
The premature death of Yun Che

"It would be my honor," Cheon replied to Elder Lie who had just asked him if he would serve Yun Che, his current target.

"Haha! Good! Good!" Elder Lie said loudly while laughing heartedly, a new servant for his grandson on the day of his wedding was surely a nice present.

Now with the main conversation over, Elder Lie and Cheon walked through the clan while ignoring the stares Cheon was getting from the women in the clan as well as the angered and annoyed looks on the men's faces.

"It'll be tough for you from now on, Cheon." Elder Lie said shaking his head seemingly feeling pity for Cheon.

"Thank you for your concern Elder Lie, I'll make due," Cheon replied to the old man assuring him everything would be fine.

"Mhm, very well, my grandson is in the room here." Elder Lie said before as they arrived in front of a door.

Now at their destination, Elder Lie soon opened it the door and guided Cheon into the room and immediately upon entering the newborn Vampyre was greeted with the sight of Yun Che sipping on tea, tea that he knew was poisoned.

"Grandfather." Yun Che said with a smile as he stood up and hugged Elder Lie.

"Haha, I'm happy to see you as well, but allow me to introduce you to someone." Elder Lie said before pointing to Cheon whom Yun Che and Elder Lie had to look up at.

At the beginning of Against The Gods, Yun Che was only 5'5" (or) 167cm which was far shorter than the current Cheon so it made sense that Yun Che had to look up at him, but it was also easy to tell that Yun Che himself didn't like doing that.

"You are...?" Yun Che asked but Cheon could tell he didn't actually care for his presence, it appeared that Yun Che saw him as more of a nuisance than anything else despite having only just met.

"Cheon Ma, young master," Cheon replied warmly, his act was so great that it caused a smirk to appear on Yun Che's face, although if he knew what was about to happen to him he'd run instead of smirk.

"I see, what is he here for Grandfather?" Yun Che said to Elder Lie.

"He will be one of your servants." Elder Lie said with a smile thinking he had given his grandson yet another good gift for his wedding.

"Is that so? I don't ne-" Yun Che said before being interrupted by Elder Lie.

"Just give him a chance my boy." Elder Lie said with a smile, he knew he had to interrupt his grandson before he could finish his sentence so that Cheon could get this job, he knew it would help the boy a lot.

"I see... then we'll see grandfather." Yun Che replied with a sigh, despite not wanting to take Cheon as a servant, per his grandfather's request he would at least give Cheon a shot.

"Of course my boy, I need to finish some preparations for the wedding so I'll leave you two for now." Elder Lie said before turning to Cheon still smiling.

"Don't be too nervous Cheon, my grandson is a gentle boy." Elder Lie said before winking at Cheon and making his exit.

'Gentle?' Cheon said inwardly amused by Elder Lie's words, if only he knew what type of man Yun Che truly was, not that Cheon could talk, during his time as Alucard and even Raizel he killed countless beings.

Upon Elder Lie's departure, Yun Che immediately returned to his position seated on a chair next to the window where the light could shine on him but despite that, what caught the attention of Cheon was the fact that Yun Che's face was growing paler by the second.

"Are you okay young master? Your face is pale." Cheon asked Yun Che feigning worry and sincerity.

"I'm f-fine..." Yun Che stuttered in response as he stood up and walked toward his bed and sat down whilst breathing heavily.

"Go... Go get me som..." Yun Che said but fell back onto the bed unconscious, or rather dead.

'Let's put him in the chair with his head down.' Cheon said inwardly before moving Yun Che's dead body to the chair.

His reason for moving Yun Che was that it was easier this way. It would be more difficult to do what he planned to do when the reincarnated Yun Che woke back up in this body from the bed, so with that knowledge, he moved him to the chair.

Cheon stood behind Yun Che waiting for the moment he woke and after a while, he began to twitch before his eyes flickered open, it was easy to see he was flustered but Cheon didn't care, he had an objective to complete.

'Now.' Cheon said inwardly before snapping the newly reincarnated Yun Che's neck, and while most Vampires would have bitten into his neck to drink his blood, Cheon didn't do that. Instead, Cheon's body began to lose shape and transform into a pure black 'thing' with it being outlined in crimson red similar to his eyes, this was one of Cheon's two forms, first, he had his physical form, and second was his Dark Composition form.

Image of Cheon's form

'As always, human blood is much better than animals.' Cheon said inwardly as he finished consuming Yun Che, and while this would have usually caused a mess since he killed someone but due to the method he used there was no mess whatsoever.

'Odd, it feels different from before.' Cheon said inwardly, when he was Alucard after he devoured someone's soul and body there was always a certain tingling feeling but now, no such feeling excited and that was something to take note of.

'Status.' Cheon said inwardly, perhaps that would show him something interesting.


Name: Cheon Ma

 - Other Name(s): Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Alucard, Kendrick, 

Title(s): True Noblesse Of The Night, Successor Of The Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, Medical Genius,

Race: True Vampyre

 - Form(s): Physical, Dark Composition, 

Bloodline(s): Yun Family, 

Age: 21

Energy(s): Aura

Unique Item(s): Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 

Abilities: Telekinesis, Hemokinesis, Absorption, Mind Control, Enhanced Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Costume Change, Profound Handle [Dormant], 


'I obtained Yun Che's profound handle, bloodline, treasures, and medical genius title-' Cheon said inwardly but paused as lives that weren't his flashed through his mind, it was Yun Che's.

'What amazing medical knowledge.' Cheon said inwardly, as he sorted through the memories he gained from Yun Che before repeating the thing he did before to open the abilities panel, but this time on the titles instead of abilities.



True Noblesse Of The Night: This is a combination of the previous titles, [The Noblesse], and [Count Dracula], which is now [The True Noblesse Of The Night]. This title had but one meaning, you stand above all Nobles and Vampires as their protector, ruler, and creator.

 - Effect: You have control over two species of the night, but this control is limited only to those you turn or create.

Successor Of The Heavenly Demon Divine Cult: You have succeeded The Heavenly Demon Devine Cult which means you will one day become The Heavenly Demon, a being who reigns over all other Martial Practitioners with an iron fist.

 - Effect: You can learn, use, and teach martial arts with 30% less difficulty.

Medical Genuis: You are a medial Genuis unparalleled under the Heavens.

 - Effect: You will be able to learn and apply anything medical-related with ease.


'Interesting.' Cheon said inwardly but stopped as the sound of someone approaching disturbed him.

"Che'er, are you ready?" Elder Lie said as he returned and entered the room but upon doing so he raised an eyebrow before loading up another question.

"Che'er, where is Cheon Ma?" Elder Lie said as his eyes explored the room, he had originally thought he would be gone for a while since he needed to handle some of the wedding preparations between Yun Che and Xia Qingyue but fortunately for him the things he needed to handle were already done by others so he returned to get Yun Che and his new servant but while his grandson was here, the servant wasn't.

"I dismissed him Grandfather, I just don't think it'll work, sorry..." Yun Che said as he scratched the back of his head with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Hais... My boy, you can't have only female servants, men have their uses too." Elder Lie said as he sighed and shook his head, his grandson was frivolous and upon meeting Cheon he could tell he wasn't pleased with his presence, despite that, he felt perhaps they could build a proper Master and Servant relationship, but apparently he was wrong.

"I know Grandfather, I promise to try next time." Yun Che said with a genuine smile causing Elder Lie to give him a small smile of his own completely unaware that he was actually speaking with Cheon who was using his shapeshifting ability to take on the appearance of the man he had just murdered, Yun Che.

"I will keep you to those words my boy." Elder Lie said in response to whom he believed to be his grandson but just as he was about to continue someone from outside the room knocked on the door and asked for Elder Lie.

"What do you need?" Elder Lie asked the young servant who had been ordered to find him.

"The Patriarch asks for your presence in the main hall." The servant girl said as she bowed slightly while Elder Lie himself only sighed before turning back to Yun Che.

"I'll be back later, get some rest, you have much happening today." Elder Lie said with a smirk, he knew what happened between a married couple after their wedding so it was better for Yun Che to get some rest now as he wouldn't have any tonight.

"Of course Grandfather." Yun Che replied returning his adoptive Grandfathers smile.

"Very well, then I'll be off." Elder Lie said before making his exit along with the servant girl.

Now alone in the room, Cheon began deciding his next move, he could leave the clan right now but that would mean both he and the dead Yun Che would disappear at the same time which was suspicious.

Cheon didn't mind leaving on the same day because he wasn't truly worried about many things that would happen after he left but it was better safe than sorry, so with that knowledge, Cheon decided that he would, while keeping Yun Che's appearance, leave through the back entrance of the clan while letting many see him and then return through a secret entrance near his bedroom with his original appearance.

With a goal in mind, Cheon began enacting his plan. First, he exited the room and walked down the hallway with a demeanor fitting of a young master whilst ignoring the whispers about him and his marriage partner, Xia Qingyue.

Second, Cheon, while walking made sure to make his way through the most crowded areas of the clan, it was important for many people to see him before his disappearance. Also, Cheon knew this wasn't a surefire way to eliminate the similarities of his disappearance of Yun Che and himself but that didn't matter, it was enough, and it most likely wouldn't matter in the future anyway.

Lastly, Cheon exited the clan through the back exit before making a cut to the secret entrance nearest to his room, although calling it a secret entrance wasn't quite right, it was merely a well-hidden hole in the wall surrounding the clan that the previous Cheon found, it wasn't an elaborate entry point, but it was one that only he knew.

Soon Cheon arrived at his destination, returned to his regular appearance since he sensed nobody was near, and then made his way through the hole before returning to his room where none could see him.

'Still as useful as always.' Cheon said inwardly, shapeshifting as he did was incredibly versatile, he was able to morph into Yun Che at will, or anything else for that matter.

With his momentary goal completed, Cheon began to relax as he had nothing better to do, well, many wouldn't call what Cheon was doing relaxing. Currently, Cheon is seated on his bed with crossed legs, unlike during the fusion where all of his memories as Alucard and Raizel were sorted automatically, Cheon had yet to go through the inheritance of the Heavenly Divine Demon Cult which was already within his mind.

The inheritance of the cult was vast, it filled Cheon's mind with countless combat, movement, breathing, and medical techniques, Cheon had inherited everything from the cult, and that 'everything' was vast enough that he needed to sit down and take time to organize and sort everything out, it wouldn't happen automatically.

Hours passed as Cheon sat in his room but even while concentrating on the inheritance he hadn't stopped listening to everything going on within the clan, it was as chaotic as it could be. Currently, the clan members who had already finished preparing for the wedding we all searching for Yun Che, they all had seen him but in different places, so the search was all around the clan but to no avail, none could find him.

'It will be time for me to leave soon.' Cheon said to himself as he gazed at the setting sun in the distance, he would leave in a few hours tops.

While Cheon was technically a servant within the clan they didn't ever call for him due to him being of no use, or at least that was the situation for the previous Cheon, and it was also for this reason that he could sit in his room for hours on end.

To be continued...

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