

The statement left Alice shocked as she never expected to hear that from Reynold's mouth. She rocketed up from her chair and slammed down her hands against the table.


"He's only four Reynold! No matter how much of a genius he is I refuse to send away our four-year-old boy! Besides you said you would be adequate to teach him before he turns 8."

"Honey, listen. Our son is even more of a genius than anticipated. What I expected to teach him about mana manipulation over the next few years he learnt in 5 days. He is already capable of matching his mana circulation with his breath and use it to reinforce his sword.

If I continue to teach him, the next few years will completely waste his talent. Honey I also don't want to send him away, but I don't think I could forgive myself for not giving our son the best opportunities we can get him."

Hearing Reynold's argument her face scrunched up in conflict. "Dear I still refuse to send our son to a city hundreds of miles away to be taught by someone who I don't know."

Art just sat they're casually waiting for their argument to finish. Eventually they both decided to turn to Art as neither side refused to budge hoping to get his input into this decision.

"Art what would you like to do? This is a decision that affects your life and future so you should have a say in this as well."

Both Alice and Reynold intensely starting at him waiting for the four-year-old's answer. 'Man, the accuracy of this situation to the manhwa is uncanny. Well, I already prepared for this since I expected it to come.'

"Why don't we all go together? This way it should soothe mother's worry's but also allow father to judge if the teacher is good enough to teach me. Moving to the city permanently is also an option. Then I can still live with mother and father while also having a teacher."


Laughter sounded out from both of them as they realised their stupidity. "Honey why didn't we think of that. Art is right, we can just go together. Although we only recently moved into this house, moving to the city can provide us with many more options. We could even more in with my friend in the city while I get a good paying job working for him."

Alice also agreed with the idea. "It certainly would lessen my worries if I met his teacher and certainly could provide our family with a better life."

With them all in agreement they started to pack their bags, while Reynold left the house in a rush to go meet some people and organise the trip. When it was near midnight when Art had just finished packing and wrote a letter which he then neatly slid into the bag he will be taking with him, before hoping into bed and falling asleep.

Alice was in the room over and went to make sure Art was asleep as they need to be up bright and early the next morning. After checking he was asleep, she gave him a kiss on the forehead before tidying up the house.


The next morning Art, Alice and Reynold grabbed their backs before setting off from the house. They walked for at least 30 minutes before they reached the road heading out of town, towards the city, Xyrus.

Along the way Art started to recall what he remembered about the people they will be journeying with. 'They are a group called the Twin Horns and had 5 members. Two conjurers and three augmenters. Conjurers are like mages that use ranges spells and mana in the air, while augmenters use mana within their body to increase their power and give physical attacks special powers, like flaming swords and stuff.

There was the busty wind mage, the nice guy earth user, the spear guy, bow girl and dual blade girl. I completely forget their names since they aren't really present much in the manhwa so their names are forgettable.

I think father used to be their captain and then the archer chick took over that role when he left. They seemed like a chill group from what I read, so I can't wait to hang out with them. Especially the 3 women, as I remember each looked super good looking in the manhwa. The earth conjurer also seems like a kind uncle figure and I can imagine getting along pretty well with him. As for the spear guy, I remember him being a douchebag.

Anyways, once we set off, I should start the preparations for the debacle that will occur during the trip.'

It didn't take long before they saw a group of five people standing around a couple of carts waving at them. Reynold's face bloomed into a bright smile as he and Alice excitedly waved back.

When they reached the group, a guy with red hair and spear on his back came and gave Reynold a warm hug. "Thanks again for allowing us to join you on this trip. I know how busy you guys can be, so I really am thankful that you are willing to take us along.

Here let me introduce you to my son. This is Arthur, but you can call him Art."

Arthur stood straight looking directly into the eyes of the red head spear user. "Hello, my name is Arthur Leywin. I am thankful you have allowed us to join you on your trip to Xyrus. I hope we get along well."

"Hey Rey, you sure this is your kid? You didn't get a donor or anything did ya?"

"Of course, this is my kid you bastard. Anyways, Art let me introduce you to the team. This guy here is Adam Krensh, he is an augmenter and spear user."

Interrupting Rey, Art was snatched up from the ground and stuffed in between two large breasts of a blonde beauty. "Hi little Art. My name is Angela Rose, a wind magic conjurer. You're so precious and cute, you should be glad you took after your mothers looks."

Angela Rose had luscious long blonde hair, with beautiful emerald green eyes. She wore a pale green mage dress which only managed to barely contain her large assets.

'Man, this is nice. Although a little hard to breath, the softness embracing my head is divine. I could get used to this. Wait! Who the fuck is taking me away from this divine embrace? Screw you, let me take advantage of my small body and young age.'

"Angela, you were hurting him. Be more careful next time, you would crush him between those things.

Hi their little guy. I'm Durden Walker, an earth magic conjurer. I apologise for my friend's behaviour. You're not hurt anywhere, are you?"

Like a gentle giant the dark-haired man set Art down gently with a kind smile. Durden had big bushy eyebrows, with dark brown eyes and a scruffy beard.

'So, this is uncle Durden. He seems like a druid type character but without the healing. I wonder if druids actually exist and if he has their bloodline or something.'

"Thank you, Uncle Durden, but I'm not hurt. Your giant, I hope to be as tall and strong as you when I grow up."

"Hahaha, well continue to eat lots and listen to your parents and I'm sure you will grow up big and strong like your uncle here."

After being called uncle, Durden had a smile that never faded and after patting Art's head he went to go brag to Rey and Adam. Looking around Art saw a beautiful girl sitting on the near by fence. She had beautiful black hair and pale red eyes. She had nice slim figure, vastly different to the busty Angela and had two small daggers in sheathes attached to her back.

The girl saw him looking her way and gave a polite nod before retreating to the cart a few meters away. Not disheartened by this Art turned around to greet the final member of the team.

"Hi Art. I'm Helen Shard, a bow augmenter and also the captain of the group. You will have to excuse that girl; she is quite shy and reserved to strangers. Her name is Jasmine Flamesworth, a dual daggers augmenter."

Helen had a similar physique to Jasmine in being on the slimmer side, but her short neat hair and yellow-coloured eyes gave her a tomboy feeling, but that didn't hide her beauty.

Seeing Art had gotten acquainted with everyone Rey called out for everyone to start getting prepared to move.

After twenty minutes of packing items into the back of the wagons, the group set off towards the city of Xyrus. With Adam's word the two green lizard creatures strapped to the front of the carts, started to slowly gain speed till they reached what seemed to be a slow running speed.

Adam was in control of the first cart, leading the way with Durden, Helen and Jasmine in the back. Rey was in control of the second one with Art, Alice and Angela. At first Art sat on the benches of the cart but the bumpy ride soon made his ass sore.

With quick thinking he thought of the best situation to make the ride more comfortable. "Sister Angela the seat hurts my bum. Can I sit on your lap?"

A blissful and triumphant smile formed on her face hearing Art call her sister and choose her over Alice. She quickly grabbed him and placed him on her meaty thighs. Content Art leaned back so his head rested in under her breasts, he had a blissful ride.

The daylight came and went, quickly being replaced by darkness with torches attached to the sides of the carts and the moon being their only source of vision. They parked up the carts and disembarked, but before that they heard a bunch of loud rustling in the near by bushes.

The twin horns quickly got prepared and each grabbed their weapons while ordering Art and Alice to stay in the cart. Helen positioned herself on the roof of the cart, to give her a vantage point but also protect Art and Alice.

Rey, Jasmine and Adam each drew their weapons ready. As an experienced group it took seconds for them to get into positions and was just in time as well, as a group of 5 wolfs burst through the shrubbery viciously bearing their fangs, before attacking.

Unfortunately for the wolfs, they chose the wrong targets. With Jasmine and Rey up front with Helen shooting them down one by one the wolves didn't stand a chance. Durden, Adam and Angela didn't even have to do anything and the wolves were taken out in minutes.

While Angela and Alice skinned and cut up the wolf's corpses planning to make them into dinner the others soon got to work creating a fire and doing a scout of the area to make sure no other threats where near.

Getting back on his favourite seat Art sat himself in Angela's embrace while enjoying the cooked wolf meat. He didn't even have to move, Angela did everything for him, from feeding him to positioning out of the smoke.

His cuteness was too much for Angela to disobey. Alice got a little jealous though so he has to split his attention between the both of them. After dinner laughter and chatter spilled out from around the campfire. Rey and Alice had a lot to catch up on with the group.

At some point during the night Art separated himself from Angela and Alice to think about his plans. 'It should be happening soon. The day where the bandits attack and I need to fall off that cliff. It is a necessary thing for me to do as I need to meet that dragon to get the egg, beast will and get to the elf's forest to save the female elf protagonist.

Its going to be hard though as I remember panels in the manhwa showing how mother tried to kill her self and father fighting with the others. I don't want to put them through the thought of their child dying but I need to go there.

It is a risk though, that dragon might see through me since she called Arthur in the original King Grey, meaning she can see into people's heads. Hopefully she still takes me in even if in not King Grey. It's not like I mean any harm, in fact since I would likely be better than King Grey and raising the baby dragon, she should still accept me and help me.

Its going to be hard though. I've gotten so used to being around mother and father, forcing myself to go away and not see them for years is going to be rough. Its necessary though and I need to do it. I need power, power to survive, power to protect and power to be free.

I've already made the necessary preparation for this mission, now I just have to hope its enough to stop mother and father from breaking down when I'm gone.'

"What are you thinking about over here all by yourself little Art."

"Sister Helen! I'm just wondering what its going to be like in the city. I have only been into town before, I can't imagine how wonderful the city is going to be."

"True, this is the first time you're have travelled outside of town. Well don't worry, Xyrus is amazing. I'm sure it will be everything you want and more. Now how are you holding up, this is your first time traveling. It can be very tiering, even if all you do is sit in the cart."

"I'm fine. Luckily sister Angela lets me sit on her lap during the ride so its pretty comfortable. I guess the only annoying thing is that it's pretty boring."

"For a kid your age I guess being stuck in a small cart for 15 hours straight would be pretty boring. Now then, your pops has been bragging the whole trip about his genius son being not only super smart but also already a mage. Did you really awaken a year ago? That's incredible, this is the first time I have heard of an awakening so young. From the state of the garden and house when we helped your father rebuild, the destruction caused by it was also on a whole other level."

"Yeh it was pretty scary honestly. I was just sitting in the corner of the garden while mother checked on father and all of a sudden, I woke up in a ditch and floating down to the ground.

It's been pretty cool as well though. Being able to manipulate mana, I even managed to beat father and give him a huge bruise on his forehead."


The two kept talking, mostly about his progress on training and mana manipulation. On the other side of the fire, Adam could be seen looking their direction assumingly ease dropping and listening in on Arts progress. He then turned to Rey who was happily chatting with Durden and Angela.

"Hey Rey, do you mind if I spar with the wonder boy? You keep on bragging about his talent and fighting. It makes me really want to have a little spar."

"Sure, but be careful. We have just moved on from exercise and mana manipulation training into sparring."

Adam got up and stole Art away from Helen bringing him a few meters away from the carts in a more open area. Placing him down and walking a few meters away Adam gets out a pole and gets ready.

"Ready kid? We're going to have a short spar. You said you gave your daddy a bump on the head aye. Try doing that to me."

Art is kind of annoyed at the situation but also a little excited at the thought of a spar as he has only done a few so far against this father and had a great time doing them.

'Although I already predicted this situation since it also happened in the manhwa, I can't help but feel a little excited. When I had those spars against father, they were pretty fun. The adrenaline coursing through the body, the feeling of mana being controlled by me and the feeling of striking my blade is a really nice feeling.

This guys also a bit of a dick so I should make use of this "Spar" and teach him a lesson. I'll show him what happens when you look down on me. Let's hope mother is able to regrow some dangling fruit.'

Ayy Chapter 4. Once I reach 15,000 words I plan to open a donation thing where people who would like to support me can donate.


If anyone has recommendations as to what website I can use for that, it would be great. As a uni-student i'm in need of money right now as I need to spend money on not just living costs, but also food and hopefully enough to enjoy a few nights out with friends. So support would be nice, hopefully it can also keep me motivated to keep going as long as I can.


Please mark any mistakes or iffy parts and I will likely fix if its major or annoying things, but 1 or 2 spellings mistakes i'm too lazy to deal with rn.


Have a good day, stay safe and thanks for reading. :)

Doublenilecreators' thoughts
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