voult put a kertain soul reaper to shame!}] The purple Jester observed it with wonders without knowing or caring that he was using a German accent out of excitement. He then threw it back to Dr. Bright and said.

[{Ok, now that's over, now I'll tell you about Yellowstone Park... At this point, I could see from one of my eyes in your world that spiders had appeared in the world as a colony.

That colony was building something a bit old-fashioned as a ritual to connect one of my webs to Earth and summon an incarna, or servant spirit, that works for me.

But the problem is that my servant is incomplete and dangerous. If one of them were summoned, then the entire planet would be destroyed... So, this will be a racing game to see who summons that incarna first!!! And you have the perfect item in your hands, Doctor Bright, for a much easier ritual!!

But, I think with the ritual those spiders are building up, they might not be summoning an incarna but an aspect of me!!!! So you better hurry up and summon either me or the incarna first, as I'll be sending you back to God!!!}] Dr. Bright had an "oh shit" face hearing all of this but interrupted the Jester for a final question.

"Wait!! Before you do all of that... What's your name?"The entity said.

"It's Indra, Or The Veiler." After he said his name, Dr. Bright was transported all the back into SCP-343's cell, still with his head injury and a need to drink a lot of vodka... God chuckled a bit seeing Dr. Brights state and said.

"I did try to warn you before, Mr. Bright." Dr. Bright groaned and told 343 to.

"Please... Shut. The. Fuck. Up...." He was unbelievably sore and wanted to take a nap in the cell.

(POV: Indra)

"Well, now, this is going to be a lot of fun just trying to instigate things. Next is the Church of the Broken God and the Children of the Scarlet King... maybe also Sarkic Cult is next into the fray of this madness of mine... I don't have to worry about Chaos insurgency as they already are pretty i̵n̶s̵a̷n̵e̸." Indra hummed to himself, waiting for more to come as he disappeared back to his original form.

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