
Osiris Realm (3)

Other than the Green Green Forest where the gnomes lived, Edward learnt that the southern forest was divided into a further 3 parts. The northernmost forest bordering Stormedge was known as Mystic Forest. It was inhabited by a magical race known as faeries. Faeries were extremely small, nimble and fluttered around with their dragonfly-like wings. They were proficient in charm and earth magic. Although the faeries had small and frail physique, they were a challenge to deal as they hid extremely well and used their magic to set deadly traps against their foes.

The faeries were ruled by a young brat-like king, known as King Faye. He had taken over Mystic Forest when his father, the previous king, died in a scuffle with the humans of Stormedge. The faeries often came to blows with the humans due to proximity and both sides would suffer losses. However, the previous king unfortunately was found by a hunting noble. Outnumbered by the noble's forces, the king and his guards were slain.

Although currently the faeries hated Stormedge, they remained within the confines of Mystic forest, fighting only humans who came in. King Faye who was extremely spoilt and cared little about the humans and concerned himself with charming magics and hunting. He frequently ordered his advisers to manage anything that he deemed troublesome.

The Dark Forest was inhabited by the elves. They were an extremely secretive race and there were often little news coming from the Dark forest. Other than the occasional trading done with the gnomes and faeries, King Tata did not have much to say about the elves other than their famed hunting prowess and affinity to the beast of the land.

Even less was known about the mythical dragon race that resided in Sacred Forest. They were the strongest race in Osiris when it came to individual power and magic. However, they were low in numbers and thankfully, after the great war, they became more reclusive, staying within the confines of the Sacred Forest.

Then came matters that were of most importance to Edward at hand, the coming of age ceremony. Edward learnt that typically, coming of age was peaceful and the coronation of the prince was done in a festival-like atmosphere.

Unfortunately, Prince Tu was deemed weak and disinterested in the matters of the land by many. King Tata had a strong inclination that the opposing elders would most certainly nominate a candidate to challenge for the throne. The Prince would have no choice but to face challengers to prove his worth. But what scared Edward most was that usually, when these fights did occur, it was a fight to the death as the stakes were high.

Edward took a big gulp and his palms became sweaty. He was beginning to feel a sense of hopelessness well up in him all over again. He was already at a disadvantage when it came to experience as compared to his older brothers. Now, he faced a monumental task of showing anything of worth from the lowly position that he was placed in.

Prince Edward felt like giving up. His throat was dry and anxiety gripped him. No matter how he tried to calm himself, it just served to make him more anxious. At this moment, the orb-like power in his heart flickered and he recall a scene when he was young…


Prince Edward was at the royal court's shooting range. Grandmaster Archer Cho had tasked Edward to hit the target that was a mere 5m away. However, as it was his first time, Prince Edward failed to hit the target a single time.

To add to Edward's anxiety, King Aurtherus was watching him from the viewing platform. After the 10th try, Prince Edward felt like crying. He wanted so much to make his father proud but no matter how he tried, it just did not seem like it was working. Just at this moment, King Aurtherus appears behind him and taps his shoulder. Edward felt a deep sense of dread.

"Is Daddy gonna shout at me?"

However, contrary to his fears, King Aurtherus was smiling.

"My dear Edward, you are doing great. Do not let haste cloud the judgement of your performance. No one becomes a master archer overnight. Recall the fundamentals. Take little victories in each small step. Remember how Master Cho has taught you how to draw the arrow? That is one step. Remember how he taught you how to load the arrow? That is another. Do the little things well and they will serve their purpose in the overall picture. But more importantly, remember whose blood you have flowing in your veins. The power will always be there."

Was it the superb advice that King Aurtherus provided. Edward felt like it was the assurance that calmed his heart.


The arrow finally landed on the target. Although now that Edward recalled, it was not even in the outermost circle.

But he had done it. The 3 year old Edward had done it.


Edward took a deep breath as the memory calmed him. He placed his hand on his chest and felt the wisp-like orb emitting a gentle power in his heart.

"Yes. No matter how useless or hopeless it may seem. I have royal blood within me. The power of the heavenly kingdom is as much mine as they are my brothers."

King Tata was quietly observing his "son" and was secretly proud as he watched Edward was dealing with the pressure himself.

"Hehe. My son has more and more the makings of a king. Maybe the coming of age isn't as hopeless as I thought."