
Chapter 1 - Unwanted Second Chance

warning: This fanfic is free to be criticized by anyone. I might make some mistakes, but I'll edit it sooner or later. If you came here expecting the MC to be Chad from the beginning of the story, this fanfic is not for you.

The fanfic is very slow. Little by little I will develop the main character, but he will never be a perfect person. It never was and never will be. You will feel fear, anger, despair, etc. Little by little he will mature, little by little he will grow like any person and making mistakes. I want him to be a completely different person at the end of the fanfic than he was before.

That being said, enjoy the chapter.





What was happening? I remember walking and then I felt the hit and the darkness.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in outer space. All I could see around me were stars, as if I were in the credits of Star Wars. This surreal landscape surrounded me completely.

I couldn't feel my hands. In fact, he no longer had a body. I didn't have much time to reflect when a voice distracted me from behind.

"¡Bienvenido, mortal!"

I looked around bewildered, trying to locate the origin of the voice that had called me. My eyes fell on another man, apparently young like me, sitting at a tea table. In front of him, a steaming cup rested on the polished surface of the table, next to a teapot and another empty chair. He gestured for me to sit down with a calm demeanor, while he spoke in a calming voice that seemed to try to dispel my confusion.

"Come and sit. Tea has calming effects. I want you to have a clear mind before speaking," he said, pointing to the chair in front of him. Her casual clothing contrasted with the solemnity of the space around us: hoodie, jeans, and black sneakers.

I hesitated for a moment before giving in and sinking into the offered chair. The stranger served me a cup of tea with the kindness of a seasoned host, before retreating to a respectful distance, patiently awaiting my reaction.

The last thing I remember was walking down the street, lost in my own thoughts. Then a sudden blow to the head and the sensation of being dragged by an inexplicable force. And now, here I was, in outer space. Is this a dream? It sure felt like it.

"My name is Shadow," he said, his voice echoing in the void of space. "And you are in my domain, my own... personal dimension, so to speak. A world where I am lord and master, existing solely for my own convenience. Now that you've read enough bits of fiction and fanfiction to know what's going on right now... Mash."

My lips opened in amazement. How did you know my name?

"You are a god?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice steady despite the lump in my throat.

Shadow smiled, a smile that seemed to contain countless secrets and knowledge beyond my comprehension. He picked up his cup and took a leisurely sip before answering.

"Mhm, yeah. It's not typical, though," he admitted, as if sharing a secret between friends.

"I wasn't always the way I am now," Shadow continued, his voice resonating with a mix of melancholy and power. "Once upon a time, a normal mortal like you, before I was given the option to live in a different world of my choosing as whatever I wanted to be. Since then, I traversed the omniverse, going wherever I wanted and doing whatever I wanted. "I felt and finally found my way to omnipotence. Now I simply sit in my kingdom, watching events unfold in each reality."

"So, you brought me here to reincarnate in another world? Does that mean I'm really dead?" I asked, seeking answers from the shadowy figure in front of me.

Shadow nodded solemnly. "Yes, you are dead. Your death was quick, so quick that you didn't even realize it. As you were walking, a window of a building fell and hit you directly on the head. Your brains splashed here and there," he said. with a grimace that was trying to be a smile.

I frowned and felt a knot in my stomach as I took another sip of tea to calm my nerves. Shadow simply shrugged before crossing his arms on the table.

"Now that that's clear, let's get into your reincarnation. I'm going to grant you three wishes," he announced.

My mind started to spin. Reincarnate in another world? Make a wish? It was too much to take in all at once. However, when Shadow waited for my response, all I could say was, "I refuse."

"Hey, are you really telling me that you refuse to reincarnate into a fantasy world? With your own tricks?" Shadow asked, seemingly surprised by my refusal.

"I don't want to reincarnate into a different life just to entertain some god. You say you're omnipotent, right? Then use it to send me back to my old life because I was perfectly happy there."

Shadow observed me with a mix of curiosity and perplexity. "You really have pride. Why would you want to lead such a dull life in the normal world when you could have a new one in what was fiction for you?"

"Because these worlds don't just mean fun. Living in a world where there's constant fear of some superpowered psychopath burning your life every day? A life where death is within reach at every waking moment? A world where potentially the concept of human rights is not taken seriously? Where life is hard and long without technology and my usual joys? No, I'll pass."

Shadow reclined in his chair, lost in his thoughts for a moment. He seemed to be plotting something in his mind. Before I could discern what it was, a new proposal came out of his lips.

"What if I give you another appearance?" Shadow said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes before snapping his fingers.

Instantly, I felt a change in my body. It was a strange sensation, as if my skin stretched and molded into new, unfamiliar shapes. When I felt solid again, I looked up to find a mirror floating in front of me.

My eyes widened as I saw my reflection. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My lips moved, but no words came out. I was in a state of shock.

"Yes! You have the appearance of Satoru Gojo as a gift! Now tell me, do you change your mind?" exclaimed Shadow enthusiastically, waiting for my reaction.

I shook my head to shake off the daze that seeing my reflection transformed into Satoru Gojo had caused. "I didn't tell you I agreed to this," I muttered, trying to understand Shadow's insistence on wanting me to reincarnate. "And why so much insistence on wanting me to reincarnate? What's so special about me?"

Shadow rubbed his temples with a tired expression before pulling out a folded paper from his pocket. He unfolded it and placed it on the table in front of me. "You're not special," he admitted frankly. "The truth is, you're number 1560 to whom I make the same offer."

My eyebrows raised in surprise at that revelation. "1560? Have you really done this with so many people before?"

He nodded solemnly. "They've all died already. The requirements I need for reincarnation are these," he explained, pointing to the paper on the table. I looked at it with curiosity as he listed the requirements. "Having knowledge about some martial art, knowing how to survive in nature, and being a man of culture, which translates to someone with no social life and an avid consumer of anime."

I looked at the newspaper in disbelief. First of all, the only martial art I knew was fencing, and I had only practiced it for a year and a few months before getting bored. I wasn't even particularly good at it. As for surviving in the wilderness, I highly doubted that my two years in the Scouts were enough preparation to face the challenges of a fantasy world. And the last thing... well, yes, he was a social recluse and an avid consumer of anime.

I looked back at Shadow, feeling a wave of frustration and confusion rising within me. "I refuse," I stated determinedly, facing the shadowy figure in front of me.

Shadow let out a deep sigh and any trace of humor he may have had before disappeared from his face. "You seem to think you have a choice in this," she replied in a serious tone.

"And you're just going to force me into a situation I don't want to be in? To give me something I don't want!" I exclaimed, my voice thick with disbelief and frustration.

"One day you will understand why you have no choice. You will leave anyway. I can't explain everything here. So I will decide your wishes for you," Shadow said firmly, raising his hand and conjuring a sword into it.

I looked at the sword carefully, feeling a strange sense of familiarity, as if I had seen that weapon before. Before I could ask a question, my eyes widened as I realized what it was.

"Yes, this is the holy sword Excalibur of the Seven Deadly Sins," Shadow said, confirming my thoughts. "When the time comes, you will be the new King of Chaos. Until then."

Shadow pulled a book out of nowhere and held it in front of me. "Ah, you'll need this too."

Before I could react, Shadow threw the sword and book towards me forcefully. Both objects hit my chest, causing me to lose my balance and begin to fall. Instead of crashing to the ground, I found myself plummeting through the clouds.

"Clouds?" I questioned, confused, looking down to see a medieval city quickly approaching.

"THAT LITTLE SHIT!" I screamed, frantically flapping the air looking for something to grab onto. My hand found the hilt of the sword, but before I could do anything, it collided with a bird that appeared out of nowhere. The sword slipped from my hands and I began to walk away from it.

"This is supposed to be a magic sword, right? Can't it do something to help me?" I wailed, watching the sword move away.

I desperately looked around for some form of salvation, but realized I was alone in my fall into the unknown. The last thing I heard was an explosion.

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