
Second Prince.

After Vlad was born, the castle was in a festive mood and the news started traveling in the kingdom and out to other kingdoms. Many maids and castle workers had seen the second prince and were intrigued by the fact that the only similarity between the king and the prince was the orange hair, other than that he was completely different from both the mother and father and of course the brother.

(Ivan had dark orange hair and black eyes and a square face that could be described as a little intimidating and a muscular body. Leona had black hair with green eyes with a round face and body that was a bit plumper and rounded due to her pregnancy.

Viktor had dark orange, almost brown, hair and light green eyes. He had a slightly feminine face closer to his mother and a body similar to his father.)

Not only that, as Vlad was growing up he was quite strange. He would smile to anyone who came near him but would start crying the moment someone picked him up, then he would hold them as tightly as he could and start smiling again. Also, he was, if put in a good way, quite affectionate to everyone and if put bluntly, quite clingy. He wouldn't let go of his father, mother or brother if they picked him up.

Though it was very cute when he was a crawling toddler, it grew increasingly strange when he started walking, at the age of one and clinging to the working maids' legs. Leona tried to keep him company for as long as she could but she also had a lot of work to do as the queen. One time, it was quite dangerous as a new maid started working and nearly kicked him when he suddenly grabbed her leg. At this point, even the king was worried about his second son's behavior. The kick could potentially kill him as all the maids were at least rank 3, with the head maid being at rank 6.

Though the second prince had strange habits, he was equally intelligent. When he was nearing his 3rd birthday, he was already able to hold simple conversations and could solve small arithmetic problems, mostly addition and subtraction.


Few weeks later, on Vlad's 3rd birthday, nearly every noble of the Tiger kingdom and a few representatives of the other kingdoms were present at his birthday party. Everyone had heard some rumors about the second prince and were quite curious about how he was in real life.

Vlad entered holding his mother's hand and looking very cute. Vlad had slightly curly orange hair with shining light blue eyes. The moment everyone saw him they all thought at the same time, : 'He really doesn't resemble the king or the queen'

At one corner of the party hall, a handsome man with golden hair, black eyes and a body with perfect ratios was paying attention to Vlad. After Leona greeted all of her friends and some other people with Vlad, she went towards the golden haired man and bowing slightly she said, : "Teacher."

The man nodded with a small smile and said casually, pointing at Vlad, : "Is this Vlad? He doesn't resemble you or Ivan at all."

Many people were surprised that he called the Tiger King by his name and looking at the Tiger king, he didn't seem to mind at all.

Leona : "Yes teacher, he is Vlad"

[ System up and running. ]

In the middle of their conversation, Vlad suddenly started looking around like someone called him.

Vlad : (pulling leona's sleeve) "What's a system."

Leona : "???, Why do you ask that Vlad?."

Vlad : "Someone just told me that System is up and running."

Leona : (smiling) "Who told you that."

Vlad : (tilting his head) "I don't know, I didn't see or feel anyone come close to me other than mister...." (looking at the golden haired man)

Leona : "Ah yes, Vlad. This is Mr. Paz Leo, representative of the Lion kingdom and my teacher."

Vlad : (bowing slightly) "Hello Mr. Paz, my name is Vlad Tigris"

Paz : "How do you do, Vlad." (smiling and rubbing Vlad's head)

Vlad : "Do you know what a system is Mr. Paz."

Paz : (smiling) "There are many systems around you Vlad, even your own body has many different systems."

Leona : "Don't worry Vlad, there are many books in the library on systems. I will tell the librarian to give you the most basic ones. (pointing towards Viktor who was talking to a few of his friends). Now go to Viktor and let him introduce you to his friends, ok?"

Vlad : "Yes mother" (walking towards Viktor).

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