
The heartless gift

Tác giả: Xeralfantasys
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What is The heartless gift

Đọc tiểu thuyết The heartless gift của tác giả Xeralfantasys được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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The Awakening

I stroke the white horse I am riding lovingly before getting off. we are currently at the river, the one called flowing souls. Such an eerie name for a beautiful river. I move towards the bank, where the hands of the water caress the soft bosom of the land. I feel the water rush forward and stop just in front of me, kissing the tips of my shoes. I close my eyes and think of nothing but happiness. The first time I went hunting with him, my jayjay. The feel of his hands on my body, the fire in his eyes when they roam over my body, that lust, that desire. The way he laughs, the way he adores me, that is happiness. Just then, I catch a weak scent of blood in the air. It is appetizing, my stomach churns and makes loud noises, and my legs take off of their own will in search of food. There's blood everywhere. I am covered in blood. A man lay in front of me pale as ash, his hands clutching his neck, eyes bulged out in terror. But I feel no guilt, none at all. My eyes widen In pleasure. JayJay wouldn't approve of it, but this is what we are. His ideas are Noble, but you can't deny your nature and still be you. Humans have never denied their nature. They give in to their pleasures and cravings all the time. Animals are slaughtered for their satisfaction, as food. How is that any different from what I have just done? I lick my fingers, enjoying the scent of the drying blood on them, he was truly a delicacy. This part of me is a part he will never see, never. ################################### After what felt like an eternity, I began to feel it, the cold, but it was just my heart that felt it. The other parts of me became numb, I didn't feel anything or hear anything or see anything, just the cold in my heart and the darkness, the black sea. I didn't go inside it, I sat at the bank of the sea and listened to the silence of the water. I knew the thoughts of the black sea, I could feel its consciousness, its desires and fears, it feared me, so I sat and watched. Then a lady with white flowing hair approached me, she had on a white wedding dress, she was beautiful. She stood at the mouth of the sea, where the water kissed the land and she beckoned to me, but I didn't see her, I only saw the silence and the black sea. "you have to accept me in" she says with a cocky voice. "why" "why? I am the power, I am the beauty, I am the awakened, you are nothing without me" "you're wrong" I say, standing up and turning my back to her. I walk a little distance then stop, "you're nothing but a restless voice who needs me to exist" and I was gone with the wind, back to where I belonged, back to the arms of my loving boyfriend and his best friend.

bee_333 · Kỳ huyễn
109 Chs


"Well, I guess this is as far as I've come, I'd like to say I lived well but that would be lying to myself, (sigh) how many regrets, but that's it, it's all over when you die." (or so I thought when I thought I would die). Morgan Bale was a normal boy who was a medical student, he had a good life, a nice girlfriend with whom he had promised to marry, although he grew up as an orphan but he didn't let that stop him from being happy, a really good life, but one day everything changed. On planet earth came the balancers, those in charge of keeping life at bay that spreads through the universe, luckily they do not destroy planets as they want: "May the fittest survive". They selected the best specimen of each planet with intelligent life of a region of the universe, this time the Dreus Raslor sector, and yes, here is the earth (what luck), the subject with the best physical potential and the ability to control one of the source energies of the universe would be selected to fight to the death in the Krimshan, or as we humans call it the tournament of destruction, and yes, I was the chosen one, Morgan Bale (what luck), who would say that a simple medical student who barely exercised would be the human with the best potential on earth. Wait, this already happened 100,000 years ago, and as you can imagine I won the tournament, I saved the earth, I am a hero, a hero killed in battle, I did not achieve my dream of becoming a pediatrician to help children in need, I did not fulfill the promise of marrying the woman I love. Stop right there, don't expect this to be the main story, I'm not going to tell you my tragedies. "Do I regret it?" Of course you do!!! But I can't do anything, I'm already dead. Wait, I'm not dead!!!, what happened? Well, to live again, (lucky me).

StarFall23 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Less Than Nothing

"What are we doing Alex?" He breathes against my lips. That's too sensible of a question, so I ignore it. My brain has yet to return to my body, and right now that is the last thing I'm worried about. "Stay." I whisper against his mouth, my words flowing without any thought. "Stay?" He sits up fully, which results in me straddling him. His expression is full of curiosity and mild shock. "Like stay stay?" I don't respond with words. I'm afraid if I open my mouth, I'll start to overthink and I can't afford that. Instead, I pull my shirt over my head. I do it confidently, in spite of my boldness starting to dissipate as the seconds pass. Ryan swallows. His eyes trail down to my breasts, before he looks at me again with a look I can't name. "Are you sure?" He stares into me. "Promise me you're sure." "I'm sure." I tell him softly. "I promise." ******* ALEXANDRA MONET is a twenty two year old girl, freshly out of college. After landing her dream job working for top fashion designer Adrienne Walker, she moves from a small town in Florida, to the boisterous city of New York. Since before she moved, Alex mapped out a clear plan for the direction of her life. None of which could prepare her for RYAN RUSSO...the snarky, sarcastic boy who she'll soon find herself thinking about constantly. As much as the two think they can't stand each other, there's an underlying attraction that eventually grows too strong for either them to bare. So they make an agreement... An agreement that is supposed to be void of any and all feelings, but over time it becomes a lot harder than expected. It's supposed to mean nothing. Less than nothing, but unfortunately some things just don't go as planned. Warning: Mature scenes and language.

adoringscripts · Thành thị
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12 Chs

president daddy excessive love

In the morning!Waking up from her daze due to the blinding sunlight, Tang You You opened her eyes with a splitting headache. What she saw was an unfamiliar room, and when her gaze went further down, she found the floor was scattered with clothes. Stretching her eyes, she used one hand to support her back, trying her best to recall what happened last night. She had been knocked unconscious. She really had no memory of what happened last night. At this moment, there was not a single piece of cloth on her body. The faint burning sensation of pain on her body stimulated her nerves. No matter how slow she was, she should know what had happened. Tang You You endured the pain of her body and pulled the blanket tightly around her. The room was still filled with the erotic aura. Because of having overheard her stepmother calling her mother a mistress, she was furious and let her stepbrother who hoaxed her fall off the balcony. Subsequently, she was knocked out by her stepmother and stepsister. When waking up, she was in this hotel. Tang You You pushed herself off the bed in anger and quickly picked up her clothes. Suddenly, a watch fell down. On the back of a chair beside him, there was a man's suit jacket … Tang You You angrily threw the watch against the wall. He had taken away her virginity, so he just used his watch to send her away? Go to h.e.l.l!She walked to the bathroom, her bruised face reflected in the mirror. Tang You You looked at her bruised face and thought back to the scene of the mother and the daughter violently beating her up yesterday. Which b.a.s.t.a.r.d would choose to eat her so badly and still be so tough when facing her such face? He was simply a beast. Tang You You ruthlessly scrubbed herself multiple times, to the point where she wanted to wash off a layer of skin. Only then did she shake her slender legs and leave the hotel. Five years later, she return from abroad with a pair of beautiful and handsome children. Many people adore their face that make them into the most search in the internet. Ji Xiao Han later on knew that the pair of dragon and phoenix are his and demand to take them with him.

j355ic4 · Thành thị
17 Chs
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