
Chapter One - Seven Martial Spirits?

Leo was in his home still amazed at his Martial Spirits the first martial spirit was clear as day but the others were blurry. Leo was surprised but he was also happy he then felt the first martial spirit go into his body and felt power going into his body he felt amazing and knew the name of this Spirit, Wrath. Leo absorbed all of the power and felt amazing power he felt his strength , speed and perception increase. He got up and walked out his home he brought out a wooden sword and cut through the tree in front of him instantly.

The other trees felt down as well and the wooden sword broke he was surprised he knew he was powerful but never thought he would become this strong. '' Kid you've only awakened 0.1% of my power you are talented but nowhere near my power '' Leo looked around after hearing that voice and he soon realized it was his martial spirit '' You can talk?'' ''Of course who do you think I am the King Of The Seven Deities '' Leo knew he heard that name before they were powerful demons capable of destroying entire sect with a snap of there fingers.

''Wow am I grateful to you for being my martial spirits '' ''Of course you are worthy of being my disciple you have amazing talent capable of surpassing me but it will take you 10 million years to do '' Leo smiled and said'' How can I become strong enough to defeat a sovereign? '' ''Well with me by your side you will become the strongest no doubt about it '' Leo suddenly sensed a needle coming at him Leo caught it and turned around.

Leo saw Warren Khan a bully of his but since he was stronger now he was strong enough to defeat Warren with one hand.

Leo smiled and ran at Warren appearing in front of him within seconds and he punched him in the stomach sending him flying into some trees.

''Good Job kid you can now handle a person at the Martial Spirit Realm '' Leo said'' Thank you '' Warren got up and coughed up blood he said'' You bastard I will get my brother on you and you better start to beg for my forgiveness '' Leo laughed and appeared in front of Warren slapping him until his face was swollen and then Leo threw him on the ground Warren ran away crying.

Leo went back to his home and began cultivating Warren's Brother was in the Peak of The Martial Spirit Realm so he needed to get past that realm. Leo went to the Qi Realm and cheered he had become way stronger. Leo felt his muscles become harder and stronger he could even feel his Spirit Rank increase he had a Rank 5 spirit.

''Wow my skin feels harder while my spirit has increased by 5 ranks!'' Leo got up and he felt really hungry he left his home and went into town he went to a ramen shop and ate some ramen it tasted amazing and he wanted more he had eaten 10 bowls of Ramen. The shopkeeper was shocked and had and Idea he brought out a jumbo Huge Ramen bowl he said'' If you can finish this you will get free ramen every time you come here '' Leo still felt hungry and ate all of it shocking the chef and the people eating the chef brought 10 of them until Leo was full and he left the shop.

Leo went to his home and slept the next day he heard someone knock on his door he saw Warrens brother Lee Khan and dodged his punch Leo kicked him in the face sending him flying and crashing down hard. Lee said'' So you got stronger but let's fight for real '' Leo and Lee ran at each other and clashing fist Leo kept countering Lee's attack each very precise hits to his vital spots.

Lee roared in anger and then used The Lions Slash and tried to slash Leo but Leo instantly saw through the attack and dodged it he kicked Lee in the stomach and punched him into the ground creating a small crater it was clear Leo had won the battle.

Leo walked back inside and sighed finally some peace and quiet then Leo unleashed his Spirit he felt more amazing power and his strength increased. Leo said'' What the heck?! How could I become this strong already? '' Wrath said'' i think because fighting is in your bloodline and you will soon have a limitless amount of bloodlust you will become stronger the stronger your opponent is '' Leo was amazed at this and he wondered how strong he would be against a fighter in the heavenly realm.

Leo then remembered the Sky Sect was holding a competition to see who would be there new student. Leo wanted to join and now he could Leo sensed something it was moving fast. Leo dodged it and it made a whole through his wall Leo said"What the hell was that? " he walked up to it and saw a Green short sword Wrath said"It's finally here! "Leo said" What is it? "

Wrath said"That is my weapon Green Dragon Wave " Leo touch it and suddenly felt amazing energy flowing through him. Leo said" This is a Blue Grade Weapon! " Wrath said" It used be a epic grade weapon but since I lost my life it began to rust and this is it's current grade "

Leo smiled and thanked Wrath for this weapon he went out and began practicing with it he wanted it to become a part of his body and he was suddenly drowned in it says after days even wrath was amazed Leo lost track of time even when his muscles lost strength he kept going with his mouth. 10 Days went by and he finally mastered it he had many bruises on his body though and his muscles had purple veins so he slept for a whole month he woke up and looked around.

Leo said" What happened? " Wrath said" you have been training for the past 10 days to you it must have been 10 hours but it took you ten days '' Leo was shocked and then remembered about the selection he got up and ran to the Arena barely making it in time as the competition began.

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