
The homeless girl and the vampire prince

natude_cetoute · Kỳ huyễn
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The girl

I always thought everything I wished for will come true bet look at me know living on the streets my village is small and my parents had died and I was left in the house all by myself until I got kicked out by the owner because I didn't have enough money so know I live on the streets with no food,drink,or clothing i was totally lost and scared I hated being alone and abandoned by the villagers I thought the cared for me I thought they were my friends but I thought wrong. There is a royalty family bet the thing is that they are vampires they have sharp teeth to and when I turn 16 I have to go to the palace and work as a maid for prince Alex he is scary and cold to people he doesn't like but he gets used to the people he hates and starts acting a little less cold and scary and how I know all about the prince well it's because there are rumors about him even though there are rumors a lot of girls wants to marry him but he doesn't want to get married to someone he doesn't like. I am 15 years old and my birthday is tomorrow so I'm turning 16 tomorrow and I will be going to the palace tomorrow.

This is my first novel tell me what you think about it it might be short bet it’s kinda good I think

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