
The ineffable feeling

" I don't understand. According to what you're telling me it seems like he did have feelings for you. Are you sure he didn't like you that way? "-he asked She chuckles lightly recalling her past memories. At first she thought that too. She thought, for once in her life her feelings were being returned. She thought he was genuinely interested in her. She thought , she loved him.... But she was wrong about all the things. Neither did she love him nor he returned her feelings. That's right, She didn't love him in the first place. " When someone saves you from drowning, it's not necessarily out of love.. Sometimes it's simply out of sympathy ." ------------------------------------------------- People fall in love. Find love. Learn about Love Teach what love is. But has anyone ever tried to explore, the unknown spectrum of love? Things are not always what they seem like. So one should know how to look beneath the surface. A/N: Will be updated every Saturday. Started : 6/11/20 Ended :

Iknow_mebetter · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

1. Best friend

It was past midnight. The air was filled with the dewy petrichor of the post- rain. Some dark clouds covered the beautiful night sky, still lingering after the heavy rain fall. The weather was pleasant and calm.

As it was quite late, not much sounds could be heard. Only the rustling of trees as the wind blows , buzzing sound of cicadas, and the sound of her rapidly beating restless heart.

Just like the night sky her house was also dark and quiet. She was really a Nyctophile . Things were same during the daytime too. Curtains would be slightly opened to let just enough sunlight enter and lighten the house. Lights would only be used if necessary. Something about darkness gave her comfort and warmth.

She was seated at her working desk . The lamp placed on the desk was the only source of light in the room. It was just enough for her to be able to see what she was writing. Writing has always been a source of escape to her. We all have something we do to escape from reality for some time . Writing was that source of escape, relief to her.

Whenever her mind was restless or she had problems sleeping , she would write all her worries, problems, thoughts in her diary. That's what she was doing now. Writing down all her pent up feelings, thoughts, which she could not share with anyone.

She felt heard whenever she wrote all the things going on her mind. It was a nice feeling, being heard without any judgement .

She was still writing, when she heard her phone ringing. She got up from her desk, trying to find where she had left her phone. After a few more rings she finally found it placed under the pillow.

She squinted her eyes as the brightness of her phone came in her sight. Adjusting to the light, she slowly opened her eyes to see the caller ID. It was Amber her best friend since school days.

She met Amber in 11th grade. They weren't very close from the start but eventually they warmed up to each other. And once they did, they became inseparable. They've been through thick and thin together which makes their bond stronger. Amber was someone who would stay up late as her job as a writer gave her the freedom to work whenever she pleased and she chose night hours.

She picked up the call and Amber spoke up :

Amber : Hey, I wanted to check if you're still awake.

Kritika : I am. Why? Is there something you wanted to tell me?

Amber : No. I wanted to make sure, you're not over working your brain. Knowing you, you're most probably awake either binge watching or writing. So which one is it?

Kritika : The latter. I couldn't sleep so I was writing. It always helps you know.

Amber : Kriti, you should get some rest. You have to be up early tomorrow. You cannot be late for the seminar.

Kritika : I know that I can't be late for the seminar . But I'm really nervous. What if I forget something in front of all the people? What if I'm not able to explain my thoughts properly? What if -

She was cut off by Amber.

Amber : Stop right there. Just how many times do I have to tell you to Not think about these things for it to go through your thick brain. Nothing like that would happen. It's not the first time you've spoken in front of many people. Just do what you have to without any worries and that's it. If you do manage to fuck up, just act like you're dizzy and about to faint you'll have a good excuse 😂.

Kritika : Huh, As if I'd really do something like that. You're crazy 😂.

Amber : No really . Remember the time I used to fake stomach ache to escape the school assembly. It was really fun. The nurse would easily believe me and let me rest.

Kritika : Yeah only you could get away with something like that. To be honest, I'm really nervous and equally as excited for tomorrow. You have to be there at any cost.

Amber : Of course. I can't miss such an important event. I should probably go to sleep too I'm pretty sure you won't like to introduce a zombie looking girl as your bestie.

Kritika : That's true. I would deny knowing you if showed up half dead.

Amber : Bitch. Now go and try to take some rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Byeee~

Kritika : Yup. Bye

With that she ended the call and placed her phone on the night stand and put it on charging.

She walked to her closet , taking out some comfy pajamas and changing into them. It was a silk crop top and a pair of shorts.

She laid in her bed, rested her head on the soft pillow with her eyes closed. Waiting for sleep to take over her. Soon Her mind and body relaxed as she fell into deep slumber.

She fell asleep, less worried more excited for tomorrow. It was the day she has worked so hard for. Psychology has always been her dream and tomorrow she was going to present her own research in front of people.

After her college years, she was given a year for her own reaserch. And tomorrow was the day her reaserch was going to be acknowledged.

You never know what future is awaiting for you.

Who knows what is tomorrow awaiting for her?