
Chapter one

The wind hits my face, and my white fur blows out of my bright ocean blue eyes, man I love running, the full moons memorizing glow shows through the branches of the trees that surround me. My paws pound on the soft dirt covering the floor of the woods and I'm loving this run, the smell of the soil, and plants, and newly dropped rain whip through my nose, I stop, taking a moment to catch my breath, I have no idea how long I've been running. I hear the rustle of bushes and cracks of twigs, I use my intense hearing to listen for my intruder.

"Listen Xander, I saw it, I swear it was a white coat" I could hear the whispers of two young men.

"I don't believe you, those things went extinct forever ago, my father was the last one of our crews to ever catch or see one"

"I swear it was a white coated werewolf, I ain't shitting you Xander" I knew then that they were talking about me, the only white wolf left in my pack, and other bordering ones as well. My dad is the alpha of our pack when I shifted for the first time, we were all shocked the way I came out, my dad's fur was pitch black which made his gold colored eyes pop out, my mother was a sandy, cream color with deep brown eyes, and there hasn't been a white furred wolf in over fifty years, because of me being the only white, and me being the daughter of the Alpha I'm not aloud to go anywhere by myself, I'm considered an easy target for neighboring packs, I never get alone time except for Me being in my room at night, but tonight was different I needed to be alone, so I ran, I was going to go back after my run and act like nothing happened, I knew I could try and defend myself against hunters, my dad makes me train almost daily, I had one hell of a punch, I listened back in on their conversation.

"Well you have no proof" I scoffed, stupid human thinks that just because he can't see it means it's not real, I wanted to step out and reveal myself, but I knew that, that would be the wrong move to make I didn't know what type of weapons they had on them, I can't walk into a battle without any knowledge of my opponent.

"I bet it's around here somewhere, why don't you go look, and if you see it...kill the damn thing and bring it back" I could hear the snarl in his voice, and my heart dropped instantly.

"Devon, if I go looking and I don't even see a sign of it being here, I'll kick your ass" I could hear the heart of the man named Devon, it increased "Deal" was all the human 'Devon' said.

I could hear footsteps heading in my direction and I knew I was closer to them than I thought, I bolted in the other direction and I could hear the humans walking turned into a sprint right towards me, I kept running, not knowing which direction I was going in anymore, I could hear the stomping of feet close behind me, how the hell did he keep up, a human could never run this fast. Without thinking I ran around a corner and instantly regretted it, I was trapped there was a high wall of rocks, and I wouldn't be able to jump over it, I heard the feet approaching and suddenly stopped I could feel his presence. I turned around and let out a low throaty growl, showing off my huge fangs, he just stared at me with emerald green eyes and his mouth ajared, and I felt a tingle run through my body, and the smell of pine and cinnamon fills my nose and I instantly knew this feeling and I was dreading it he's my mate. I can't be stuck with a hunter for a mate, he's going to try and kill me anyways but still, I can't accept him, he kills my kind.

He takes a step forward and I back up until my tail is pressed up against the grey rock wall.

"Beautiful" he whispered, he crouched a bit to get to my height level, werewolves are naturally bigger than others, so he must be quite tall if he had to bend a bit, in my human form I stand at 5'7 in wolf form I stand at 6'1 so he must be around 6'3.

"Listen wolf, you're way too beautiful to kill so I'll let you go, hide your pack though if you live anywhere around here, my crew is scouting the whole area" with that he stood and walked away, my mate was gone.

I stood slightly out of breath until I figured I should go home and warn my pack of the dangers that await us. I bolted to where I stashed my clothes and quickly shifted back to my human form, I stood there for a second, naked and sweat dripping down my body, my black frizzy hair falling just below my ass and my long eyelashes make my ocean blue eyes pop, along with my tanned olive skin, I slip my camouflage shorts on, along with my black tank top without a bra or underwear, I throw my combat boots on and start to walk towards my pack, thinking of ways to warn them without them knowing I was running alone, but my mind kept going back to the boy with the emerald eyes...my mate.

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