
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chaos in the tower

Somewhere in the woods, you can see a small hut. It looks old... broken down... and haunted.

{How did it go, Gen?} A transparent writing appeared in front of the kneeling Gen's eyes.

"i didn't get any money and my daggers were broken", Gen responded to the writing with a shaking voice.

The writing from before moved around and shifted until another text could be seen.

{I see... Did they see you?}

Gen took a second to respond as if scared to answer, "Y- Yes. They did"

{I see}


{I didn't expect more anyways}

{Next time at least don't be seen or you know what will happen to that tail of yours}



Wyrm eventually arrived at the Reincarnate's Guild again. He felt a bit uneasy after having ran away from there before but nobody looked his way nor did anyone care he was here. Most people probably didn't even see him with as many people as there were in the main hall of the guild.

Wyrm, instead of just looking for the exit this time, walks around a bit in the main hall and found a very long board with papers on it. Wyrm took a quick look at one of the papers.

[I think I have been cursed]

[Every day after I wake up there are more and more pieces of my farm missing]

Wyrm didn't have to read further to realize that these were quests. Next to the board was a desk with a skeleton in a black suit sitting there with their legs on the desk. The skeleton took a sip from their coffee but it just came out of their throat again and made their suit full of coffee. Still the skeleton didn't mind and just talked to a person with one of the papers from the questboard in their hands. Well, in the end the skeleton gave the person the middle finger and noclipped to who knows where but this seems to be the spot where Wyrm would accept a quest if he were to take one.

Though Wyrm wasn't here to accept a quest... yet. Instead after walking around a bit more he found a rather big glass door which had the sign [Training Grounds] above it. Inside were two other signs with an arrow pointing to each side.

/ The Tower | The Gym \

\ <----------|---------->/

To the right, Wyrm saw another glass door. When looking through it, it straight up looks like a normal gym. A normal gym with normal machines except that there were also some weapons you could use for training. Though this wasn't very special if you look at the people there. For example, there was a human made up of cubes who benchpressed what looks like 50 tons of weight without sweating. There were a few more of these but the majority was still as much noodle arm as Wyrm.

When looking to the left, he only saw a dark spiral staircase leading somewhere up. It literally looks like that one alley where, if you go through it, never come out. Or at least heavily injured. Still. People casually went up there and people casually came down. Since this seems to be the magic place Wyrm takes a deep breath and starts walking up the stairs.

He walkes up and up until... he still isn't at the top. 'God damnit, does this shit never end?' Wyrm thought to himself. He doesn't have a lot of stamina so it kinda tired him out. But something really was off. Was this one of the strange things where he was forever trapped in the staircase with no way to reach the end or the begin- oh he is here.

As soon as Wyrm reached the top, everything looked a lot less suspicious. He found himself in a biiiig room which was build up like an ikea. There were many different cubes with many different things there. Though there was a cube larger than the others, just filled with books.

"WOOOH!" Wyrm heard a cheering from a crowd which was gathered around a cube, mostly with stone and dirt inside. Wyrm could hear out fragments of what the people there said.

"Get some drinks and popcorn! Fast!"

"AHAHAH! That's the good stuff!"


Wyrm already got a bad feeling but decided to squeeze through the crowd and saw a man with brown hair and... no face on the ground. A lot of blood came out of him from the many holes that were in his body. But where did the holes come from? Wyrm's eyes wandered around the scene until he saw a hornet flying above the, probably corpse. The hornet had some pebbles floating around it which, at least Wyrm assumes so, made the holes in the definitely now dead body.

"FUCK!!!", a loud 'fuck' could be heard which seemed to come from the hornet, "FUCK!!! FUCK!!!" The hornet continued as if it was the only thing it could say... which alone was already more than a hornet should be able to say but the people around Wyrm treat it like it was completely normal so he did too. Or at least he pretended to. This whole scene just seemed to be way too much for him. Someone died right now. The corpse is right in front of everyone but people are thinking it's funny?

Well, it seems more like they don't treat it as anything special. As soon as nothing more happened, the people went to other cubes again. The corpse still there on the dirt. The people straight up ignoring it.

"What the fuck is actually up with this world?!"


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-If you need to study for an exam, this is the best time to write a new chapter of your novel-

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