
Chapter 1.2 : Death and Revival?! part 2

"System Activate,Verifying owner Kumi Asagi,welcome to the Immortal System..."

Kumi regained his conciousness and starts to look around and notice something strange

"Ehhhh!!!!!,aint I supposed to be dead?!!!"Kumi shouted then he hears the voice that he heard when he was drowning in the river

Master you survived with the help of me the Immortal Sytem

"Who are you?"I spoke this words with fear

Master dont worry I will not harm you but I will help you get stronger

"I-Is that true?"

Of course master I will make you the strongest man,No I will make you the strongest Immortal but master your current strength is too little

"How is that possible I trained my ass in my whole life"Kumi shouted with anger and dissapointment

Dont worry master we can make you qualified in a weeks time

"But the most important thing right now is,where am I?!!!!!"

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