
Friends?: Part Two

"Sorry about that kid, you should really be careful. Not everyone is as fond of you as I am."

He said as he stretched and felt his neck out of staying still for too long. I was too shocked to say anything as I stared at him with blank eyes. I wanted to ask if he was alright but I couldn't take the words out of my mouth.

Soon, knights came swarming and were questioning people nonstop. Finally, they went to pester me with the same questions. They didn't care for the state I was in, but I saw Joule took their attention and gladly obliged them of their company. Before I left, I took one last look at Joule as he shooed me away with one hand.

"Go, enjoy your meal. I can take it from here," He said.

Then he threw a wink at me before facing the Knights that was probably here to assess the situation and reprimand whoever was responsible. I felt somewhat a little better after he brightened. Out of respect, I took the tray of food on the counter as I left...

Someone lightly tugged at my arm, as I turned to look, I found the friendly character that saved me from the scenario. Then we left walking towards the crowded Chow Hall.

We made our way towards the nearby tables as I felt my hands tremble. The tray I had was shaking profusely that he eyed me, but he kept quiet while observing. Once I found a suitable area, slowly, I sat down and placed my tray onto the table.

While seated in one of the many chairs partnered with the table. He sat opposite of me, he hadn't ordered anything from the bar and was just idly sitting there.

I was surprised by what had happened earlier, I was thankful to him, but what was that odd scenario at the end. It was like he ordered the guy to go away while his friends followed. They carried confused expressions that matched mine.

"What did you do earlier?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied while feigning ignorance.

I could tell that he was hiding something, but I didn't want to pry anymore than I need to.

"Well? Aren't you going to thank me?!" He said while wearing a proud smirk.

"T-Thank you, U-Uhm..."

I just realized that I couldn't remember his name, my mind was too out-of-bounds yesterday because of the pressuring eyes that overwhelmed me. I felt bad and awkward since he was really nice towards me. Even though I thought he felt the same way the others did.

"Romaine! Romaine Askham! I didn't think that you'd forget me already Knoxx."

As he threw his hand towards me suggesting a friendly remark. I took his hand and shook it to commemorate our proper meeting. I somewhat still felt indifferent because his friends might be angry that he was interacting with me.

"W-won't your friends get mad?" I carefully said.

He rose an eyebrow while wearing a puzzled look. Then like a struck of lightning he realized.

"Oh, don't worry. I don't think they mind."

He waved his hand against his face. Further implying that they didn't really mind the situation.

"Are you sure? I mean don't you feel the intensity around us?"

He examined our surroundings while I didn't do the same because of the heavy feeling from gazes that carried apathetic emotions. Every day was constantly pressuring that I didn't feel safe every time I wandered inside the Fortress.

"N-Nope!" He remarked.

His hesitant words made it clear that he was a victim of it too, but out of sympathy, he tried brushing it off. Certainly, it was absolute that anyone caught interacting or as much as even bumping into me felt this strong force.

It was like I was a walking taboo, even saying my name people would automatically put people into a horrid mood.

"Anyways, If I were you I won't try to eat that," He warned that interrupted my thoughts.

"Why? What's wrong with the food?"

As a result, I stared into the bowl of porridge that looked enticing paired with the wonderfully made garnishes on top. It was making me salivate out of hunger just by looking at it.

"Try it," He gestured.

"Only then you'll realize," He mumbled after.

I took the wooden spoon beside the bowl then drove it deep into the creamy-white sea of ecstasy. As my utensil swam in its majestic texture, the warm steam seeped out as I stirred it gently.

The fragrance that came with it was savory of which enveloped my nose, eventually, I couldn't hold back and took a spoonful.

"So? What do you think?" He questioned with a smug look on his face.

I frowned a bit as I couldn't pull the spoon out of my mouth because of shock. It had looked so appetizing but how could it be so terrible in taste. The beef settling on top was gamey and chewy, the porridge itself was a little undercook.

I knew it was slightly undercooked because each grain had a soft texture on the outside, but the inside was coarse and powdery. Lastly, the taste was so bland that made it feel like I was eating creamy water. No! water was better than this.

"Told you so!" As he snapped his fingers.

I could feel my face grew paler by the second that the spoon was still stuck in my mouth. I wanted to spew out the food and gag out of the sheer foulness that it contained. Eventually, I decided to swallow the horrid thing with a big gulp.

As it slowly descended down my throat, it left a blasphemous trail that made it hard to swallow.

"Oh!" He pointed at me.

Then it was followed by soft clapping, his countenance had a look of admiration that confused me. As I coughed as he continued to do so.

"W-Why, you, clapping," I forcefully said as I still had a hard time recovering from coughing.

"It's the first time I saw someone actually stomach that monstrous food, Good job!"

I sense a hint of sarcasm from him, one that might do to annoy a friend, but I didn't mind. He went out of his way to grab some water then gave it to me, finally relieving me of my ceaseless coughing.

"W-why does it taste so bad?" I questioned.

"Well, Joule is the assistant chef there, and whenever Big Bertha is gone the food would just taste like crap."

"Then how did he get that position?"

"I don't know, it's one of the questions here that remain unanswered." He replied.

He certainly has the decoration and knack for serving quickly, I wonder how he cooks the food--Eventually, the conversation ended there, as it felt a bit awkward since it was followed by a sudden silence.

"What was he doing here with me?" I thought to myself.

I just wanted to know since I didn't feel comfortable around anyone especially with my situation, then how could he? So I set aside the deceiving meal since eating more might probably make me sick.

"You might probably be wondering, why am I with you?"

He had a hand on his right cheek, a playful demeanor, and a careful way with words.

I nodded.

"Well, we have a lot in common..."

"How, so?"

"I'm different and you..." He paused.

There was a hint of a gleam in his deep gaze that made me realize that he wasn't such a bad guy.

"You're different too, and people like us should stick together."

As his face beamed with a bright smile that felt a little comforting. He stood and again, extended an arm towards me.

"What do you say?"

I couldn't exactly say no, he had been helping me ever since yesterday and I doubt that I'd have more to lose anyway. So as a result I threw a hand towards his and shook upon the agreement between us.

But one of the actual reasons why I did so was because he reminded me so much of my childhood friend...

After a short while, we made our way outside just the two of us walking through the grassy field beyond the Fortress walls. From afar, we could already see the gathering of recruits, waiting for the ever so late Instructor. We went towards a nearby tree far from the masses.

As I expected the people around kept their distance from me, continuing their ceaseless mockery, chattering with non-sensical topics.

I scanned the whole area, my eyes fell upon a particular target; it was the one from yesterday. Then I remembered something.

"Apples..." I muttered.

"What?" Romaine asked.

"Oh, N-nothing," I replied.

It was probably for the best that I was the only one that knew about the apple tree. Since it was hidden and secluded, I doubt that other recruits knew of it. I could have it all to myself, that area was quiet and peaceful.

I was really hungry because I haven't had a decent meal and that fruit is probably the only thing that'll save me.


"Yea?" He answered unanimously.

"I'll be checking something, so I'll see you here in a minute."

"Sure, sure. I'll be waiting here then." As he threw a small wave.

I did the same, then moved away--Moments later, I found myself venturing deeper into the forest slowly making my way towards the bountiful tree. I ran through the forest instead of walking casually in the middle of the field towards the tree.

I couldn't risk having such a wonderful place discovered and crowded with people. The lush greenery carried a soothing atmosphere that I forgot the reason I went through here in the first place. After a while, I finally found the Apple tree, without hesitation, I took and ate my fill then headed back to the clearing as soon as possible.

In the distance, I could see a small number of people surrounding the tree where Romaine had stayed. It had seemed as though they were talking about something, as there was a slight commotion going about. I hurried to check what was going on.

"This is a bad idea! You can't possible f--"

As I slowly neared them, the person who was talking to Romaine was interrupted by another character beside him that covered his mouth. I stared at them while they did the same, scanning me from head to toe.

"Tch!" Said one of them.

Their eyes had the same disdain and contempt as the others do, but it was as if they were trying to conceal it... Not any moments more right after, they left.

"Weren't those your friends?" I questioned.


"What did they want?"

"Nothing much really," He replied.

"They seemed pretty worried. Why don't you go with them?"

"Nah, they're just like that."

"You sure?"

"Yea, they'll understand, and besides I'm always with them so it won't be a problem."

"Okay then..."

"I wanted to introduce them but they didn't want to, they're really nice too! Trust me," He commented.

I highly doubted that I could see it in their eyes they had the same distasteful eyes everybody else did. Which is why I don't understand why is he like this to me, was it out of pity?

"Hey, it's fine, I'm used to being on my own..."

Right after I finished my words, he stood, facing towards me as he pointed a finger directly in my face.

"No one is supposed to be alone," He said firmly.

"I know how it feels like," He followed.

I could see the intensity in his face, the conviction he carried as he said those words. Words whose meaning he had brought forth from his experience, that made me feel his genuine intentions.

"T-thank you," I replied.

"Why are you thanking me?"

As he came to my right then playfully punched my shoulder.

"No need to be so formal right?" As he beamed with a bright smile.

To which he then backed off hurriedly, the sunlight that directly shone upon us had darkened. I followed the trail of shadows that marked on the grassy ground, there at its end I found the owner. His countenance had reminded me that a certain belonging of mine had gone missing.

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