

Disclaimer: English is mysterious second language, do you note any mistake? Do not hesitate to notify me about it. :) Happy to learn.

Can you feel it? The Darkness? It is subtle and slowly growing. It's like a small spider crawling on your leg. At first it is just a tickling. The tickling is unpleasant, causing sleepless nights therefore everyone is feeling restless. The earth is telling us, no warning us. Something vile and evil is coming. This feeling reminded me strangely of an old story. Told through many generations. Every child knew the story and everytime the story changed just a little. Another angle, another message, but nonetheless it was the same story: The Guardians of the light.

Many and many years ago, long before the present elder was born. It happened. On a warm winter night a bright star appeared. Never had a star been that bright or seen with so many colors. Rays of rainbow were filling the sky. Everyone in the country was able to see it. "Come look outside, the star is special!" people were woken up from their sleep. People were filled with happiness and looked the entire night at the sky. Never seen before but beautiful nonetheless. Only the elder of the Samir village was not able to see it. He was blind but still something did happen. In his sleep he heard a clear voice speaking to him. "Annah! Annah! Come quickly, I need Paper and pencil!". Annah was the caretaker of the elder. She made sure that he was healthy and well. Even if he was blind the elder always remained positive. "But sir-". "I have no time to explain. I must write it down before it is all lost!". The Elder faced Annah. "No time, no time. I need paper and pencil". Annah did what she was told and gave him the supplies he asked for. Patiently she waited until the elder was done. And after a few hours the elder was done. "Annah? I'm very sorry to burden you with this. But you must deliver this at once to the great wizard of the North. He will know what to do". The elder sounded somewhat sad, but Annah knew not to ask any questions. "Yes sir, I will leave at dawn. Please get some rest while I prepare my journey". The elder nodded. But before Annah left the room the Elder spoke once more. "Annah, Thank you for the care you have given me. See this as an opportunity to find the meaning of happiness and love". The elder smiled kindly. It seems as if he knew that that night would be his last. With a heavy heart Annah left the house and began to travel to the North. It would only be a few days.

Upon her arrival at the house of the wizard of the North, she was expected. Wizards always had a way of knowing if something of someone would come for advice. The wizard of the North was a man of few words, but made sure Annah was well rested before he sent her home. The wizard studied and read the things the elder had written. It seemed it was written in code. Few weeks passed by and the wizard was finally able to read the message. His expression turned grey and he rubbed his temples.

"In the following 1000 years the star will appear again and will mark the champions of light. In the time that they're born the world would seem black. They will be the one to return the light or for it forever to remain dark. An imagable amount of strength, courage and intelligence will be asked of them. But the fate of the balance between good and bad solely lies in their hands."

666 years later and nothing seemed to have happened. Only the strange feeling that we're on the verge of a new age. Of course after the prophecy was heard an army was formed. Schools were built to train and teach the newer generations. But after so long the story was not taken to the heart anymore. The prophecy was no more than a strange bedtime story. With only the beginning but no end. But little did we know that the world was changing. Just a little less color and more shadows surrounding us. On one day some dark never seen before creatures began attacking us humans. Would the story really be real?

For now we managed to hold them back but their numbers were increasing and their strength getting stronger. How long could we manage? The people were becoming scared and those with a weak heart began to lose hope. Dark times were upon us as predicted, but things would become a lot darker before it even had a little ray of light.

But enough about these depressing things, afterall just like you, I only was a bystander.

666 years after the prophecy, on the sixth day of the sixth month at midnight, it happened. The promised star shone brightly in the night. And at exact 1am the start exploded and the rays of colorful light were visible throughout the entire country. On that same night at 1am thirteen children were born. Since the prophecy was forgotten nobody did even pay attention to the newborns. Well almost nobody, the mages, trained to protect everyone held the prophecy close to their hearts. While many people were asleep a killer came out of the shadows. The dark creatures crawled out of the woods destroying everything on their path. Men, women and children were brutally murdered in the entire country. The entire night screams were heard. The mages tried to save as many people as possible. But the numbers of the dark creatures were far too many and way too strong. "The newborns! Our champions, we need to get them to safety!" A mage shouted to his companions. "There is no safe place left, we're doomed" another shouted while trying to kill a dark creature. "Yes, there is," a cold voice said. The dark creatures stopped attacking and the mages were looking in the directions of the voice. "Earth" said the voice calmly. A tall hooded figure stepped out of the forest. A bit of his silver blond hair was glinstering in the moonlight. "You're right, but who are you?" the captions of the mages asked. Slowly took the hooded figure's hood down. His dark skin and silver blond hair made sure he looked a bit odd. Along with his cold silver eyes. The caption eyes wided and knelt down instantly. The others followed his example. "My lord, please forgive us for speaking rudely. We simply did not know that the crown prince would be in the village, sir". The prince raised his hand to silence him. "But, why would I save those who surely will come to stand in my way?" he asked as he didn't care about the newborn. "Oh, and I'm not merely a crown prince, I'm king now" He smirked when he had said that. "W-what happened to king Austria?" a low rank mage asked. "You will respect me. But I will answer nonetheless. He's dead" he paused. "And yes I killed him," he said smiling. "Sandel! Why?! Why did you kill him" an older mage shouted. "He was simply not up to the task anymore". The mages trembled with fear. King Sandel used to be the captain of the army and the most strongest warrior the kingdom has seen. "Send my regards, to poor old dad. Cause those who speak out of turn will join them" King Sandel whispered a spell and bound the bodies to his will. The two mages tried to resist the mage but he was far too strong. Sandel forced them to walk to a burning house. He sent them to a burning death. He laughed out loud. "Now, kneel before me or bring yourself to your end". As the mages were a lot weaker than him and filled with fear they slowly knelt before him. A handful of people resisted him, but their intent was in vain. Sandel simply didn't care, he killed them quickly. Like it was nothing.

"I'm feeling generous today, so I will give you all a chance. Let see who will complete the prophecy. Send all the newborns to earth. It would give me some lovely entertainment in the future." The mages transported one by one the newborns to earth. "Don't be sad, the 'heroes' will come back," Sandel said laughing. "Once their magic is awoken, if it even will''. The mages completed their task and could do nothing more than to fulfill Sandel's wishes. Slowly the kingdom of Rafiea was covered in darkness. Would the champions bring the light back? Or would they remain in darkness and sorrow? Only time would tell.