

so making this temp chap to tell people that this will be on hiatus for a little. obviously there is the chance i never come back but I hope to return. University is starting soon so have lots of work to do and need time to actually do the uni work during lectures. Hopefully i can return but if i feel my schedule is too much then i won't be. At the very least there is a high chance at like weekly chapters should i return, bascially how its been for a little while now.

Soz, i had hoped to get further but as uni drew closer and closer, my time and energy to do novel work drained. Had to do much writing on projects, practice my programming skills while also keep time for my games, friends and sort out moving to my university. Hopefully i can return, if not then once i free up i might start a new ff or novel. idk, i strugle to stick to things long term so might go through a faze where i just speed run a bunch of ff's and drop when i'm bored and start another. idk, will see how it goes.