
The ineffable feeling

" I don't understand. According to what you're telling me it seems like he did have feelings for you. Are you sure he didn't like you that way? "-he asked She chuckles lightly recalling her past memories. At first she thought that too. She thought, for once in her life her feelings were being returned. She thought he was genuinely interested in her. She thought , she loved him.... But she was wrong about all the things. Neither did she love him nor he returned her feelings. That's right, She didn't love him in the first place. " When someone saves you from drowning, it's not necessarily out of love.. Sometimes it's simply out of sympathy ." ------------------------------------------------- People fall in love. Find love. Learn about Love Teach what love is. But has anyone ever tried to explore, the unknown spectrum of love? Things are not always what they seem like. So one should know how to look beneath the surface. A/N: Will be updated every Saturday. Started : 6/11/20 Ended :

Iknow_mebetter · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

4. First Session

Summer has long days and short Nights. Not that it mattered to her, she usually slept during the day to make up for the hour she spends awake at night. Even the scientists say that the Human brain works better at night . So how can you blame her?

She was miraculously awake at 7am courtesy of her loudly beeping alarm. Still not ready to leave her bed as she was ' too comfortable to move. '

Not sure of what to do she decides to get up and Play random songs while she does her morning routine. As she tied her wild hair in a messy bun songs start playing. And guess what the first song is..

I'm a Mess.

* Woah even my Spotify knows I'm a mess right now. Good going Spotify keep rubbing it on my face. * she thought but sang along none the less.

Everything's been so messed up here lately.

Pretty sure he don't wanna be my baby.

Ooo. He don't love. He don't love me.

He don't love me. He don't love me.

But that's okay.

Cause I love me. I love me. I love me.

I love myself anyway. Heyy.

She kept singing ignoring the fact that there are other people in the house too who were looking at her skeptically except her brother he was already used to it.

Good thing BTS song wasn't playing or she would have been singing on top of her lungs right now. She didn't care if she was too loud for her mother's liking , she was making her take math tutoring session against her will so she had to bear with it.

She didn't stop just after one song though. I can't write all the lyrics but I can list some of the songs.

Boss Bitch

I'm a Savage

Pacify her

Sorry Not Sorry

God is a Woman

Woman like meme

Dangerous woman

Doll house..

And a few more. Damn she had a full on concert singing her worries away. The funny thing was that she sang Sorry Not Sorry while glancing at her mom and even making eye contact few times. Her mom just sighed and chuckled lightly at her childish act. Knowing how much Kritika hated being forced to do something , she had already saw it coming.


An empty rough note book, a thick Mathematics book and a few pens were neatly placed on table. She was sitting on the couch waiting for her so called 'tutor' to arrive. He was 15 minutes late and Kritika was secretly happy thinking , he wouldn't be able to make it. She was about to get up and as if on the cue the door bell rang. She slumped back on the couch with a pout, clearly disappointed.

Her mom open the door with a smile, welcoming him in. " Hey . You must be Gaurav. "

"Yes I am and I'm really sorry for being late on the very first day, I was caught up in some work. " a voice replied.

"It's okay. Now that you're here , why don't you come in "

Her mom moved aside so he could walk in. Kritika quickly removed the pout on her face and sat up straight as he came in her sight. He was dressed neatly in a simple pair of t-shirt and jeans and his hair was also styled nicely .

From his appearance, he seemed like a nice person maybe too nice as he had a small smile on his face even when he was clearly a little nervous.

Even though he was decently good looking, she didn't pay much attention to it.

" Nice to meet you.I'm Gaurav. As you already know I'll be tutoring you maths from now on. "

"Likewise. I'm Kritika ." she wasn't sure if it was really nice to meet him yet but she still said ' likewise' not wanting to be rude.

"Kritika, you must not trouble him and listen to him " Her mom said before walking away.

Gaurav took a seat across from her and opened the Maths book going through it. He closed the book as a thought came in his mind. From the moment he walked he knew she was forced to be tutored as she wasn't even hiding her lack of interest . It was his job to teach her and it was impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to learn, she had good grades so it couldn't be that she didn't like to learn.

The silence in the room was becoming thicker as seconds passed by. At this point her mind started to wander off and she was staring in space probably day dreaming.

" Kritika " he called out making her look at him immediately .

" Oh sorry. Were you saying something? "

"No I wasn't. I wanted to ask you something actually. "

" Sure. " she replied. There wasn't much he knew about her so she didn't hesitate. If it was her mom instead of him she would have fumbled .

" Did you really want to be here ? " He was straight forward and she liked that.

" To be honest No . I didn't want to be here in the first place. I do agree that I'm not that good in maths and I need tutoring but not in My holidays. These are the only days I get without any homework and school. " she said it like it is Cause why not. If she's going to have to put up with him might as well let him know that she wasn't actually interested.

He chuckled turning the book towards her, he told her to do some basic practice questions.

" Which is your favorite subject? " he asked her while she was solving the questions.

She stopped writing and looked at him with a raised eye brow , checking if he really wanted to know or just wanted to break the silence. To her surprise, he was attentively waiting for her to reply. She looked back down, and replied " English . "

" Why English of all the subjects? "

" I don't know. I just like to write so I like English. "

" You like to write? "

She was too focused on solving the problem so she replied with a 'Mhm' .

" Would you tell me something you've written yourself? "

Her demeanor changed as he asked her that. Her eyes were back to emotionless. She looked at him straight in the eye and said


" Why? " he was confused. It was all going good till now. And he hadn't said anything to offended or upset her too.

" You can't know everything in a single day. Plus I don't know you good enough to show you my writings. I don't usually share it with anyone. "

" That's fine. But someday I would love to read your writings " He said with a huge grin on his face. He was relieved that she wasn't upset with him.

*What is he smiling so widely for? * she thought as a small smile made it's way on her face as well.


The act of listening to someone attentively may be simple but it means a lot to some people.

Because you know not everyone listens to you wholeheartedly....