
13 "Bloodline test Part 2 And... The Heavenly Helping System Version 2.0""

When Ling Tian Heard that his name was called his heart starting beating faster and faster. He went on the stage and touched the mirror of truth.

An Image of a Golden Stone was shown.

"Grade 1 Golden Stone" Xiong Chu said in disappointment.

"Hahahahahaha, Grade 1 Golden stone. were your ancestor born from stone?" Liu Chen said while mocking ling tian.

Ling Tian went to stand near Wu Rong

Right after Bloodline test was finished many elders came to check the results of the bloodline test. An Elder name Yun Meiqi from core court came and stood before Princess Long Ling. Elder Yun Meiqi was only one of the 3 core court elder.

"Long Ling, I want to take you as my successor Disciple. Do you want to? I won't force you." Elder Yun Meiqi.

"Disciple Greets the Master." Princess Ling

Another 2 elder came and stood in front of Liu Chen. One Was the head of the Sword Department Jiang Teng and another was the head Spear Department Sun Zhang.

"Liu Chen your father's a good friend of mine and I want to take you as my disciple." Sun Zhang

"Now... Now... Brother Zhang I know that you are a good friend of Liu Xuan but deciding to the master is up to Liu Chen we can't force him. Isn't that right?" Jiang Teng

"oh... I was so excited that I forgot about Liu Chen's feeling. Sorry, Brother Teng." Sun Zhang

"Elders I don't know much about I would like to both departments because I practice both Sword Arts and Spear Arts from the childhood. I can't choose anyone from them." Liu Chen

"Chen'er, you choose one department because you will progress fast in one department But There is some unique case where you can take 2 masters from the different department. I am Agree to take you as my disciple. I won't mind if you take Brother Zhang as your another master" Jiang Teng

After hearing what jiang teng said Sun Zhang Couldn't stop smiling.

"If Brother Teng is Agreed then who am I to reject a good successor... Hahahaha" Sun Zhang

"Disciple Liu Chen Greets the Masters" Liu Chen Cupped his hands and gave a lite bow.

After Elders Jiang Teng and Sun Zhang done their talking. Xiong said "Now the Bloodline Test is concluded and the results are:-

"Number 7 - Ling Tian---> Outer Court Rewarded with 5 Low-Rank Spirit Stone"

"Number 6 - Hua Feng---> Inner Court Rewarded with 20 Low-Rank Spirit Stone"

"Number 5 - Wei Long---> Inner court Rewarded with 100 Low-Rank Spirit stone"

"Number 4 - Yang Shang---> Inner court Rewarded with 200 Low-rank Spirit stone"

"Number 3 - Bai Wong--- Core Court Rewarded with 300 Low-Rank Spirit Stone and 1 rank 2 Martial Skill"

"Number 2 - Liu Chen---> Core Court Rewarded with 500 low-rank spirit stone and 1 rank 3 martial skill"

"Number 1 - Long Ling---> Core Court Rewarded with 1000 Low-rank spirit stone and 2 rank 3 martial Skill and one dantian purifying pill"

"Now all of you leave the Exam Grounds" Xiong Chu

After hearing Elder Xiong Chu All elders and Disciple started to leave and one was left there. But There was some change in the Mirror of Truth there was still the image of that golden stone. if you try to see careful inside the mirror of truth there was a monkey inside the golden stone and broke out from the golden stone and a *crack* appeared on the mirror of truth.


Inside the cave of Elder Wu Rong. Wu Rong called his all disciples except Ling Tian inside his cave.

"You guys can do whatever you want with Ling Tian. That Trash made a fool out of me in front of all those disciples and Elders. If you want to kill him do it but outside the sect" Wu Rong

"As you wish Master," Wang Batian said with his other fellow disciple.

When Wang Batian and company were leaving they saw Elder Huan Fu. they greet him and went outside and closed the wooden door.

"Brother Rong, how was the result of Ling Tian's bloodline?" Huan Fu

"Brother we are again stuck on block one and that trash's Bloodline was a grade one golden stone. you hear right brother fu a measly grade 1 stone. our efforts on him were futile." Wu Rong

"Brother Rong, I already Told you that he was a trash in cultivation but He is a Genius in Alchemy that appears once in a 100 yrs. what a pity." Huan Fu.

"That Trash made a fool out of me in front of all those disciples and Elders" Wu Rong

After hearing that Huan Fu knew that he can't stop Wu Rong Killing Ling Tian.

"Brother I came to tell you that I collected all ingredients except one herb Dragon soul Grass for *Soul Seizing Pill*. Brother have you decided your new soul container" Huan Fu

"Yeah, I have decided but this new container is well known new Genius of the Sect." Wu Rong

"You mean *LIU CHEN* that new genius of the sect who even sect leader has eyes on?" Huan Fu

"Yeah, that one. we will act tonight and capture." Wu Rong when huan fu heard that he starting sweating then Wu Rong said: "Don't worry he going to take the mission from the quest hall for sect point tonight in search for *Night Glory Flower*"

"But what if someone finds out about this." Huan Fu

"Don't Worry Tonight Ling Tian and Liu Chen both will disappear from the sect and we will spread the underworld raven's poison in the traces of Liu Chen near Ling Tian's Cave. Everyone will think Ling Tian Trash used underworld raven's poison to kill Liu Chen with a dummy Liu Chen body. Now you understand my plan" wu Rong

"Hahahahaha, Brother Rong you are clever very clever. After this plan, I will leave the sect in search of the Dragon soul Grass" Huan Fu.

After Their Talk, Wu Rong and Huan Fu waited for night and proceed with their plan and They succeeded in it and they hide the unconscious body of Liu Chen inside Elder Wu Rong's Basement.


Wang Batian with other fellow disciple went to Ling Tian's Spirit cave and started knocking until Ling Tian came out. Ling Tian Came out

"Greetings Fellow apprentice brothers" Ling Tian Cupped his hands towards the Wang Batian and other disciples.

"Ling Tian, we are going on a herb gathering mission. we want you to come with us. we wanna show you how to collect herbs in the dragon valley because that place is dangerous to go alone plus we are only going to the outskirts of dragon valley" Wang Batian

Wang Batian Knew that Ling Tian has interest in Alchemy so ling tian will definitely come.

"Let me bring my space bag." Ling tian went inside his cave and came out with a bag.

" Senior Brother Apprentice I have a small request" Ling Tian

"What is it?" Wang Batian Said in Annoying Voice.

"Senior Brother I want to meet Princess Long Ling before going to the dragon valley." Ling Tian

(If I don't comply with his this small request. he will suspect that something is wrong.) Wang batian

"Okay, come to meet us outside the sect gate in an hour" Wang Batian

" Thank you, Senior Brother. I will come fast as soon as I complete my Talk with princess Long ling" Ling Tian

After saying that Ling Tian went to meet princess Long Ling. He knocked on the door of Princess Ling. After hearing knocks on her door princess ling came out.

"Oh, Ling Tian, at last, you came to meet me. I thought you forgot about me." Princess Ling in cute sarcastic voice.

"Princess Ling, how can I forget about you? you are the one who gave me my second life. I was preoccupied with my alchemy study that's why I couldn't come to meet you." Ling Tian

"hehehehee, I was just joking. I know you study alchemy whole hardheartedly. So, what can I do for you? you know that you are the only friend I have in the sect." Princess Long Ling

"I was thinking of going on a herb gathering mission in the outskirts of the Dragon Valley. I wanted to ask that can you keep Ling Feng Company until I return(White wolf cub)" Ling Tian

"You don't even have to ask that. I will keep him company but you be careful there are many dangerous magical beasts inside the Dragon Valley." Princess Ling

"Don't worry Princess Ling, I won't get in trouble plus I am only going the outskirts of the dragon valley" Ling Tian

"I was just reminding you. Take this protection token this will help you in dangerous times" Princess Ling.

"Thank you Princess Ling and Ling Feng Protect Princess Ling in my place," Ling Tian said farewell to princess ling and Ling Feng. when ling tian said "Ling Feng Protect Princess Ling in my place" Princess Ling's Cheeks turned pink.

After done talking with Princess Ling Ling tian came out of the sect gate and saw wang batian and company.

"Ling Tian You are late." Wang Batian said in the angry voice.

"Sorry Senior brother Batian I lost on the way." Ling Tian said in the apologetic voice.

"Brother Batian, you don't have to be angry at Ling tian plus it will be night soon good time to finish our mission." Another Disciple said in Sarcastic Tone.

After finishing their arguments they move forward and Ling tian was in the middle of the gang. In the outskirts of the Dragon Valley, they started collecting Herbs and teaching about herbs to Ling Tian until they reached near a cliff and all Fellow Disciple Started Laughing and Attacking Ling Tian. Ling Tian Somehow dodged the first attack and couldn't dodge the second one and spit blood from his mouth with a shocking expression.

"Why are you attacking me. Brothers" Ling Tian asked in the bewildered voice

"Hahahaha, you still don't get it. how naive can you get Ling tian? of course, we want to kill after what you did in the bloodline test and embarrassing master. how can we leave you alive after you humiliating our master? your punishment is death." Wang Batian

"It wasn't me who wanted to be the disciple of That Greedy Old Man. He offered himself his apprentice to me. Hahahaha" Ling Tian

"Ling Tian!!!! Don't Cross Your Limit otherwise, I will skin you alive" wang batian said in Angry Voice.

"Sorry I forgot he isn't the Greedy old man but an old greedy bastard." Ling Tian and lost consciousness.

"Ling Tian!!! You Bastard I was going to skin you alive but I will punishment worse than death. Ling Tian Bastard do you know what is below this cliff that is the forbidden zone of the Dragon valley where *Bone corroding Nether yin river*. Fellow Brothers Toss. Hahahaha... Ling Tian you will become an ice sculpture in the *Bone corroding Nether yin river*"

Then Wang Batian and Gang Tossed Ling tian inside the *Bone corroding nether yin river*. Loud voices of Ling Tian's Yelling could be heard and inside the *Bone corroding nether yin river* Ling Tian Started to turn into Ice Sculpture but his consciousness still remained for 9 months and started to fade until he heard the metallic sound in his mind.


<<*The Heavenly Helping System Version 1.0 Updated to 2.0*>>

3rd bonus chapter

This chapter took me whole night to write thats why this chapter is 2 time bigger than my normal release chapter. When i was writing this chapter i just couldnt stop writing like i was being possessed by this novel...xD

I already have next chapter's storyline in my mind.

Gonna write next soon... But before i will take a long nice nap.

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