
The Invincible Sect Master just wants to Enjoy Life.

In Progress ...currently writing another book.

Uriel_Oblea · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter: 5 One more Headache

Chapter: 5 One more headache

"Tsk! Are you still holding on to that grudge!."

"What do you mean! Your family killed me twice! And the last time that happened..everything could've been fixed if only you had answered your communicator!."

"Tsk! I don't know why you're so angry! You just died. It's not like it was your first time."

"Tsk! Reward...more like disaster.."

"What did you say!"

As those words were said I turned to walk away in annoyance. At the same time Vanessa kept yelling at me and throwing a temper tantrum behind me as I walked away.


Arriving at my temple, I sat down on my throne and began arguing with the system only to get ignored by it after a round of curses.

And as I sat there I Began to ponder over the situation I was currently in.

My wife and Missing memories were back, for better or for worse, I had ten disciples to take care of and was low on hard liquor....how was I ever to survive this calamity.

And just as I was getting a headache over the matter My wife ended up doing something I least expected...she had descended towards the place I left my Disciples and began to gather them and talk to them.

"Oh, no!."

"I can already see my retirement flying away."

And my guess was correct! Not long after my wife appeared in my throne room followed by my ten disciples following behind her.

"What do you mean by this..."

"Oh, nothing! I was just thinking that now that we've finally been reunited we could throw a small banquet and who else could I invite if not your disciples....after all there's really no one here but them."

As she finished speaking Vanessa turned to look at the face of my expectant disciples before turning back to look at me with what I assumed would be her best enchanting smile.

As I looked at her and my disciples faces I had no choice but to give into their demands.

"Sigh...Fine, we can host a banquet to celebrate your ...unfortunate ...arrival, and also for you all to get to know each other. After all, I'm sure none of you have ever had the chance to meet each other before today."


And with a clap of my hands the throne room which was originally empty except for a few simple adornments before this was suddenly filled with decorations and tables full of food and wine.

After the tables appeared the expression on the Faces of my disciples began to get brighter and brighter and hurried off to get a bite of some of the delicious looking food.

If some stranger happened to see this scene, they would probably think the girls were excited about the lively atmosphere. But in truth, the only reason my disciples were so happy was because of the tables full of food, Izraels disciples hadn't eaten good food in years .

It couldn't be helped. The location the girls trained in was harsh, there weren't any weak beasts to hunt or many edible plants to eat and by now most of my earlier disciples were out of fasting pills so you could tell they were really hungry.

"Sigh! that's what I was forgetting...I forgot to feed them."

"Sigh, you tend to do that a lot."

"Tsk! Mind your business!."

Just as I was thinking and talking to myself, my wife came to my side and started to bug me again.

" No!...why didn't you tell me you took in ten disciples...and ...why..are.. they ...all..GIRLS!."


" Why are you nagging me, woman! I haven't seen you in a few Eons and you're already up to no good."

"Humf! Don't change the subject!"

This time I didn't even bother to respond. I just casually waved my hand and a banishment seal appeared in mid-air and swept its way towards Vanessa and upon contact with her body she disappeared from the hall.

Amidst the puzzled stares of his disciples Izrael Relaxed into his chair and spoke just loud enough for his disciples to hear him.

"It's more comfortable this way isn't it?"

" When you head back to the lower world there will be a stone tablet next to your abode, After recording your daily training you will receive food equivalent to your efforts if you happen to need anything else during your training make sure to record it on the tablet and it will be added for purchase the next day."

Listening to his words the girls couldn't help but cheer up. After years of hard work they were finally being rewarded. Although the rewards weren't anything special it still felt good to have been gifted something for their hard work by their master but the very next moment there happy faces were completely wiped out from there faces after listening to Izraels next words leaving them speechless.

" The tablets will stay there until the completion of you're basic training, the day they disappear will be when you gain the right to ascend to the fourth level of the world on when you reach the sixth level can you direct come back here or you keep training your way up although I'd prefer you continue to climb as it would be more beneficial for you guys.