
Chapter 33: until the Chunin exams

On the next day, did Yukino and Anko take Saph to the academy? Yukino to guide her to her class and friends, Anko to find out what she has to learn to pas this year. Raven had decided to sleep in for the day. Because he knew that from the next day to the end of the year his days will be filled with training and teaching Saph and Yukino. She made it clear that she was going to join the teaching and training. Raven didn't have a problem with it. He also started with an internship at the blacksmith of Konoha. It was a surprise that it was actually Adamaya. He explained that he only does the secret businesses with Anko in his hometown, but for the rest of the time he works and stays in the village. After finding out why Raven was at the blacksmith he took him under his wing. He even delayed the order of Raven's new sword. Raven was first disappointed, but then did Adamaya explain. He explained to Raven that they can build the sword together. Raven found that option better. He would come over and learn over two days. Raven also set a day where he would train his sealing. He wants to see the next level from the necklace. The time that he is not spending with Yukino and Saph, were spend on Anko's new torture... training exercise. Only at the end of the week did he get personal time, but that was mostly used up spending with his old friends from the academy.


When Raven has free time he spends the time with friends. With team Guy, If they were in town and not on a mission. Tenten was quick to become friends with Saph, but when she saw the Fuinjutsu-supply she was quick to start helping and bothering Raven. Because in her spare time she was studying it as well. Tenten knows about the internship of Raven because the blacksmith works for Tenten's parent's weapon shop. She found the blacksmithing great, but her love was for the weapons. She even yelled at Raven more if he made a bad weapon. Since then Tenten was not allowed in the blacksmith. With Lee, it was more of his constant desire to train or spar. Raven did sometimes trains with him. Neji, that was something else. He became a bigger arrogant ass, more than he was in the academy. Raven didn't talk to him much. He told Tenten and Lee that he really needs a beating. They didn't say it, but they agreed with Raven. He also talked with Guy sometimes. He even checked if the torture... training plan of Anko needed anything. That was one of the dumbest decisions he asked. Not because he asked. No, because Anko heard him ask. The next day his training became harder by three times the amount. Did Raven ask how? Anko responded that she set this training up together with Guy. They worked at it for a whole night. He also started hanging out with two other teams, Team 8 and team 10. He found it fun to rest with Shikamaru and Choji. He sometimes hangs out with Kiba and Shino, but Kiba is always looking for a fight and Shino. Well, he's Shino. Saph is a little scared of him, that's why Shino is trying to not be creepy anymore. He is failing so badly. Ino and Hinata are two more sisters of Saph. Raven feels a little jealous of her because she is a chick magnet. He doesn't hang around team 7 much. There a couple of reasons. one is they were not in the village, Kakashi took them for training in the back mountains. The second reason is that he can't stand the fangirl Sakura. Anko and Raven laughed when they asked Saph why she didn't talk to her. Saph said that she was annoying, she only had Sasuke on her mind. Naruto was himself, Raven could tolerate him and last Sasuke. Please, he's becoming the same arrogant brat as Neji. He also needs a great beating.


Over a couple of months, Raven has learned the basics of blacksmithing, mastering the Jutsu he knows. He is even surviving the training from Anko. Sealing is coming around as well, but he's a little stuck at the seal to open the next level of his necklace. It is not because it is just the basis, that it is easy to understand. Raven knows all the basic seals, can also make them all. But he still has problems with the test seal. He knows not to push his luck. Raven started relearning them. The most progress was with Saph and Yukino. All the training that Raven and Anko put them through paid off. Yukino got more stamina and better control of the lessons from the academy. Saph was a big surprise. She didn't only do the training of Anko, but on her off-day, she convinced Hinata, Ino, or Kurenai to help her. Anko pretended she doesn't know. Yukino was also doing great in her job at the Hospital. But the last couple of days she also kept asking to learn a Jutsu from Raven. Because Anko wasn't around much lately. Because of the preparation for the Chunin exams next week. So Raven taught Yukino and Saph the Shadow Shuriken Technique and Manipulated Shuriken Technique. The other techniques he knows, which isn't much, he doesn't want to teach them before he knows their affinity. Saph was great with Shadow Shuriken but Yukino was better in Manipulated Shuriken because of her control. These couple of months they also sparred with Raven or their friends. They haven't beaten Raven yet, but Saph had the promise that Anko would teach her how to. She just had to wait.


During the week before the Chunin exams, the shinobis came from all over the other villages to participate. Raven and his two friends were watching the participants. They came from all over. From the villages of grass, rain, sound, and last one team from the village of sand.

When Raven saw the three from the sand he didn't know what to feel. He had read the records of what supposedly happened to his mom, Pakura of the Sand. But he knew better, because of the request of his mom's letter and because he made a promise to himself. He will judge everything for himself. After seeing the entries, Raven's group left. But Gaara felt a gaze when he looked at the spot where the gaze came from. He saw the roof empty. He found it strange.


The Chunin exams begin tomorrow...

This is more a time-skip, a training report, and the report of happenings around the lives of Saph, Yukino, and Raven.

From the moment they returned to the moment to the Chunin exams they did nothing else but learn and practice.

Till next time.

thelastgrimcreators' thoughts
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