
The Hidden Gift

Strange things start happening after Maria Summers wins her Tennis Championship Finals. Caleb, her twin brother takes her, Madison, her bestfriend, and Cyrus out to celebrate when suddenly she starts hearing voices. At first she pays them no mind thinking it's just mind games until they come back...louder and stronger which then results in her hurting her brother. Later on she finds out that she's getting her powers back but they were binded when she was young for a reason and that her friends and brother also have powers too. Too many things happening in one day causes her to freak out a little and then a mysterious man shows up holding her mother as a hostage. What is really going on? Five years later, Maria, Caleb and Madison are taking in and training those that are superhumans, mutants and those who can also do magic. Maria's on a search for the man who killed her mother and trying to get to the bottom of whatever he's planning, Caleb worries about his sister's health, Madison tries to keep the house intact, the kids and everyone safe and people from the past start turning up. What's in store for these three? Well start reading to find out ;)

MzMysteryy · Thanh xuân
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14 Chs

Lovely Girl

Caleb and Mads came to check on me occasionally throughout the night though I kept the door locked with my powers incase they wanted to use theirs to bust in.

I was cuddled up in my bed, staring at the wall. This wasn't helping my mood. At all.

So I decided to get up and head out to town. Maybe clearing my head would do me some good right about now.

I also couldn't keep getting out of control especially if it happened infront of the kids. How would they expect me to keep them safe if I became the danger?

I took a quick shower, changed into one of my brothers graphic tees which had The Beetles written all over it and one of my leggings and my sneakers. To avoid everyone downstairs I flew off my balcony, landing quietly and headed to the garage to get my car.

I didn't see my brothers car parked inside so the others weren't back yet.

The town was lively today, probably because it's Friday and also the start of summer holiday.

The shop's were packed with teens and parent's with their younger ones. As I drove around I spotted some others entering the mall that was built not too long ago, it was pretty huge, and some others just roaming the streets with their friends alongside them.

I drove around a little while longer until I stopped at Bar Harbor. It was the local bar and grill in town and a pretty decent one too.

Now drinking isn't going to get rid of the fact that I'm not accomplishing what I'm trying to succeed at, no, instead it'll just make me stupid for a couple hours.

No harm right.

And I'm not the best at keeping my powers on the low when I'm drunk either. I learnt that when Mads and I were stupid drunk and we ended up, well I ended up crashing everything in a bar back in Florida.

Total accident though.

I parked on the side of the road, locking my car. The warm air welcomed me as I stepped inside, this place was always buzzing with life and packed on a Friday.

Laughter and chatter filled the bar and the light sound of jazz music played in the background.

Walking up to the counter, I spotted Andrew polishing and shining couple glasses and stacking them up.

"Hey Andrew, give me the usual." I sat on a stool and leaned on the counter.

Andrew was also a superhuman, the first time we came to Falls Bay we had stopped here before going to the house. Mads could sense he was one so when I went to ask him...

"Sure thing Mar." By the time I blinked my drink was infront of me.

....he ran, pretty fast. Like the blink of an eye fast. He thought he was in trouble for something but eventually realised we weren't here to hurt him.

His powers were super speed and I'm talking SUPER super speed.

"So what brings you here today?" He raises an eyebrow at me, wiping out another glass.

"Same old same old, just need a break." I smile before downing my drink. I scrunch my nose over the slow burning in the back of my throat.

"Still no luck on finding them huh?" He walks over to the stack of glasses and places the one he has on top of the others.

"Nope, it's a lost cause." I sigh and rest my head on the counter.

"Well don't give up, I'm sure you'll find something soon."

I groaned, hitting my head against the counter and he pats my head.


So one drink turned into two and then three and then twenty maybe? I don't know.

It was just me and Andrew left in the bar now. Everyone else had left. It was closing time by now anyways I think, maybe? I don't know.

"Androow just give me the bottle." I hiccuped.

He shook his head and moved the bottle out of my reach.

"No after this I'm taking you home." He turned around to set the bottle back when I flicked my wrist and the bottle flew back in my hand.

I smiled at him and he sighed.

"Fine, I'm gonna go clean up. Stay right here and don't move." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Okie dokes." I gave him a thumbs up.

He shook his head and walked off.

I sat there with my bottle of Bourbon, pouring out some in a glass and then drinking some from the bottle.

"Here's to misery." I raised the glass and drank down the sweet bitter liquor.

I didn't realize I was toppling backwards in my seat but when I did I closed my eyes awaiting the impact of my back hitting the floor but it never came.

I felt two hands on my arms and when I opened my eyes I was met with a pair of light hazel ones.

I tilted my head to the side furrowing my brows.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Well a thank you would've been nice." Slowly pushing me back up on the stool.

I squinted my eyes at him "Really who are you?" I poked his cheek.

"Nobody important, how about you?" He smiled.

"Martha." I scrunched up my face at myself "Maria, I mean." I smiled back at him happy that I remembered my name.

"Lovely name for a lovely girl."

"How would.. you know.. I'm a lovely girl?" I said hiccuping while trying to drink the rest of what was left in the bottle.

"How many drinks have you had?" He asked.

"I can see your changing the subject but I'll let it slide. And I don't really know, ten, twenty, meh." I shrugged.

He shook his head laughing lightly, I smiled and looked at him. And he looked back at me.

I tilted my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Stop staring at mee." I slurred, my mind was getting foggy thanks to the drinks. That I chose to have.


"Come on you need to get home." He says standing up.

"I am perfectly fine, I can drive myself." I pointed at him.

"Unless you want to end up in a car accident then go ahead."

I pursed my lips "That's true." and then looked up at him "Your not drunk are you?" I questioned.

"No I am not, now come on."

"But I don't wanna go home." I pout.

Andrew walks out from the back finally and sees me and Nobody Important.

"Hey man, haven't seen you here in a while." He said, they do the bro hand shake dap thing.

"Been busy." He nods.

"You know Maria?" He asks, looking at us.

"Yes I do, was about to take her home due to her current situation." They both look at me.

I look back at them.

"Thanks, cause I had alot more to do here before I would be able to take her."

Nobody important nods and they do a bro hug before he pats Andrew on the shoulder.

"See you Mar." He waves at me.

"But I don't wanna go home." I pout again.

"Come on." the nameless person walks over to me.

I start flying objects after him without knowing because I'm drunk and determined not to go home.

He dodges them all and holds onto my hands.

"Stop it, come on I'm not gonna hurt you." He says, looking into my eyes.

I stop wriggling out of his grip and relax into his arms.

"You have nice eyes." I stroke his cheek instead of poking it this time.

"So I've been told." He smiles.

Then he picks me up bridal style and starts walking out of the bar.

I unlock my car and he puts me in the passenger seat then closes the door and runs over to the next side.

I can't find my keys at the moment so I use my powers and start the car.

The ride is pretty silent, a comfortable silence, the radio playing in the background. The drive from the bar to my house isn't quite far but I'm wondering how he would know exactly where I live without me telling him or maybe Andrew told him but I'm way too drunk and tired to think at the moment so I just enjoy the breeze.

"So why haven't you told me your name?" I ask him, leaning up off the window and looking at him.

"Because you already know it." He simply says without looking at me.

I furrow my brows in confusion and then shrug it off.

Sober me would've been bombarding him with questions, he wouldn't have even made it to my car in the first place.

I didn't feel in danger with him or that he was going to harm me, which is weird.

"Your not scared of me?" I ask him. He looked over at me for a second his brows furrowing.

"Why would I be scared of you?"

"Because I'm a mutant, and the stuff I do or have done it scares everyone. They won't admit it but it does even my own brother and best friend are scared of me." I slump in the seat.

I felt a warm hand grasp my hand that was resting on my lap.

"I'm not scared of you and I never will be. They don't understand how you feel and that's what their probably scared of, that they can't help you. But the important thing is that they love you and are still there for you."

I smiled, drunk me was very emotional so I didn't realise the tear that ran down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and continued staring out the window.


A couple minutes later we reached my house. He parked inside the garage as I saw my brothers jeep parked inside too.

Atleast it was in good shape still considering how reckless the kids got sometimes.

I unlocked the door using my power and stepped inside, bringing Nobody Important with me.

The lights were all off and the house was quiet.

I flicked my finger, the living room light turned on.

"Everyone must've left because I pissed them off, but they'll be back by the morning. I think they're used to my attitude by now." I said to him laying in the couch massaging my forehead.

I've never drank that much and now I feel like I could pass out any moment.

"They'll be back don't worry about it."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I could feel sleep attacking my eyelids.

"You could stay here just for the night, you don't seem like a serial killer and even if you were I could kill you on the spot." I said to him.

I heard him laugh a little then sat down on the couch beside me.

"I assure you I won't hurt you, I'll stay here till morning then."

I sighed and closed my eyes again.

As I drifted off to sleep land, he was stroking my hair, placing a strand of it behind my ear when I heard him whisper "I broke my promise before, I won't let that happen again."