
The Harem Protagonist's Friend is a Hero

after spending 6 years in another world, Sawano Aru Finds himself back to his world where he finds time didn't mive at all after going to school Aru is faced with the fact that this time he's a side character in a harem story, and so he decided to use his power to help his friend to date the heroine he chose

KiriDesu · Hiện thực
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Welcome Back Hero-Sama

The first day of high-school was a day that changed my life,though not in the same way it does for other people.

because in that day I was chosen by the other world to be the hero and defeat the demon lord,Its been 6 long years since that day.

I trained hard, I got to know a lot of people, I fell in Love, and made great companions in those six years.

But now I'm standing alone watching a big door, I lost everyone I cared about to reach this point, Rick, Ryn, Xion, Ellen....and Iris.

Using the sword that I considered a partner I slashed the Door announcing the final battle.

The demon king who killed Iris is sitting on his throne as if waiting for me to come, his dark cold eyes sent me a glare

"I won't lose this time, I am fully ready to end this battle"

He smiled at my determination,this monster never loses his composure.

"Even with your whole party you didn't...Couldn't defeat me, so why are you so confident in winning alone now?"

"I am not alone, those who supported me and those who are still waiting for me to save them, as long as people believe in hope it's a hero's duty to achieve it"

after finishing my obligatory cringe "hero" talk I jumped to defeat him. I was certain that my win is coming this time. I can't lose anymore


[Congratulations Hero-Sama you have defeated the demon king]

I can't feel my body, I can't heal my wounds, I used every magic power i had in my final attack

The system congratulated me on winning, but I don't think I have much to live...

[Thank You for saving everyone.]

[No one in this world will ever forget your story.]

[ I'm looking forward to see your next journey, Aru]

it was the first time the system called me casually like that, for some reason that was enough to force a smile on my face.

"Next journey huh? I wish it would be a calm one"

I finally closed my eyes remembering everything I went through in this world , bad and good memories.

"I don't regret anything"

And like that the six years comes to an end


When I opened my eyes again I found myself in a familiar place wearing a familiar clothes,"high-school uniform"

Before I could process anything, a notification appeared in my phone.

[Welcome back Hero-sama]