
The Great Magic Era

In the world of Aureum there are 3 main continents, the vast Verdant, the ancient Antana and the land of gods, Midrass. Since the fall of the ancient elven empire of Lefheim 5000 years ago, the once unified continent of Verdant was now fractured in many nations, all in constant war with one another, where only the strong can carve it's own place amongst the victors, leaving the weak to be forgoten, only to be found as footnotes in the books of history. "Chronicles Of The Broken Sword - Gladius Relicta 2534 h.c.".

blacheaven · Kỳ huyễn
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On a military convoy, traveling towards the Kandrian region, a small company of some 200 elite units, advanced swiftly through the official road. Their mission was to scort supplies for the next 3 months to the military base of "Dragon Pass Fortress", and the troops are to be deployed once they reach there.

The strategic value of the Dragon Pass had suddenly risen in the last half a year, since the war betweend the Karg Kingdom and the Sorh Dynasty over the access to the northern sea began. The northern sea of Verdant is right now the only safe, shortest rute if one wants to go from Verdant to Antana.

Currently the war has reached a critical point in the frontline, where the royal army under the leadership of King Alexander V had pushed back the invading Dynasty troops from the Kingdom's soil back to into their own territory. Also in colaboration with both Duchess Leonore and Duchess Audrey, King Alexander, after having obtanded a small victory, organized a surprise attack to the Dynasty's supply lines by striking the coastal cities of the northern Dynasty province of Gestares.

With a series of swift attacks, the King took control of said cities, imposibiliting naval reinforcements from the Dynasty's side that slowed drasticaly the speed at with they could mobilize their resources to the battlefield.

Now, the battlefield has moved into the enemy territory, with the Kingdom mobilizing close to 60% of all its troops to the frontlines, it severely affected the national strenght as a whole, and fearing a sudden attack coming from the southern border of the Kandrian and Lornne regions, king Alexander ordered a new round of conscription from across the country.

Being a country with more than 700 years of history, and having survived through the 3rd holy war and many small territorial wars that followed after, the Karg Kingdom has a very strenght orientes culture, focused in cultivating talents since young as warriors. Many of the noble households have deep heritages in magic and martial arts, while also being conected to the military, what's more the majoritybof the noble families would willingly send their youths to enlist into the army as a form of coming of age ceremony, where they have to serve for the minimum of 4 years before coming back.

Althogh nobles and those related to the noblesse usually have greater magical talents, which allow them to aim for higher positions within the army as combat mages, researchers or magic warriors, they only make a very small percentage in comparison to the commoners, and since the crowning of King Alexander 16 years ago the numbers of those from humble origins in the military have only grown larger.

Most of the new recruits, be it as normal troops or part of the magic elite troops, are those coming from the magic schools and the commoners, with a small number of nobles coming this time as volunteers.

This convoy, in direction to Dragon Pass was part of the last batch, among the 200 untits, some were veterans who've survived in the last war 10 years ago, and others had never seen blood being spilled on the battlefield. The cargo they transport is also special, composed of armor piercing bolts and crossbows, melting bombs, healing potions, medicine, magic reinforced sets of armor and elemental crystals.

Coming from the northern regions of Saman and Karg, they've been on the road for almost 9 days already, in the next 3 days they're goung to reach the southern border of Kandria, right next to the Broken Fang Mountains in Dragon Pass Fortress. Through the journey many of the soldiers had comento familiarize with each other, ocassionaly striking up conversation to kill time, and making friends.

One such conversation amongst 3 youngsters in particular had been going since earlier in the morning.

"Why is that we've been riding on horse up from north for almost 10 days already?" One of the youngsters, a young man of light brown skin and short dark hair said from the top of his horse.

"Meaning?" Another young man, of pale white complexion and brown hair questioned the first one in a slightly amused tone.

"What other meaning!, I wanna know why are we using the slowest medium of transport possible"

"I can barely fell my butt after such a long journey. I may be the son of farmers, but even i know that this is not what the army use to move around normally" retorted the first man in annoyance.

*Sigh* the second man, feigning a sigh then said:

"You really have a short sight, look at the bigger picture Julio, your sorry ass is of no importance in the grand scheme of things. Surely you don't expect the army to send a couple of heavy roamers to help the deployment of so little troops, are you?" Answered the second man while luaghing, clearly with the intent to make fun of Julio.

"You noble folk are the real pain in the ass to deal with" said Julio before pointing forward to the 3rd young man, who have yet to say anything.

"Why can't you be more like Omar, he's also a noble but does't put on airs and neither makes fun of me. He's definitely some worth being friends with, unlike you Gabriel" replied Julio with a sneer.

While Julio and Gabriel were bickering, hurling insults back and fort. The young Omar had his face in a frown, his skin was light tanned with a lean muscular body, his hair was blond and his eyes like ambar, his height of 1.83 mts barely qualified being described as tall, although he wasn't particulary handsome, his calm disposition and direct behavior often leaved a pretty good impression on others, gaining easily their trust.

"You two! Better keep it down, at this point before the enemy can even begin to threat my life i'll be bleeding to my death from both of my ears before reaching Dragon Pass" said Omar, who couldn't bear another second of their tirade.

well, from here onwards is the second volume, better be prepared, for there will be a revelation at the end of this one as well, hehe.

As always hit me in the comments if you have any opinion of my work, or if you find any typos.

blacheavencreators' thoughts