
The Greatest Power is on My Hands.

Waking up from his sleep, our protagonist finds that he was in an unknown place. ''What is this place?'' ''Where am I?" ''Is this another world?'' Let us see! The journey that he will take. First World: Maybe MHA PS: I don't own anything except my original character

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9 Chs


(An: Another chapter!)

(Uugh, I need to rest for a bit!)

Chapter 7

Time skip, two years after Tatsumi met Arima!




A sound of metal got hit by another metal was echoing through the room.

The room was full of various kinds of tools, weapons, and metal craft. In the wall, we can see many knives, swords, blades, and spears that got dangled neatly.

In the middle of the room, we can see a kid around the age of eight swinging a blacksmith hammer into the hot metal.

The kid has short ash hair and a healthy complexion. Combined with his slender figure that strong enough to handle a heavy hammer, we know that this boy trained his body.

Even though it's weird to see an eight-year-old kid hammering a metal, his hand keeps swinging rhythmically while a small grin appears on his face.

''Just a little more,'' Tatsumi muttered while looking at the piece of hot metal that had begun to form like daggers.



''Phew, Quenching the metal,'' He said while taking the hot dagger with tongs and shimmered into an oil. The flames that created between hot metal and oils were dancing around the air.

Hurriedly pulling back the dagger, Tatsumi then starts looking at his creation with a frown.

''It's work?'' He said while testing the hardness of the metal.

''Finishing,'' Tatsumi added while sharpening the dagger.

But then suddenly, ''Tatsumi!'' Arima shouting while opening the door behind Tatsumi!


''Fuck!'' Tatsumi shout in surprise and then dropped the dagger that he made.

(Insight!) He shouts in his mind while his eyes shine with a dim light and then hurriedly clutch the dagger with his hand.

''Fiuh,'' Tatsumi released a breath of relief.

Tatsumi, then averting his eyes while glaring hatefully toward Arima, and from the gaze, Arima knows that he comes back at the wrong time!

''Haha, Ehem, Did you want to go with me?'' Arima asked with an awkward laugh.

''Where?'' Tatsumi replied while continuing the finish off his dagger.

Taking a whetstone nearby, Tatsumi then starts pouring the water on it while gently swipe his dagger.

''As you see, you're my grandson, but I don't formally adopt you, so...'' Arima said while making Tatsumi's hands move staggered for a bit.

''Even though I already prepared the document and the recommendation from the social service,''

''I still have to your presence, which will validate my evaluation to adopt you!'' He added with a smile.

''Is that so, how long did you prepare this?'' Tatsumi calmly asked.

''Around one year and a half,'' Arima firmly replied.

''Hehe, of course, If you don't want to...'' He added with a sad expression.

''No, It's all right, you can adopt me,'' Tatsumi said while avoiding eye contact. But, we can see a smile appears on his face.

''So...'' Arima asked with expectation while staring at Tatsumi.

''Yeah, Thank you, grandpa!'' Tatsumi replied.

(After two years with Tatsumi, my life become more fulfilled than before, and even though I don't have a wife or descendant,)

(Tatsumi is enough to accompany my lonely self.) Arima thought with a little smile, and he still remembers when he met Tatsumi in the forest and his first cooking.

''life is full of mysteries?!'' Arima muttered in his heart.

After retiring from his work, he was living in a secluded area far away from the crowds. His life is always empty, and he already tried to find a partner for himself, but he can't find one.

Even though many women want to become his life partner, he was rejecting their offer. Because they only want to have fame and money.

After long years, his life becomes tiresome and boring, and he then starts many things. Starting from traveling with his quirk and find a new hobby like blacksmith!

Blacksmithing is the only thing that can't sever his boredness, but then he found it, he found a kid that can fulfill his life!

Kurogane Tatsumi! His disciple! His Grandson! Tatsumi is a person that can prolong his legacy!

(Sigh, at least my life has become more abounding than before because of Tatsumi!) Arima thought with a little smile remembering two years of experience that they have done!

''Family...'' Tatsumi muttered while polishing his dagger. A warmness starts overflowing his heart, and he knows that he never felt something like this!

''A love of a family,'' He added while finally finishing his dagger.

[Item: Fine White-Bladed Dagger]

[Description: A dagger made by a master blacksmith apprentice! It was very durable and sharp! Because of the feeling and ability of the blacksmith, the quality of this dagger had increased! +50 Damage!]

[Effect: Bleeding]

[Grade: Rare]

''Eh?! This dagger?'' Tatsumi said in shock while looking at the dagger in his hand that glistening in white light.

''Did something happen?'' Arima said while walking closer to Tatsumi.

But then, his eyes also become shocked and full of a surprise because the dagger in Tatsumi is already thoroughly exceeding the skill that he should have!

''Can I touch, the dagger!'' Arima asked Tatsumi.

''Here...'' Tatsumi handing the dagger to Arima.

(Hmm, this dagger is weird, not only it firm, but it's also sharp!) Arima thought.

''With his skills and experience, Tatsumi shouldn't be able to make something like this, except he was a genius?!'' Arima muttered with a confused yet shocked expression.

He knew very well about Tatsumi's talent, and he was a brilliant child! Not only he a fast learner that can absorb any kind of his teaching like a sponge absorbing water, but Tatsumi is also born with inborn insight.

(But, even a genius needs time to grow, and Tatsumi, only learning about blacksmith for two years! is this just a fluke!) Arima thought while thinking about something.

''Wait, his quirk!'' Arima said in shock!

''Tatsumi!'' he said while grabbing Tatsumi's shoulder.


''Your quirk is increasing your perception, right!" Arima asked while shaking Tatsumi's body!

''Y-Yeah, My Quirk, <Insight> is increasing my perception!''

''Hmm, no wonder...'' Arima said with full of thought.

''I will start your battle training from now on!''

''Eh, Didn't you say you would only train you after I studied to be a blacksmith for four years?'' Tatsumi retorted with a frown!

''No, I said that because I think that with your talent, maybe you only need four years to become as skilled as me!''

''Even though you still lacking experience in blacksmith, your skill almost enough to already make a masterpiece!'' Arima said while handing the dagger to Tatsumi.

''Eh, really?'' Tatsumi asked while tilting his head.

''Yeah, Of course, because you're my grandson! You can't be an ordinary kid! Right!'' Arima proudly stated while patting Tatsumi's head.

''Un,'' Tatsumi replied while hearing a notification sound in his mind.


[Blacksmith skill has increased!]

[Grade: C-ranks!]

(Good!) He thought.

''So, when did you want to bring me?'' Tatsumi asked.

''Today!'' Arima replied with a smile.

''Sigh, I need to take a shower for myself, first!''

''Ok then, I'll be waiting in the living room!'' Arima said while disappearing!

''Adoption, huh,'' Tatsumi said while walking toward the shower room.

(Maybe a family is not a bad thing after all) He thought.