
Selection Process (1)

The 4 siblings bowed before the royal throne and King Aurtherus smiled as he examined his potential heirs. Being the oldest, Prince Basil stepped forward first. King Aurtherus looked at him with smile that exuded pride.

"Ah.. My child, Basil. First of my name. The hand of justice that holds the realm together. Regardless of who becomes king, I hope that you will continue in that righteousness and be a beacon of strength in my heavenly realms."

After which, King Aurtherus gave Basil a sturdy man's hug and tapped him hard on his shoulders. Prince Basil looked every part of a commander receiving his honors. He stood upright with his chest out like a proud peacock, received the hug and taps and saluted a military salute.

"I will not disappoint you, father," Prince Basil said in a gruff voice. He stood to the side as King Aurtherus proceeded to face Colin.

"Colin, my child. Knowledge and Wisdom are only part of what makes up the realms. I do hope that in your pursuit for them, you will not forget the other aspects of life," the King said as he gently patted Prince Colin's head and chest.

Prince Colin tried his best not to slouch and he gave his royal father a light hug before standing to the side.

As King Aurtherus turned away to face Delia, his face lit up and his eyes revealed gentleness contrary to his majestic self during the proceedings. "Ahhh. My kind darling Delia. You have grown up more magnificent and beautiful than I could ever imagine."

"Daddy, can I ask you a question?" Delia interjected nervously.

"Haha. Delia my darling. I know that you have no heart for the matters of the throne. Hence, I have consulted the council and they have agreed to give you release from selection."

Delia lit up, bowed and rushed in for a hug. King Aurtherus closed his eyes in bliss as he sensed the love that Delia had for him. After a moment, the king released his daughter from the hug and patted her head. Delia moved to the side and all eyes were on Edward. The youngest prince.

Edward felt his hands turn clammy as he stepped up awkwardly. However, before he could bow, King Aurtherus swept him up into his arms and kissed him. Edward panicked and said, "Daddy, I am no longer a child!"

"Haha. My beloved Edward. All of you will always be children in my eyes. And although you are young and inexperienced. Remember that during the selection, what matters is the heart. Do not look down on the days of youth. Be mold-able. Learn."

"Now, all of you come. I will lead you to the selection chamber. Delia, my dear, come along too. There is something all of you must see."

King Aurtherus led the siblings out through a back door situated right behind the throne that was so inconspicuous that Edward had never noticed it was there before. Behind the door was a long corridor that only had one other door at the other side.

The king led his children to the middle of the corridor before stopping. Aurtherus turned and looked out the window. As wind blew into face, Edward thought that his father look every bit the sagely king that Aurtherus was known to be.

"From this view, the entire heavenly kingdom can be seen. Remember children, that the king lives to serve and protect his subjects. Justice and Mercy should always go hand in hand."

The two older princes obviously felt that the king was just preaching in his usual sagely self and glanced out the window nonchalantly. Princess Delia hugged the king which brought much joy to him. Edward, on the other hand, looked at the sprawling kingdom with a mix of curiosity and anxiety.

As the king turned around, all the siblings followed along. Edward sighed as he gave the magnificent kingdom one more look while thinking, "I am really not prepared..."

Prince Edward grew anxious as they made their way to the selection chamber. He hardly noticed his steps and the opening of each secret chamber and room that led to the highly secretive selection chamber.

"I am too young."

"I have no experience at all."

"I have never left the palace."

"I am not stronger than Basil."

"I am not smarter than Colin."

"I might fail terribly."

"I might become the worse selection candidate in the history of the heavenly kingdom."

Anxiety grew in Edward's heart as his thoughts dwelt on his perceived inadequacies.

"Watch where you are going, Ed." growled Basil as Edward, in his anxiousness, bumped into the back of his older brother. Edward snapped out of his stupor and quickly apologized, not before noticing that Colin was smirking at him.

Suddenly, Edward felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You will be fine, Ed. Remember what daddy said." Delia comforted Edward. Edward took a deep breath and calmed down before finally realizing that they were standing in front of a door.

"The Sacred Chamber of Selection"

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