
The journey of a goddess

Please don’t read this if you don’t like extremely dark novels. My new novel memories undone will be no where near as dark as this novel and I don’t want this novel to turn you away from my new book . (Warning this is a dark Gods Novel. .It is a book that takes you through a fight between dark and light Gods fighting for power. It stems around a romance that is in the middle of it all. It will have violence, sex, suicide, cheating and extremely dark scenes in it. Read at your own discretion. This is a dark Gods war and romance book, it is not your typical heart felt romance. It will pass border line dark at times. The book will take you through a war over all magic. At times you will questions things. The more you read the more it will help you understand how the war started and how things truly turned out to be. I hope anyone reading enjoys it even though it’s unconventional. Also I have been editing and soon will be posting more chapter.) This is a continuation to The Goddess of wisdom and creation. It can be read as a stand-alone and I hope you give this book a chance if you don’t prefer my first one. My writing improved in this one and the storyline is amazing even through my unconventional writing style. Ariella is a powerless Goddess who has been locked away from exploring the royal realm since she was born. For years she begged her father to allow her to go to the royal academy but he never seemed to budge. After what seemed like an eternity her dream finally became reality. She was enrolled in the most sought out school for Gods and Goddesses. She would finally be set free of her chains. The life she wanted was in her grasp. All dreams were possible, the fear of not fitting in was squashed instantly and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect but what happens when word goes around that the Goddess who teaches royal laws is being replaced by none other than the high king himself? Ariella rolls her eyes and keeps walking, that's what happens. That is until she's proven wrong the moment she walks right into the most addicting and magnificent God she had ever laid eyes on. The high king to be specific. All the promises she made, all the rules she followed were pushed aside as soon as she realized that her crush was more than a simple crush. The high king consumed her mind and every other part of her. A simple obsession you say? Well she's in for a rude awakening when the simple life she had, turns into a neverending roller coaster when secrets of the past threaten to take away everything. From her freedom to her sanity. Will Ariella be able to escape the ghosts of a past she doesn’t remember or will everything come crumbling down with every turn she takes. Join Ariella on her journey as she gets thrown into a world of war, manipulation, and complete darkness.

Ashley_loo · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

First day part 3

Ariellas Pov

"Nobody told me that." I whispered. I felt defeated. I was so excited to come here but I forgot about my dad. Hes been so supportive and always there for me.

"Let's go." Blake demanded as he grabbed me. I couldn't protest because we were teleporting out of the main office instantly.

"Oh. I see we have a new student. If I'm not mistaken this Is Ariella. I want everyone to make her feel welcomed." A scratchy voice said alittle to excitedly. Her enthusiasm did nothing for my anxiety.

The older Goddess with big brown eyes and chestnut colored hair had a huge smile on her face. It was like she was a huge bottle of sunshine. Her happiness did nothing for me. "Go ahead, you can sit down in the empty seat." Her scratchy voice hurt my ears more than it helped ease me into my transition.

I slowly walked forward and looked around at all the unfamiliar faces. Most of them were smiling and smirking. Whispers could be heard but not understood.

It was like walking into a rainbow. So many different hair colors filled the tables. Every single color went with the God or Goddesses face. None of these Gods or Goddesses were first tier Gods.

I know that only original Gods had normal colored hair and less powerful Gods that were a branch off of other Gods had colorful hair. Everyone in this room besides the teacher and Blake were 4th tier Gods or higher.

There was a God with bright yellow hair and I couldn't help but stare. You would think that it would make him look feminine but it did the opposite. His sharp cheek bones and relaxed demeanor made him look dark. Like he had better things to do than wake up this early.

His bright red eyes startled me as he lazily opened them. I definitely didn't see that. My face must have shown that because the smirk he gave me had me blushing and looking away.

"You can sit here." Blake stated as he guided me to the middle of the classroom. I didn't fight because I definitely didn't want to cause a scene, so I allowed him to guide me to the only table that was empty.

I couldn't help but stare at the new faces as we walked to our seat. I may have been still intrigued by everything but it was like the newness of me was washed up instantly and everyone that was intrigued had found something better to hold their attention.

A throat clearing had me looking at the chair that Blake had pulled out. Before I could give a thank you he was sitting down in the chair closest to the windows.

"Are you staying with me the whole day." I whispered as I slowly sat down. I had no books of any kind and I wasn't even ready for the day. This was not going as I dreamed.

"Well I am your escort but no we will go separate ways during the break. Once break is over I'll show you to your next class." He sounded bored or rather like he didn't have time to deal with me.

"Am I going to make you late for any of your classes, I can find them myself." I softly said. I couldn't help but eye him to see his reaction. He lazily looked at me as he smirked.

"So you can teleport?" His wry comment had me frowning. Was he mocking me? The small smirk he had dropped instantly before a frown took it's place.

"Some of the locations are not accessible by walking. Anyways we have all the same classes." His lazy tone had me questioning if I was good at making friends or if he was just bipolar.

I took one more look at his side profile before I was looking upfront to the Goddess who had just put alot of things I didn't understand on the board behind her. Lots of scribbles and lines it looked like.

"So as most of you may know, king Alexander has taken a liking to mimicking mortal colleges. He no longer allows the use of your powers to help you learn unless you are a high ranked royal on the council." The Goddess said as she stood up and started to pass out books by hand.

This was new. Why didn't my father tell me about this? "I know alot of you will be tempted to break the law but like I just said it's now the law and anyone who tries to use their powers to take the information in. Whether it be to help you remember better or to push the information into your minds, don't. It is a level one violation." The Goddess sternly stated. Groans came from all directions. Well all besides Blake.

I peeked over at him and noticed how he didn't care at all. "That's not fair." A Goddess with pink hair cried as she looked over at me with narrowed eyes. I looked away fast. Why was she looking at me? Did they think it was my fault? Was I the reason this happened?

"Stop crying. The law isn't new." Blake snapped at her. So it isn't new. But why was she still staring at me like she wanted to strangle me?

"It is new. Unless you think 5 years isn't new. Anyways it's easy for you to shrug off since you are on the royal counsel. You know daddy won't let you fail." The girl mocked with alot of attitude. I could only stiffen when Blake's chair moved back.

He stood up at his full height. His eyes were no longer green but a black that had me grabbing the book that was put on our table so I could shove my face in it. I definitely never seen a confrontation before.

"Blake sit down please." The teacher pleaded. Her voice was scratchier the louder it got. Blake completely ignored her and slowly started to walk towards the Goddess who was now shrinking in her chair. Even with looking into my book I could see him out the corner of my eyes walking slowly towards the Goddess.

"Blake." A God roared. I looked up to the front of the class where a God with black hair was standing. He looked to be older than the Goddess that was teaching us. He had popped up from no where.

"Really Zavier. Did my father send you?" Blake bit out. He definitely didn't seem happy to see this God. Maybe he had anger issues.

Zavier seemed to regard him for a second. "Seat now. Unless you want Mia to take your spot on the council and you can take hers." The God named Zavier nonchalantly said. The way he had his hand in his slacks had me wondering what his rank was. He had power radiating off of him that had everyone in the room looking down. Besides Blake. He was the only one not scared.

Blake seemed to take the threat to heart. He scowled at Zavier before he was sitting back down next to me. The fact that my father didn't teach me any of the council members names or positions was frustrating. How would I know who was who? Or what kind of God or Goddess they were.