
Easy solution

Hermit arrived at a dark door that was made out of oakwood. The door was odd it didn't have a door handle and in place where the door handle should be there was a hand outlined by a white color on the door.

Hermit raised his hand to touch the white outlined hand and as his hand touched the door a sound of locks being unlocked could be heard then the door flew open and Hermit ran in. The room had a old creepy feeling to it. There were many shelf's full of books from many weird topics to really complicated theories and on tables test tubes with many different colored liquids. The floor was full of torn papers with circles and writing all over them. In a dark corner of the room there were sharp eyes looking intensely at the old man.

Hermit sensed the eyes and sightly smiled "come here Catie "

A tiger appeared from the dark corner walking slowly towards Hermit then it raised its head almost saying pat me head. As Hermit ignored the tiger request he said in a strong monotone voice "Catie we need to talk. Hurry up and transform into your human form "

"Your no fun" a woman voice came from the tiger, who started to shine a white before a puff of smoke covered up the tiger and a good area around. Now stood a old lady in her 70 's with no clothes on. She had a tail and her hair was long and silky. She even had cat ears on top of her head. The color of her hair was white like snow in winter.

"Well this is a important matter, tell me to you know anything about a way to cure a person that is born with no mana" said Hermit

"Hmmm a person with no mana. impossible for them to live a long healthy life even if there was a cure or way to keep them alive it wouldn't be easy. Why are you asking about this?" Said Catie

Hermit looked at her and with a serious expression said " The young princess was born with no mana"

"What that's impossible?? How can someone with loyal blood be born with no mana that's impossible" said Catie with amazement

"I know that's why I'm asking you if there's a cure for this illness" said Hermit

"Yes there is. There's two ways of curing the illness but both of them will take a long time to get and each one has there own danger." Said Catie while robbing her chin.

"Tell me time is not on our side" said Hermit

"Exactly that's why even if we could get any of the cure's. The princess won't last long because the curse are turning her into a inmortal with a flower of the world tree or getting a favor from a God. Does are the only ways i know we could cure the young princess." Said Catie with a sad expression.

Hermit stood there with a blank expression thinking of what Catie just said. [ How would we even get a favor from a God that's impossible since many God's don't mingle with humans only when they are bored and for the world tree flower it is more possible but still has its difficulties it is protected by dragon's and there King in the highest mountain.]

Catie looked at her companion thinking face with a smile then she started laughing on controllably. Making Hermit lose his concentration.

He turned to look at Catie and said angry "What's so funny don't you see the life of a child is at stake"

" Yes i know this but your thinking face is so funny. Every time you concentrate to much on something you make a duck face" said Catie while laughing

"Ugh concentrate you stupid dog" Hermit yelled at Catie

Catie stoped laughing and with a straight face said "what the hell did you say old man"

"Who are you calling a old man 'dog'" said Hermit looking straight at Catie

As both of them looked intensely at is other the room around them got hotter and hotter in there rage. Papers that littered the floor even the shelf's started to curl up and burn because if the extreme heat that both magicians were emitting. Time passed were about two minutes to be exact and the room was now in flames, this is when finally both of them realized that the room wasn't doing so good. But it was to late by this time everything around them was now burn to ashes even the nice blue color that the room had had been burn off.

Catie and Hermit stoped the flames using wind magic to stop oxygen from feeding the flames. After they started cleaning the room. All was turned to ashes but they didn't worry about the other rooms around this room because the room had a magic barrier that kept fire or explosions in the room.

Catie was cleaning the ashes and little that remained of a wooden table when she felt something pulling mana out of her body. She fastly moved away to look at what had pulled her mana , it was a small stone that could fit in one hand. The color of the stone was dark purple.

As Catie analyzed the weird stone from a distance she was so confused how could the stone survive the magical crash that happened just a few minutes ago it was like the stone just popped into existence,

Hermit looked back at her with a confused expression before continuing to clean up when suddenly he heard a short scream then a loud crash of a body hitting the ground. He turned around and found Catie laying on the ground.

He got closer to see if she was okay. As he got close he noticed that she was still conscious but couldn't move. It was like her energy was drained out of her body.

"Stop playing around, we need to clean this up and search for something to cure the princess" said Hermit

When he was about to shake her, he sensed something was pulling mana away from his body the closer his hand got close to her body more was being taken. He looked up and down her body only finding a black purple stone that she was holding in one hand but other than that nothing different. That's when he realized that the stone that Catie was holding was a stone from the past.

The stone was left in his care by the previous Royal magician. The stone had a power that absolves mana from people's body, it was used in the past as a form of torture.

He quickly moved Catie so that she would drop the stone. As soon as he did and the stone was now laying on the ground Catie one's again started to move.

"What the hell is that thing" Catie angry said while pointing at the stone.

"It's the solution to our problem" said Hermit while taking of his hat and with one of the last pieces of wood of a table that remained. He pushed the stone into his had and stood up.

" I'm going to the blacks smite I'll be right back" he said running out the door

Leaving Catie on the hot floor. Catie started yelling for help and cursing Hermit for leaving her there " you ##### hermit I'll kill you.come back here ###

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