
The Hunt For Home

Ariel Winehouse has lived her life as a normal human girl with an average human life. However, when a chance accident reveals the truth of her home town and her own parents, she sets out on her own to discover who she truly is, and find a place where she can finally belong.

Oni_Ignasha · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 51

Ariel helped the pack wolves as they settled their business. Packing supplies and sending a scout to another nearby allied pack. They were warning g them of the hunters, but also seeking refuge for those who were not to be going with them. Most of what was left of the pack was going with Ariel to the hunter village where the children had been taken. They were going to get the I formation on where the kids were now, get out what kids that were living there, and raise the town. It was not exactly a diplomatic approach, but the hunters were leaving the wolves no choice. They the hunters were going to try and wipe out the wolves, that meant war. War was something the wolves did well.

Once everyone was packed and ready, the two groups set out. There were no tear filled goodbyes or fan fair. No one knew if they were going to see one another again, but there had been enough tears shed. Tears for the stolen children, killed loved ones, and the deaths of their leaders. It had been hard enough informing the pack of the loss of not one, but both of their Alphas, and the naming of the next. No one questioned Joshua's choice in Cole, but it was clear he was going to have to prove himself.

The group with Ariel now numbered close to twenty, with a mix of scouts and warriors. For the first two days, no one said a word to anyone else as they made their way out of the deep forest, and into human controlled territories. Once there, Ariel had them set up camp in a near by national park, and began to explain how to act around humans. She gave everyone a backstory they had to memorize, and lists of lies to give if carian questions were posed to them. Since the humans and the wolves lived vastly differently, the wolves would not have very specific things, like IDs and money. This meant an explination was nessicary, and the best one she could come to was they were traveling hippies. It was weak, but it was the best she could do for now.

That evening, as Ariel was cleaning her bowl from dinner, Cole came to sit beside her at the edge of the river they were camped near.

"You head down into the hunter town tomorrow." He stated, not a question. Ariel co timed to go through the motions of cleaning the wooden bowl.

"Yes. I have to locate their records, and try and figure out how many children are in this town. Then I can map out the town." She told him, dumping the water out. She went to stand, but Cole gently grabbed her arm. The warm wave that washed through her almost made her sigh, but she held it in.

"You can't go alone." He told her, finally looking over at her.

"I have to. I have to make it convincing. If they suspect anything, they will get violent fast." She told him, gently removing her arm from his grip and finally standing. He stood with her and took a step closer. Her breath cought in her throat as she looked up at him.

"You keep putting yourself in danger.." He sounded so sad, and Ariel could feel her heart aching.

"I'm the only one who can do this. I can tolerate wolvesbane, I know how to talk and act human, and I know what I'm looking for. Anyone I take with me would be a liability." She said the last bit firmly and she could see he knew that she understood what he was thinking.

"I can wait outside the town, keep am eye on you from a distance." He tried, and she could almost feel his desperation.

"And either be found out as a wolf or be picked up for lurking around out in the woods? No ID, no name they can look up, no town name they know?" She shook her head.

"That would be suicide. You would be found out before sunset and either killed on the spot or drugged and put in a cage. I need you here, looking after your people. Keep training, keep pratocing. I will be back in a week with everything we need." Her words were final, though he clearly wished to continue to argue the point. This mate thing was clearly very important, and while she could feel the pull toward him, she knew it was just a distraction right now she could not afford. She could not do her job if he were skulking in thenforest around the town. It was too big a risk and one more thing she would have to stress about.

"Get some sleep." She told him, and moved to step passed, but he once more grabbed her arm. This time, instead of just looking at her, he pulled her into his arms, pulling her body against his and he buried his face into the crook of her neck. Ariel was cought off guard at first, but the pleasant, warm tingling sensation that washed through her caused her to shudder and lean into his embrace. She closed her eyes and I healed his scent, dropping the bowl in her hand and bringing her arms up to wrap around him.

It was a simple hug, but Ariel felt tears spring to her eyes. It was a silly thing, a hug, but something she had missed so desperately. The connection with another person, the ability to be vulnerable with them and just exist in their presance. The physical comfort offered by this one gesture. Her arms tightened around him as she squeezed her eyes shut hard, but the tears flowed regardless. She sobbed quietly into his shoulder, clinging to him for dear life, and he just remained still and composed. He held her as she cried, held her as she allowed herself to finally take a moment to grieve. To finally start to process all that she had been through.