

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs


A large group of students walked foward and began registering themselves for the Elemental class. Without even any hesitation,Wendy also registered herself in this class.Her main perfection was on magic.

Hellen had also joined the class.This is because she always has a motive of doing what other vampires don't know of.Like right now,she could summon pink aura,which is different from the red aura the other vampires could summon.She wanted to do more than that.

'Can I join the Elemental class?'Krad thought.'But there is no need,my system would always make it possible for me to be able to use every single magic skill I receive from it.That reminds me,I had received the air sword skill.My movements on it are quite sloppy and would need perfection.About forging,I don't even think so.'He had made up his mind,he will be joining the Combat class.

After the Elemental students had finished registering,the ones for Combat were called in.Krad and another fair number of students of around twenty filled in their names and lastly was the Forgery class.Only five students were interested in this one.The Elemental class had truly taken a large chunk of the class.

"So,for the Forgery class, your teacher will be waiting for you in the underground floor."Eugene clapped his hands several times and a troll walked in.It was a short human figure creature with its skin being made of hard rock and was quite muscular."This troll here will escort you.Now off you go."The five students left following the troll from behind.

He clapped his hands again and another troll walked in the room."The Combat class,follow this troll and he will show you the way.And as for the Elemental class,this will be our class and you should be expecting the other second years who are in Elemental class to join us."

Krad stood up with the other combat students and followed the troll behind.It was walking quite fast for its tiny legs and hadn't made a word with them.They went down stairs till they were on the second floor.On opening a door to a room,it wasn't just a room,but a very large hall almost the size of the dining hall.It looked to have taken two floors high and a complete floor base area.

The walls of the room had many types of weapons hang on them.Even armours and more.The troll had done its task,so it turned and left.The room had no seats or even tables,it was just open.At the front,they could see a man sitting on the floor in a monk position with his eyes closed.He had short brown hair and was quite muscular.

"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to sit down?"The man asked with his surprisingly soft and calm voice.He still had his eyes closed.He had a unique shape of a moustache between his upper lip and nose.It weirdly hang down his cheeks reaching his jaw line as if he was some type of ancient master.

They sat on the floor and waited for more orders as they continued to look on the weapons.They had never seen anything like this before.After some time,the other second years had arrived and their combat class was fully occupied with at least almost a thousand students.As if he had been watching them,the old looking man stood up, opened his eyes and looked at the students.

"I hope you are fine my new students."He said lifting his hands up above,the returning them to their normal position."Call me Master Sensei.And I will be your combat teacher.I will be teaching you guys how to fight and use weapons.And also,how to combine your powers with your weaponries to get even stronger."The students smiled with excitement.Most even had their eyes glued on the weapons that they liked.

"But before anything else,I would like to see what you could all do in terms of strength."Sensei brought out a large dummy from the corner of the room.He then picked up a sword and pointed at one student, signalling at her to come forward."I would like you to hit this dummy with this sword as hard as you can."Sensei said.

The girl picked the sword and swung as hard as she could hitting the dummy on the head.The dummy was made of a solid metal material.On hitting the dummy,it didn't move or bulge,but the sword vibrated and bounced back as it slipped from her hands falling to the side."Though sloppy and weak,I like that look in your eyes.The look of determination."Sensei commented picking up the sword and the girl returned to her sitting position.

"It's your turn."He picked another student,this time,a boy.He was just picking them randomly.Though the dummy didn't move or get a dent when he hit it,the sword remained on his hands but he felt numb due to the vibration."Nice nice."Sensei said as he dubbed his moustache.He continued picking student after student,and now his eyes landed on someone.

"You, purple eyes,its your turn."He was pointing his finger at Krad,who stood up bravely and walked up to the teacher.But before Sensei gave him the sword,he whispered at him."I can sense that you are different from the rest,so don't disappoint me."Krad was confused by what Sensei had just said but decided to shrug it off and picked the sword.

'Okay,I know you can do something.'Krad thought as he readied the sword backwards and slashed horizontally.A loud bang resounded through the whole hall.Looking closer, everyone could see a large inward dent on the side of the dummy.The sword was still resting on it unmoving,still in Krad's hand.

"Magnificent!"Sensei remarked as he took the sword from Krad and wet to pick another dummy as he placed the one that was now destroyed away.'Wait,but this is supposed to be an intermediate tier sword,how did it get a crack just from a swing from an average student?'He thought as he looked at Krad's direction then at the ruined sword.' I'll need to keep an eye on him.'Sensei thought as he picked another sword from the wall and continued with the testing.

"Silver boy,come and have your turn."Sensei pointed at a boy who sat far behind the large group.Krad had not noticed him as he had not payed any attention to the other second years that had joined them.Looking at who was pointed at,he was suprised.

He was fidgeting slightly and tensing up as he picked the sword and looked at the dummy.'If Krad made a dent on it,then so can I ."Caleb swung the sword diagonally hitting the dummy on where it was supposed to be the neck.It slightly bent inwards as a loud bang went off."Looks like I already have some boosters in here."The teacher said.It was not only Krad and Caleb who were able to deform the dummy,but some other students were also able to put slight dents and others scratches.

"In this class we will only have one day for theory,which will be today,and the rest will be training."Sensei began as all the students were sat on the wooden floor listening keenly."First of all,why are we fighting?We are fighting for freedom, aren't we?So that means we will need to get stronger and more,And also learn from the experienced.

"All the weapons you see here are just intermediates.So they aren't that strong as you expected.This means that our class has some relationship with the forgery class as they are the ones that will forge you weapons when you have your better crystals like the advanced ones.The academy will never provide a crystal to you. If you already have a higher grade crystal,then you can talk to one of the third or fourth year forgers to make a suitable weapon for you.

"For the ones who don't have,you will have to train with these intermediate tier weapons till we go for a beast hunting practical.In this event,you will hunt beasts with attributes that will suite you and get a delightful weapon from its crystal."

Krad smiled inwardly when he heard this.Back at the green planet,they were unable to absorb the advance tier crystals.They didn't know why,so they decided to store them up for future reference,like right now.Right now in his endless void space,he had an advanced tier crystal that he had got from the wolf they had fought that time,and some two others.He remembered how strong the flame attribute on Wendy's staff was and was thinking how his weapon would be like.

"The forgery rooms for the second, third and fourth years are on the basement of each year building.Due to the fourth year being a new level,it is yet to have its own building.So they share the middle building with the school staffs."Sensei continued."In fact, tomorrow is a weekend,so you will be free to do whatever you want.And after the end of the two days weekend, you'll be back here and we will begin with learning practically..."He continued his class for long long hours of theories.

I would like to know how your are so far experiencing the book,so please if you may do, comment and let me know.Thank you.

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