
Green hair

In the dimly lit corridors of the Ryan household, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed as the maid, Agatha, scurried back and forth, her worn apron fluttering behind her. The mistress, Mrs. Ryan, was in the throes of labor, her face contorted in pain as she braced herself for the arrival of her third child. The storm outside raged on, casting eerie shadows through the windows and adding an air of tension to the already chaotic scene.

Amidst the sounds of labor and the distant rumble of thunder, a peculiar sight caught Agatha's eye. The newborn child, cradled in Mrs. Ryan's arms, was a boy with a shockingly unusual feature - a tuft of vibrant green hair that stood out starkly against the dimly lit room. Gasps of surprise and whispers of disbelief filled the chamber as the family and servants alike stared in astonishment at the unusual child.

Agatha, usually composed and unflappable, felt a shiver of unease run down her spine at the sight of the green-haired infant. She had served the Ryan family for years and had never encountered such a peculiar occurrence. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out to touch the baby's soft green locks, marveling at the strangeness of it all.

As the storm outside reached its peak, a flash of lightning illuminated the room, casting an otherworldly glow over the newborn child. Mrs. Ryan, exhausted but radiant, looked down at her unusual son with a mixture of awe and maternal love. "Jade," she whispered softly, her voice barely audible over the howling winds. "We shall name him Jade Ryan."

The name seemed to hang in the air, carrying with it a sense of mystery and destiny. Agatha watched in silence as the family gathered around the green-haired baby boy, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Despite the whispers of superstition and fear that lingered in the room, there was also a glimmer of hope and wonder in the eyes of those who beheld the child named Jade.

However, as time passed, rumors began to spread like wildfire throughout the village about the Ryan household giving birth to a cursed child. Tales of Jade's mysterious origins and unnatural appearance quickly made their way from one tongue to another, each retelling more fantastical and exaggerated than the last.

Due to the fact that lightning bolt struck the the temple lit up with fire and flames also fuel the negative rumors, making people believe that Jade is truly the harbinger of doom and destruction, also due to the high status of the Ryan family they were unable to do anything about it.

Whispers of dark magic and sinister forces surrounding the green-haired boy filled the air, painting him as a harbinger of misfortune and doom. Some claimed that Jade's birth had been foretold by the village's oldest seer, who had warned of a child born under the sign of the green moon bringing a curse upon all who crossed his path.

Despite the growing fear and suspicion that surrounded him, as Jade grew up under the watchful eye of his parents, who loved him fiercely despite the rumors that plagued their family. Mrs. Ryan, in particular, took it upon herself to shield her son from the harsh judgment of the outside world, often keeping him indoors and away from the prying eyes of their neighbors.

As Jade grew older, he began to show signs of a curious and adventurous spirit, much like his father who had been away on a long time adventure

One day, as Jade reached the age of thirteen, a familiar figure appeared at the gates of the Ryan estate. It was Mr. Ryan, returning from his long and mysterious adventure that had kept him away from his family for so many years. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of his green-haired son, who bore a striking resemblance to him in both appearance and spirit.

As father and son embraced for the first time, a sense of peace and acceptance seemed to settle over the Ryan household. Mr. Ryan's return brought a sense of stability and strength to the family, dispelling the rumors and superstitions that had haunted them for so long.

After the reunion was over, Mr. Ryan decides to take the inner beast test to find out what beast actually reside inside the body of their son.

The test was a long and arduous process, requiring Jade to undergo a series of trials and challenges to unlock the true nature of his inner beast. As the days passed, Jade faced his fears and confronted his doubts, his green hair glowing with an inner light that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

Finally, after weeks of training and self-discovery, Jade stood before the council of elders, his heart pounding with anticipation. The elders studied him carefully, their eyes flickering with a mixture of awe and respect. And then, with a solemn nod, they declared that Jade's inner beast was none other than the legendary dragon - a creature of power, wisdom, and untold potential.

They decide to kept the news a secret because if words reached out, that there is someone having a dragon as an inner beast the news will spread like wildfire throughout the village, making people to not just fear him but would want to kill him. So they decide to make a covered up story saying that possess the beast of wyvern, when people heard this it didn't seems to be something much.

The first son has the spirit of Basilisk, the daughter has the spirit of Minotaur, and now the third born has a Wyvern, The Ryan family really lives up to their name of producing genius, right now what's left is to wait for the school admission tournament.

But since the tournament was a couple of months away Mr. Ryan decides to double up Jade's training, making his training more intense than usual.

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