
The Hierarchy of High Bridge Academy

Albert Einstein once said " Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” With this in mind. We see ourselves set in a world filled with the unimaginable potential for human evolution, as the residents of this world are blessed with the power of “Yex.” The unique ability, that's based on the user's emotions and personality. With countless possibilities of obtaining ungovernable power, we ultimately find ourselves observing… a certain individual... The timid and looked down upon, Damien Whitecastle. Who has finally set his mind on reaching the top of High Bridge Academy school rankings. With sharp crimson eyes and a mysterious childhood past, he is ready for any obstacles! With this goal in mind, Damien enters his second year of school at High Bridge Academy, confident and determined to become different from his past self. Will Damien be able to withstand his past and present trauma? Or will he fall short and be known as the failure of High Bridge Academy forever? ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter every Thursday’s at 7pm. " = dialogue (talking out loud) greater than sign = thought bubbles (only for damain) * = sound effects or time skips

JacksNovels · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

HOHB - a date with misfortune...

Chapter #2


<Dammit! The idiot never picks up his phone whenever I need him the most, he was supposed to be my way out of this whole ordeal, but now I'll have to find my own way out of this mishmash.>

<But how? All the entrances are on opposite sides of the school, there's no way I can reach those based on my current state.>

<Curses, this unsettling sensation. My eyesight is slowly getting blurry, I'm positive this feeling can only mean one thing, I'm about to pass out any second now.>

<I don't have much time left, maybe approximately a couple of minutes, but it's enough. I need to find a place to hide, I can't be known as the loser who passed out in the middle of the school hallway.>

<45 seconds left...>

<There's nowhere to hide, why did I choose to go to such a popular school in the first place? I've screwed myself over once again, I'll for sure be crowned as the failure of High Bridge Academy.>

<NO, Not again. I made a promise to myself that this year would be different than the last, and it will! I've got to steady my breathing and calm all my senses before recklessly continuing.>

<Think Damien, this school has three floors and a rooftop, I need to find and decide on a location which is hidden from others.>

<But where? all the classrooms are packed, and the bathrooms are either locked or occupied.>

<Wait, I got it! The only secluded area that I know of has got to be the rooftop. What other place is better than at a time like this.>

<Right now I'm on the second-floor wing, but I need to somehow find the staircase leading to the rooftop door.>

<If I remember correctly, I just pushed a left up the passing hallway which would ultimately lead me towards the third-floor wing. If memory serves me justice, a sharp turn up here should be the third-floor staircase.>

<20 seconds left…>

<YES! I knew it, the staircase is here! Now all I have left to do is march up these stairs and I'll be safe and sound!

<I knew that with a little bit of self-determination I could do anything!>

< 5 seconds left...>

<I see it, the haven of my existence, the sanctuary of my pride, the rooftop door! With just a full step I will be exonerated of this embarrassme--



"Ugh, What a lovely way to wake up, a beaming headache sure does soothe my mind right about now."

"Huh?... Wait a minute, what is this heavenly tenderness that probes on the back of my neck? Am I in heaven?"

"Nope. Pretty sure that would be my lap your referring to." A high pitch voice giggles.

"Huh! who the hell are you?"

" I'm Arta Price. But you can call me Art, that's what my friends dubbed me." Art replies in a lively tone.

"Damien, If I do say so, you have quite the intriguing body. I was fascinated by the mere touch of it, especially what's inside." Art indicates aptly.

"....huh. Are you a pervert? I'm still a virgin so you might have to lea-."

"NOO!" Art blushes in humiliation.

<She would later go on to explain, that she found my collapsed body at the entrance of the roof door, and laid my head on her lap.>

<With concern that my neck would be in discomfort if laid on the hard-bearing concrete floor. She also heavily implied that she had no ulterior motives, she made that point very clear.>

<Art would further continue explaining what she meant about my body, explaining that there was a weird feeling of misplacement inside my Yex.>

<Yex. The internal soul of all humans, which allows the user to increase all aspects of their body and mind.>

<As well as allowing the user to plunge into their subconscious, and unlock inhuman powers. Such as psychokinesis, invisibility, super strength, and more.>

<Now that I think about it, pops would always say when I was younger that my Yex was special, but I just thought he was sugaring me up.>

"Damien, I was wondering." Art ponders.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Your Yex, it's bizarre. It's not like you don't have any, that would be scientifically impossible. It's more likely your Yex is in the wrong place, or more probable somebody forcibly moved it someplace else." Art remarks in a testing tone.

"I'm not sure what you're trying to imply Art. But my Yex is below average, that's what my doctor stated at least. And frankly, I really should be heading home soon, my old man will kill me if I'm home any later."

"Oh. And thanks for the help, I probably would have died of embarrassment, if anyone else arrived before you, so thanks for that."

*45 minutes later*

"Pop's, I'm home! And I think it's about time we have a deep and thorough conversation, about answering the phone."

"Damien, come sit down." Damien's father expresses with a sharp demeanor.

<Well...I'm screwed..>

thanks you T.K.月狐#1063 and CeterisParibus#2888 for the feedback on my frist chapter and giving me advice.

also i changed the thought bubbles from asterisks (**) to greater and lesser signs (<>) because of proublems with viewege. also make sure to rate this webnovel a 5/5 for a cookie! :)

Sinceraly, JW

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